Holy Crap!

Originally posted by Big D
Like I just said just a couple of posts ago I do not hate blacks, I understand them.

It would be like hating a pit bull for being aggressive, it is just the nature of the beast.

Oh, you're a sociologist?
Knowledge--something you seem to lack--leads to understanding.
Compassion--something you also seem to lack--leads to acceptance.

So I'm not buying it...

You're a hatemonger, Big D. It's pathetic.
Originally posted by Big D
This is my body, in my house, in my country. I don't want anything of mine invaded by those, who by their very presence, will harm these things. I wasn't put on this earth to be the passive host of anything that will harm me. And, I don't give a damn if it's termites, a virus, or illegal alien humans who are just trying to make better lives for themselves. They have no right to harm me. I don't care if they love their families. I don't care if they just want to work. I just don't care. Their intent doesn't matter a bit to me. What I'm concerned about is the effect of their presence. Yammer, yammer, of course they all want better lives for themselves and their families! So, damn what?

Pond scum wants a better life. Dung beetles want a better life. The AIDS virus wants a better life. It's nature's way to have all living things seek a better life. All living things want to be comfortable. Flat worms in a Petri dish will move to an area of the Petri dish where they feel more comfortable. Germs will move to bodies where they feel more comfortable. It never ends. Some humans don't move to other areas because they work hard and build the place where they live into a place that is comfortable. Americans have done that to the U.S. We've made our place comfortable--for us. Now, other humans who are too stupid or too lazy or too incompetent to make their own places comfortable, figure they can just walk across the border and take over all the comfort that we've built.

What the hell are we, the universal hosts for anything and everything that can crawl into our bodies, our homes and our nation? Is that our purpose in life? Is that why we exist?

I don't think so.

Cry me a fucking river.
That's the biggest pile of horseshit I've stepped in all day.
Silver, you've gotta watch out for those stray piles...
Originally posted by Big D
This is my body, in my house, in my country. I don't want anything of mine invaded by those, who by their very presence, will harm these things. I wasn't put on this earth to be the passive host of anything that will harm me. And, I don't give a damn if it's termites, a virus, or illegal alien humans who are just trying to make better lives for themselves. They have no right to harm me. I don't care if they love their families. I don't care if they just want to work. I just don't care. Their intent doesn't matter a bit to me. What I'm concerned about is the effect of their presence. Yammer, yammer, of course they all want better lives for themselves and their families! So, damn what?

Pond scum wants a better life. Dung beetles want a better life. The AIDS virus wants a better life. It's nature's way to have all living things seek a better life. All living things want to be comfortable. Flat worms in a Petri dish will move to an area of the Petri dish where they feel more comfortable. Germs will move to bodies where they feel more comfortable. It never ends. Some humans don't move to other areas because they work hard and build the place where they live into a place that is comfortable. Americans have done that to the U.S. We've made our place comfortable--for us. Now, other humans who are too stupid or too lazy or too incompetent to make their own places comfortable, figure they can just walk across the border and take over all the comfort that we've built.

What the hell are we, the universal hosts for anything and everything that can crawl into our bodies, our homes and our nation? Is that our purpose in life? Is that why we exist?

I don't think so.

You mind sourcing out that propoganda there sparky?

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