Hobby Lobby Still Covers Vasectomies And Viagra

If they are truly Catholics they would be opposed to such operations, as they are birth control.

Thanks for sharing, Pope Noomi, but allow me to point you back to the whole "No one asked you what they should believe" concept. YOU don't decide "true Catholicism", and you get no vote whatsoever on what individual people decide is right and wrong, since the Catholic Church - the real one, not the one you've decided you're spokesman for - doesn't get a vote in that, either.

Say it with me now: "Not my beliefs, not my conscience, not my company, NONE OF MY BUSINESS."

thanks for your er... OPINION, cesspit.

now say it with me, i'll even speak slowly so even someone as limited as you can understand.... KEEP YOUR RELIGION TO YOURSELF. A CORPORATION DOES NOT HAVE RELIGION..

now run along,

You always speak slowly, sweetie, but I don't mind being patient with the "challenged" among us. I applaud your efforts to try to mainstream.

Now try this concept: Corporations are owned by PEOPLE. Their money is owned by people. People have religions. They have the right to decide not to give you their money.

Once you've gotten both of your brain cells comprehending that, we can work on how you're not being oppressed by having to fund your own twat, you fucking leech.
con·tra·cep·tion [kon-truh-sep-shuhn]
the deliberate prevention of conception or impregnation by any of various drugs, techniques, or devices; birth control.
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a·bor·ti·fa·cient [uh-bawr-tuh-fey-shuhnt] Show IPA
causing abortion.
a drug or device used to cause abortion: a biochemical abortifacient in pill form.
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There is a clear distinction between "contraceptive" and "abortifacient".
Hobby Lobby provides insurance that includes contraceptives but not abortifacients.
People (such as Mrs Clinton and Lakhota) that claim that contraception is not being provided are liars.
Hobby Lobby -- now free to drop emergency "morning after" pills and intrauterine devices from its workers' health insurance plans -- has given no indication that it plans to stop helping its male employees obtain erectile dysfunction treatments.

The Supreme Court ruled Monday that the craft store chain, owned by evangelical Christians, doesn't have to pay for health care coverage of contraceptives prohibited by its owners' religion.

But pills and pumps that help a man stiffen his penis in preparation for sex are perfectly acceptable.

Evangelical Christians have long argued that life begins at conception, and therefore that medical procedures that disrupt the first stages of pregnancy amount to murder. In the case of Hobby Lobby, this extends to a woman taking pills such as Plan B, Next Choice or Ella, any of which would prevent her ovaries from releasing an egg that could be fertilized after unprotected sex.

Perhaps taking a note from Catholic Church's opposition to sterilization, Hobby Lobby also objected to long-term birth control methods such as IUDs, which can cost women up to $1,000.

But that does not explain why Hobby Lobby doesn't object to covering the cost of its male employees' vasectomies.

MORE: Hobby Lobby Still Covers Vasectomies And Viagra

This seems like extreme hypocrisy to me.
HL objects to killing fertilized eggs...NOT to preventing fertilization!

How twisted can you get?

HL gladly covers 16 types of birth control. They refused to provide 4 types of birth control. They were NOT objecting to birth control....just to abortion!

Get it?

Birth control pills do not cause abortions.
I realize this sounds technical, but if the embryo is received and accepted by the mother's womb, chemicals that break that bond between mother and offspring are abortive since they break asunder that tiny human life that is known to God before the mother knows for sure that she is with child. It is vividly described by King David in the 139th Psalm in the Old Testament. I used have your belief in the 70s, but after debating a Psychology professor in the 80s, he handed me a note with the passage and told me that while I had a strong argument, King David's argument was stronger and convinced him that pro life advocates were on the mark. This would mean nothing to someone who doesn't believe that God exists like I do so strongly. Many regard biblical people as throwbacks, but when you read their arguments, you realize they whose words were recorded as beneficent members of their society were as advanced and in some ways were more advanced than we of the 21st Century, imho, of course. :eusa_angel:
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