Hollywood Conservatives Say Gore Should Lose Oscar Over Climate-Gat


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
Just days ahead of an international climate change conference, global warming guru and former Vice President Al Gore has been hit by an inconvenient scandal -- one that's reverberated all the way back to Hollywood.

Two conservative screenwriters say Gore should be stripped of his Oscar in light of the global warming questions raised by leaked e-mails out of a British research center.

The former vice president earned the Oscar in 2007 for his climate change manifesto "An Inconvenient Truth." He later went on to earn a Nobel Peace Prize and become one of the world's leading authorities on global warming.

FOXNews.com - Hollywood Conservatives Say Gore Should Lose Oscar Over Climate-Gate

yes, that would be the decent thing to do, I always knew he didn't believe what he was selling. cause he just kept flying around and around in those jet aeroplanes of his. Aren't we lucky he never became president!
Make them prove that Global Warming doesn't exist first
Al Gore didnt win an Oscar, Davis Guggenheim(Best Documentary, Features) and Melissa Etheridge(Best Achievement in Music Written for Motion Pictures, Original Song) were the recipients of the two Academy Awards given to a An Inconvenient Truth.
Al Gore didnt win an Oscar, Davis Guggenheim(Best Documentary, Features) and Melissa Etheridge(Best Achievement in Music Written for Motion Pictures, Original Song) were the recipients of the two Academy Awards given to a An Inconvenient Truth.

I cudda swore I saw gore prance out there and take an oscar in his hands!
Al Gore didnt win an Oscar, Davis Guggenheim(Best Documentary, Features) and Melissa Etheridge(Best Achievement in Music Written for Motion Pictures, Original Song) were the recipients of the two Academy Awards given to a An Inconvenient Truth.

I cudda swore I saw gore prance out there and take an oscar in his hands!

He may have but he didnt win one.
Al Gore didnt win an Oscar, Davis Guggenheim(Best Documentary, Features) and Melissa Etheridge(Best Achievement in Music Written for Motion Pictures, Original Song) were the recipients of the two Academy Awards given to a An Inconvenient Truth.

I cudda swore I saw gore prance out there and take an oscar in his hands!

He may have but he didnt win one.

well if he took one and didn't win one that makes him a fraud. but you knew that didn't you?
Al Gore won the Nobel prize, not the Oscar
And once again, Willow and these two Hollywood Conservatives show how stupid they truly are.

Al Gore Did NOT Win an Oscar for “Inconvenient Truth” » BiggAndyy the Magazine

There is one difference. Al Gore does not get to KEEP the Oscar statue. He merely accepted it on behalf of the actual winner, Davis Guggenheim. The Best Documentary Award is not given to the star of the documentary or the actors involved but to the directors or producers.

But the article itself lied about Gore accepting it.

If you watch it again, you’ll see that Gore was not even going to go on stage. Guggenheim grabbed his arm and motioned to Gore urgently, beckoning him to come on stage. Then after his speech, he makes a show of extending the statue to Gore and says, “We share this with you.” Gore did not accept the award on anyone’s behalf. He stood up only after Guggenheim invited him to the stage. He made a brief speech only after Guggenheim spoke. You have misrepresented the event.

And this is verified as you can see here:


This talks about the impact of Global Warming. Now it's up to you that Global Warming does not exist at all. You use Climategate which is a few scientists to represent a whole community, what a fraud you are.
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Make them prove that Global Warming doesn't exist first
There's no need to do that.

Al Gore didnt win an Oscar, Davis Guggenheim(Best Documentary, Features) and Melissa Etheridge(Best Achievement in Music Written for Motion Pictures, Original Song) were the recipients of the two Academy Awards given to a An Inconvenient Truth.
Melissa should keep her's. Davis should lose his.

Make them prove that Global Warming doesn't exist first

How about someone proves MMGW exists first, jesus christ ........:cuckoo:
That was Al's goal. He failed....and he knows it. There's only Obama to carry the torch now.
There's no need to do that.

Al Gore didnt win an Oscar, Davis Guggenheim(Best Documentary, Features) and Melissa Etheridge(Best Achievement in Music Written for Motion Pictures, Original Song) were the recipients of the two Academy Awards given to a An Inconvenient Truth.
Melissa should keep her's. Davis should lose his.

Climategate if it turns out to be true does not disprove Global Warming. Do not be a partisan hack that believes such bullshit. This documentary was about Global Warming. Therefore, they get to keep their oscar.
:lol: There's an inconvenient screen capture on your Youtube posting of Al Gore holding an Oscar. :lol:


If you watch it again, you’ll see that Gore was not even going to go on stage. Guggenheim grabbed his arm and motioned to Gore urgently, beckoning him to come on stage. Then after his speech, he makes a show of extending the statue to Gore and says, “We share this with you.” Gore did not accept the award on anyone’s behalf. He stood up only after Guggenheim invited him to the stage. He made a brief speech only after Guggenheim spoke. You have misrepresented the event.
then why did he prance his fatt butt up on the stage and take it in his hands and make a speech?

Can you read? I guess not.

If you watch it again, you’ll see that Gore was not even going to go on stage. Guggenheim grabbed his arm and motioned to Gore urgently, beckoning him to come on stage.

If you can't read, maybe you can watch:


0:05 to 0:09.

Now, you have already made a fool of yourself by creating this thread. You done?

P.S: Davis asked him to hold it while he talked, he's not a recipient of it.
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