Hollywood stars are gun haters


Diamond Member
Jan 19, 2010
Can you say hypocrite?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrJjlPH1dqo&feature=player_embedded]Demand A Plan? Demand Celebrities Go ______ [Clean Version] - YouTube[/ame]
"Demand a plan"...any plan. It doesn't really matter if that plan has no positive effect on violent crime. It doesn't matter if that plan ends up putting law abiding citizens at a disadvantage when facing armed criminals that don't give a shit about regulations. It doesn't matter if that plan weakens the ability of the people to resist tyranny. Just demand a plan...because, after all, it's about what FEELS right.
If they are so against guns and violence any actor who made a movie or TV show that had guns in it
should give their salary back or donate it to victims of gun violence...

Until then tell them I said shut the fuck up.

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