Hoffa! Hoffa! Hoffa!

I'm a Cynic,

Nah, you're just a partisan hack.

please show where I've said anything about this "moral high ground" Straw Man of yours!!!! As a Cynic, I get Right in the gutter with you CON$ervative scum and beat you at your OWN game. There is nothing "moral" about CON$ervatism so there is no "moral high ground" in the CON$ervative gutter!
You ought to know by now I get all my insults from precedents already established by CON$ on this board parroting their MessiahRushie just to see them piss and moan when the Golden Rule bites them in their hypocritical asses.
Thank you.

BTW, this was explained to you just a few months ago when you played dumb as if CON$ would never stoop to that level. Nice to see you still think you can play dumb and post your phony outrage yet again.
thank you again.

Your last dumb act:


Your fellow CON$ parroting your MessiahRushie starting about a year ago;





So, once again, instead of avoiding behavior you condemn, you choose to wallow in it. Thanks again for reminding us all of your hypocrisy. :clap2:

What you delude yourself into believing is the moral high ground is, in fact, a huge pile of horseshit.
I'm a Cynic, please show where I've said anything about this "moral high ground" Straw Man of yours!!!! As a Cynic, I get Right in the gutter with you CON$ervative scum and beat you at your OWN game. There is nothing "moral" about CON$ervatism so there is no "moral high ground" in the CON$ervative gutter!
So you admit you're incapable of originality. :clap2:
So, once again, instead of avoiding behavior you condemn, you choose to wallow in it. Thanks again for reminding us all of your hypocrisy. :clap2:

What you delude yourself into believing is the moral high ground is, in fact, a huge pile of horseshit.
I'm a Cynic, please show where I've said anything about this "moral high ground" Straw Man of yours!!!! As a Cynic, I get Right in the gutter with you CON$ervative scum and beat you at your OWN game. There is nothing "moral" about CON$ervatism so there is no "moral high ground" in the CON$ervative gutter!
So you admit you're incapable of originality. :clap2:
I'm more original than you could ever hope to be, but morality and beating CON$ at their own game have nothing to do with a lack of originality. Nice try at diversion though, your MessiahRushie programmed you well. :lol:
I'm a Cynic, please show where I've said anything about this "moral high ground" Straw Man of yours!!!! As a Cynic, I get Right in the gutter with you CON$ervative scum and beat you at your OWN game. There is nothing "moral" about CON$ervatism so there is no "moral high ground" in the CON$ervative gutter!
So you admit you're incapable of originality. :clap2:
I'm more original than you could ever hope to be...
I've seen no evidence. All you do is screech "CON$!!" and misquote Rush. Never an original thought of your own.

You're probably just software.
...but morality and beating CON$ at their own game have nothing to do with a lack of originality.
Shall we discuss your lack of intelligence?
Nice try at diversion though...
...your MessiahRushie programmed you well. :lol:
Yeah. Any of you Useful Idiots ever going to try proving that, or are you going with the Big Lie technique?

Ooops, sorry, rhetorical question. You don't do proof, and all you have is the Big Lie.

And my Messiah is the Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God.

You can worship Obama if you want. He's not worthy of it.
So you admit you're incapable of originality. :clap2:
I'm more original than you could ever hope to be...
I've seen no evidence. All you do is screech "CON$!!" and misquote Rush. Never an original thought of your own.

You're probably just software.

Shall we discuss your lack of intelligence?
Nice try at diversion though...
...your MessiahRushie programmed you well. :lol:
Yeah. Any of you Useful Idiots ever going to try proving that, or are you going with the Big Lie technique?

Ooops, sorry, rhetorical question. You don't do proof, and all you have is the Big Lie.

And my Messiah is the Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God.

You can worship Obama if you want. He's not worthy of it.
Your Messiah is the fat turd you are defending. You are defending your MessiahRushie exactly as he programmed you to do, claim that he is misquoted when, in fact, every quote comes directly from his own transcripts. You claim they are misquotes, but you never once post a more accurate quote. YOU DON"T DO PROOF. All your accusations come directly from your MessiahRushie's transcripts.

February 17, 2010
RUSH: Hitler and the Big Lie. In his 1925 autobiography Mein Kampf, the expression was coined by Hitler "to describe a lie so 'colossal' that no one would believe that someone 'could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously.'" The Big Lie had to be so big that nobody would believe that anybody would have the audacity to lie that way. If you're going to lie, go big, put your lie on an Atlas rocket and launch and fire that sucker.

February 17, 2010
RUSH: This is how the OSS described Hitler's psychology: "His primary rules were: never allow the public to cool off; [1] never admit a fault or wrong; [2] never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; [3] never leave room for alternatives; [4] never accept blame; [5] concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong, people will believe a Big Lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it."

