HLN Robin Mead Racist?

Like you just did?

I don't think most people watch Robin Meade for her opinions, if ya' know what I mean.
Good grief.

Day41: If you don't know the words, just mouth Watermelon | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Mercy Notes: Don't Say Watermelon

How to Lip Sync - wikiHow

"Don't immediately give up. Practice everyday so your performance will eventually be good enough to sing for real. If lyrics to the song are unknown, repeat the words "watermelon and cantaloupes" or "carrots and peas" over and over to the rhythm of the song. It works most of the time!


"Were you ever in chorus and learned that you can sing/mouth the word "watermelon" when you don't know the words to a song? I don't think my choir teacher taught me this but probably some other students. It works though!"

Apparently its a technique that is taught to people in order to lip sync songs.

But...to a Hammer, everything looks like a Nail.

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