Hitler’s 1923 “Beer Hall Putsch” and Trump’s 2021 “Capitol Invasion” Compared

Tom Paine 1949

Diamond Member
Mar 15, 2020
The Beer Hall Putsch, also known as the Munich Putsch, was a failed coup d'état by Nazi Party leader Adolf Hitler on 8-9 November, 1923 during the Weimar Republic. Approximately two thousand Nazis marched … in the city centre, but were confronted by a police cordon, which resulted in the deaths of 16 Nazi Party members and four police officers….

Hitler escaped immediate arrest and was spirited off to safety in the countryside. After two days, he was arrested and charged with treason…. Once released, Hitler redirected his focus towards obtaining power through legal means rather than by revolution or force [italics mine] and … changed his tactics, further developing Nazi propaganda.
Beer Hall Putsch - Wikipedia
Hitler’s armed “Beer Hall Putsch” in 1923 was in some ways just as shambolic as Trump’s failed Jan. 6th attempt to stop the peaceful transfer of power. Hitler’s coup attempt failed to take any government buildings in Munich, let alone follow up with a march on Berlin to seize the German central government.

The situations in Germany then and the U.S. today were VERY different. The U.S. has had over two centuries of republican constitutional government, which most Americans in both parties still vociferously claim to defend. Most of the violent Capitol protesters in D.C., even those with Confederate flags, body armor and pepper spray … were not fully developed ideological fascists.

Many of the invaders of the Capitol were just angry Trump fanatics who swallowed their leader’s “Big Lie” about the 2020 election. Trump was in fact U.S. “Commander in Chief” on Jan. 6th, though a lame duck. Hitler was only 34 years old, still an extremist nobody in 1923. Trump was seeking only to prevent the reading of the state-verified electoral votes so that the election would be thrown into a specially constituted House assembly — where he expected a Republican majority would allow him to stay in power “Constitutionally.”

Both Jan. 6th and Munich were high stakes gambles — “dress rehearsals” and “propaganda spectacles.” Hitler gained notoriety from his failed coup, used his trial to denounce the Weimar government of “Liberals, Jews and Communists,” and was jailed for less than a year (where he wrote Mein Kampf). Just ten years later he was put in power … Constitutionally. Trump hopes to be re-elected in 2024.

As crazy as Trump is, as crazy as many of his fanatic followers talk, Trump and they are only harbingers of things to come — they are certainly not now full-fledged fascists like Adolph Hitler was.
“Hitler decided that armed revolution was not the way to obtain power in Weimar Germany. After the failure of the putsch, he and the Nazi Party worked to manipulate the political system rather than plan another violent seizure of power.”

Beer Hall Putsch
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Mmmmmm....Godwin bait!

Piss off, loser.

Hitler’s armed “Beer Hall Putsch” in 1923 was in some ways just as shambolic as Trump’s failed Jan. 6th attempt to stop the peaceful transfer of power. Hitler’s coup attempt failed to take any government buildings in Munich, let alone follow up with a march on Berlin to seize the German central government.

The situations in Germany then and the U.S. today were VERY different. The U.S. has had over two centuries of republican constitutional government, which most Americans in both parties still vociferously claim to defend. Most of the violent Capitol protesters in D.C., even those with Confederate flags, body armor and pepper spray … were not fully developed ideological fascists.

Many of the invaders of the Capitol were just angry Trump fanatics who swallowed their leader’s “Big Lie” about the 2020 election. Trump was in fact U.S. “Commander in Chief” on Jan. 6th, though a lame duck. Hitler was only 34 years old, still an extremist nobody in 1923. Trump was seeking only to prevent the reading of the state-verified electoral votes so that the election would be thrown into a specially constituted House assembly — where he expected a Republican majority would allow him to stay in power “Constitutionally.”

Both Jan. 6th and Munich were high stakes gambles — “dress rehearsals” and “propaganda spectacles.” Hitler gained notoriety from his failed coup, used his trial to denounce the Weimar government of “Liberals, Jews and Communists,” and was jailed for less than a year (where he wrote Mein Kampf). Just ten years later he was put in power … Constitutionally. Trump hopes to be re-elected in 2024.

