Hold parents responsible


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
are they will not take responsibility

Saying we have a humane/compassionate responsibility to educate children of Illegal Aliens jut because their parents made a bad choice by bringing them he illegally is like saying Americans are responsible for children brought into this world by no choice of their own. Parents make bad choice concerning their children and they should be held responsible. Criminals commit crimes and go to jail separating them from their children and families, should we do the humane/compassionate thing for their children and let them out of jail so they can be with their children? Illegal Aliens made the choice to bring their children here and then expect us to teach them English, educate them, provide jobs for them, etc? U.S. taxpayers should not be expected to take responsibility for Illegal Aliens bad choices and they should take their children back to Mexico and have them educated since they are citizens of Mexico.

We would not have to educate children of immigrants if we only let those immigrate that have something to offer this country. Doctors, nurses, professionals, etc. illegal immigration is immigrating poverty and we have enough poverty of our own.

Automatic Birthright Citizenship for children of Illegal Aliens is holding U.S. citizens responsible for children of Illegal Aliens.

Those Illegal Aliens that have been here 25 years and have homes and children in school knew when they entered this country illegally they were subject to deportation and they should be held responsible and it might just deter illegal immigration to know they will not be pardon for their bad behavior. Criminals know when they commit crimes they are subject to go to jail and sometimes for many years.
“illegal immigration is immigrating poverty and we have enough poverty of our own.”

Isn’t that the truth! LilOlLady, Kudos to you for pointing out all of those various points. :clap2:

What you wrote is a very strong piece it is what MOST Red Blooded Americans think. We cannot police the world and we cannot save a world that doesn’t want to save itself. We can’t let too many in our life boat or else we’ll go under too.

Why should the American taxpayers be responsible for the illegal aliens and their children. When in America we have extremely poor and homeless people. We have Americans who are under fed, under educated and we have unloved children right here at home.

We have adults with inadequate housing and in need of proper medical care and some are going without nutritious food and elder care. Our politician’s do us great injustice by calling us inhumane and heartless for not catering to the illegal aliens every need. When in America we have so many that need that AID just as much!
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