January 16, 2009
RUSH: I don't apologize ever. It helps that I'm never wrong.

November 24, 2009
RUSH: The left, my friends, is a truly evil bunch.

February 11, 2008
RUSH: See, I think liberalism needs to be beaten back; I think it needs to be defeated; I think politically it is the enemy; ... It has to be beaten, not joined, not be reached out to, not be gotten along with, not worked with. It needs to be beaten

February 11, 2008
Again: This Mess Is Not Our Fault
RUSH: "Rush, you're going to endorse McCain at some point, aren't you? You know, he's probably going to lose anyway, but if you don't endorse him you're going to get the blame. The whole Republican Party is going to blame you." I wrote back, "How? I'm irrelevant. I have been defeated. I have been relegated to the ash heap of the past."

February 22, 2010
RUSH: I certainly would not have ignored the other team on the field, the Democrats. They're the only reason we're in this mess. The Democrat Party is the only reason we are threatened with the things we're threatened with. The Democrat Party. Solely. They own it.
I've seen no evidence. All you do is screech "CON$!!" and misquote Rush.

How would you know if he was misquoting Limbaugh, since you claim that you never listen to him?
This should be a great rationalization. :rofl::lmao:

Well that was the best answer you could give. How do you know what someone said unless you listen to what they say?

You either heard it
or you listen to hearsay, second hand sources.

So which is it?
I'm more original than you could ever hope to be...
I've seen no evidence. All you do is screech "CON$!!" and misquote Rush. Never an original thought of your own.

You're probably just software.

Shall we discuss your lack of intelligence?

...your MessiahRushie programmed you well. :lol:
Yeah. Any of you Useful Idiots ever going to try proving that, or are you going with the Big Lie technique?

Ooops, sorry, rhetorical question. You don't do proof, and all you have is the Big Lie.

And my Messiah is the Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God.

You can worship Obama if you want. He's not worthy of it.
Your Messiah...
I told you, moron: My Messiah is Jesus Christ.

The context was beating Americans to a pulp, stated outright and clearly. YOU fabricated a voting context that there is no record of, unlike Moochele and Hoffa who both in unedited form clearly referenced voting. I do not have to assume YOUR fabrication. The burden of proof is on you to show King ever mentioned voting.

Let’s beat that other side to a pulp! Let’s take them out. Let’s chase them down. There’s going to be a reckoning!
-Steve King R Iowa March 21, 2010

there you have it folks, when pressed honestly ed just turns to being a hack who ignores things presented to him.

I'm not fabricating anything, you can not find the beginning of his speech and neither can I. I acknowledge that then ask you to make a decision based on an assumption.

It was very simple, if voting is what he was talking about in the non-existent section of his comments that neither you nor I can find yet, would you still find it wrong to say what he said?

You wont answer, that shows your only interested in making this a politics issue instead of making it a values issue. You show that you don't care if one side does it and that it only matters to you if the side you disagree with does it.

Hackish at best.
You presented absolutely nothing to show King was talking about voting. You made a self serving assumption, and you claim that if I don't swallow your self serving assumption that makes me a hack, rather than you for your hackish assumption. :cuckoo:

What preceded beating Americans to a pulp, was talk of secession not talk of voting. And before that it was reported that he and the Teabaggers were patting themselves on the back.

Here is how it was reported from the time he was introduced, I challenge you to find anyone who reported King reference voting.

The crowd cheered as Hoekstra — who is leaving Congress to run for governor of Michigan — walked out and Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) walked in. “I just came down here,” said King, “so I could say to you, God bless you.”
“God bless you!” shouted one activist.
“We’re here whenever you need us!” said another activist, patting King on the back.
“You are the awesome American people,” said King. “If I could start a country with a bunch of people, they’d be the folks who were standing with us the last few days. Let’s hope we don’t have to do that! Let’s beat that other side to a pulp! Let’s chase them down. There’s going to be a reckoning!” One by one, the people gathered outside the Capitol, who’d spent the day cheering and singing whenever Republicans appeared and egged them on, came to the realization that they’d been beaten in this round. They’d have to redouble their efforts.

You presented absolutely nothing to show that he wasn't talking about voting either.

I asked you to make a different assumption than the assumption you were previously making yet you refused. That shows your just being a hack on this one.

It is what it is. You claim he wasn't talking about voting yet can't provide the entire speech he gave, only the end portion. That assumption, to you, is ok because it puts king in a bad light and somehow makes the violent rhetoric of hoffa acceptable in your eyes yet you can't make a seperate assumption to prove your not just being a partisan hack/hypocrite.
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