As crazy as Trump is, as crazy as many of his fanatic followers talk, Trump and they are only harbingers of things to come — they are certainly not now full-fledged fascists like Adolph Hitler was.
J6 is the Democrat’s Reichstag Fire. They’ve used to to jail their political opponents and to spy on Americans and take away our rights.
I am not echoing Trump supporters who use words like “Communist” and “Nazi” almost indiscriminately to describe … “Demoncrats.”

I am asking people here to carefully analyze the differences between Trump / Giuliani’s rightwing populist Jan. 20, 2021 “Trial by Battle” in D.C. and Hitler’s attempt to seize power in his 1923 “Beer Hall Putsch.”

Earlier in another thread I tried to lay out the broader situation, which I think at least some Trump supporters will in part agree with:

The Democrats of course offer no real alternative. The crisis of American finance capitalism is deep and the world is dividing into blocs. This will bring economic chaos, as the rich get richer and poor get poorer … and the middle classes get more hysterical.

Demagogy and demonology pushed by extremists … over “cultural wars” is bringing our nation step by step to its own “Weimar moment.”
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Yea, the scary part is both built a movement based on grievance, both of those scumbags, that lived on after their failed attempt to take over government.
Comparing DT to Hitler is for weak minds with terminal TDS.
Hitler & his actual policies come much closer to home for you progbots than you would find comfortable if your cognitive dissonance didn't block the truth for ya'll

View attachment 671969
The lunacy and utter childishness of right-wing arguments never ceases to amaze.....

Guess who else thinks the greater good of the country comes before the individual -- mostly everyone who lives in a society....

The only people who feels "fuck everyone else as long I got mine" are sociopaths and Conservatives...
The lunacy and utter childishness of right-wing arguments never ceases to amaze.....

Guess who else thinks the greater good of the country comes before the individual -- mostly everyone who lives in a society....

The only people who feels "fuck everyone else as long I got mine" are sociopaths and Conservatives...
The hell they do. Our society is founded on the rights of the individual taking precedence.
That's is what freedom is all about & that's why all collectivists fall into the left of the political spectrum.

Fascists/commies/progs/socialists are all totalitarian at the core & just branches from the same collectivist tree.

Nothing you say changes this fact & whining about it just makes you a bitch that can't handle the truth
The hell they do. Our society is founded on the rights of the individual taking precedence.
That's is what freedom is all about & that's why all collectivists fall into the left of the political spectrum.

Fascists/commies/progs/socialists are all totalitarian at the core & just branches from the same collectivist tree.

Nothing you say changes this fact & whining about it just makes you a bitch that can't handle the truth
Yes, your individual wants and desires don't come before that of the society, do you understand that??

You are the same idots who talk about "individual freedoms and liberties" while wanting to criminalize gay and trans people..shut yo goofy ass up...

But....when an election of those voting in the act of the greater good ran counter to the whims and desires of your God King -- you morons decided to try to over throw the election....so yes, WE KNOW YOU HATE SOCIETY

This is why Conservatives hate everything that was intended to benefit the greater good or SOCIETY -- especially when it doesn't benefit them personally....
Hitler’s armed “Beer Hall Putsch” in 1923 was in some ways just as shambolic as Trump’s failed Jan. 6th attempt to stop the peaceful transfer of power. Hitler’s coup attempt failed to take any government buildings in Munich, let alone follow up with a march on Berlin to seize the German central government.

The situations in Germany then and the U.S. today were VERY different. The U.S. has had over two centuries of republican constitutional government, which most Americans in both parties still vociferously claim to defend. Most of the violent Capitol protesters in D.C., even those with Confederate flags, body armor and pepper spray … were not fully developed ideological fascists.

Many of the invaders of the Capitol were just angry Trump fanatics who swallowed their leader’s “Big Lie” about the 2020 election. Trump was in fact U.S. “Commander in Chief” on Jan. 6th, though a lame duck. Hitler was only 34 years old, still an extremist nobody in 1923. Trump was seeking only to prevent the reading of the state-verified electoral votes so that the election would be thrown into a specially constituted House assembly — where he expected a Republican majority would allow him to stay in power “Constitutionally.”

Both Jan. 6th and Munich were high stakes gambles — “dress rehearsals” and “propaganda spectacles.” Hitler gained notoriety from his failed coup, used his trial to denounce the Weimar government of “Liberals, Jews and Communists,” and was jailed for less than a year (where he wrote Mein Kampf). Just ten years later he was put in power … Constitutionally. Trump hopes to be re-elected in 2024.

As crazy as Trump is, as crazy as many of his fanatic followers talk, Trump and they are only harbingers of things to come — they are certainly not now full-fledged fascists like Adolph Hitler was.
My god you are so damn ignorant of history that it is pathetic.

Do you ever have any plans to pull your head out of your Libtard ass?
My god you are so damn ignorant of history that it is pathetic.

Do you ever have any plans to pull your head out of your Libtard ass?
Maybe today you won't be a coward and answer this question....

Does VP Kamala Harris have the power to do in 2024 what you thought Mike Pence had the power to do in 2020, but didn't?
Yes, your individual wants and desires don't come before that of the society, do you understand that??

You are the same idots who talk about "individual freedoms and liberties" while wanting to criminalize gay and trans people..shut yo goofy ass up...

But....when an election of those voting in the act of the greater good ran counter to the whims and desires of your God King -- you morons decided to try to over throw the election....so yes, WE KNOW YOU HATE SOCIETY

This is why Conservatives hate everything that was intended to benefit the greater good or SOCIETY -- especially when it doesn't benefit them personally....

Actually, they do. My desires and wants come before ANYTHING. And so long as I don't infringe on any one else's desires and wants, there is no problem. YOU assholes think that individual Rights don't exist. And to enforce your desires you must use force. Because as we all know, utopia is just one more dead body away.

So long as that dead body isn't yours, right, asshat?
Yes, your individual wants and desires don't come before that of the society, do you understand that??

You are the same idots who talk about "individual freedoms and liberties" while wanting to criminalize gay and trans people..shut yo goofy ass up...

But....when an election of those voting in the act of the greater good ran counter to the whims and desires of your God King -- you morons decided to try to over throw the election....so yes, WE KNOW YOU HATE SOCIETY

This is why Conservatives hate everything that was intended to benefit the greater good or SOCIETY -- especially when it doesn't benefit them personally....
Interesting... are you butchering a baby as you accuse me hating society or does you baby mom want to keep this one to collect the gubmit check?

In what wet dream did you hear someone say conservatives want to outlaw gay people Buffy?
Where does live & let live leave a grey area in your feelings?

I DGAS what you do as long as its consensual & you leave the kids alone.
What happens in your basement stays in your basement
Maybe today you won't be a coward and answer this question....

Does VP Kamala Harris have the power to do in 2024 what you thought Mike Pence had the power to do in 2020, but didn't?
Any Vice President of the Senate can require an audit of a contested election.

If there is as much hard evidence in 2024 that the Republicans used the scam of fradulent mail in and harvested ballots counted by Republicans in Republican controlled swing districts as we had in 2020 with the Democrats then an audit would certainly be needed.
I am not echoing Trump supporters who use words like “Communist” and “Nazi” almost indiscriminately to describe … “Demoncrats.”

I am asking people here to carefully analyze the differences between Trump / Giuliani’s rightwing populist Jan. 20, 2021 “Trial by Battle” in D.C. and Hitler’s attempt to seize power in his 1923 “Beer Hall Putsch.”

1. Trump clearly and explicitly called for a peaceful protest.
I am not echoing Trump supporters who use words like “Communist” and “Nazi” almost indiscriminately to describe … “Demoncrats.”
The fuck you're not.
I am asking people here to carefully analyze the differences between Trump / Giuliani’s rightwing populist Jan. 20, 2021 “Trial by Battle” in D.C. and Hitler’s attempt to seize power in his 1923 “Beer Hall Putsch.”

Earlier in another thread I tried to lay out the broader situation, which I think at least some Trump supporters will in part agree with:
There's no comparison whatsoever, asshole.
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Maybe today you won't be a coward and answer this question....

Does VP Kamala Harris have the power to do in 2024 what you thought Mike Pence had the power to do in 2020, but didn't?
Sure....She could suspend the counting of electors of a few states, at their written request, so they could more carefully reassess the proper choosing and seating of their electors.

You do realize that is all Pence was asked to do, right?

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