Hitler, Fascism and the right wing

Iceweasel -

It's in the Nazi economy that we see the hallmarks of right wing government - very strong use of investment and dividends from the private sector, and a close relationship with the aristocracy as a result. This is crucial in understanding both the emphasis on class as well.

Thus, it is in this context that I also talk about small government as being a modern concept, unknown to the architects of the Nazi economy.

I'd be happy to recommend books on this if you are interested - particularly this one by the always excellent Richard Overy:

http://www.amazon.com/Economic-Recovery-1932-1938-Studies-History/dp/0521557674/ref=sr_1_5?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1416671455&sr=1-5&keywords=the nazi economy

I really have little interest in the US context here - it just isn't relevant to fascism.
I'd be happy to recommend that you kiss my ass.

Nazi's were not about a small limited government and had total control over the economy, just what libs want. You can't even begin to back up your claims so you throw a book out there as support? LOL.
Hitler was the modern embodiment of "Borders Language Culture". Just listen to his speeches. His primary goal was to protect the motherland from external forces. He spoke endlessly of how Jews were destroying the real Germany, it's religion and traditions. Compare this to a Talk Radio rant on what Mexicans are doing to say California and the primacy of the English language.
Compare Londoner to a rabid dog. Do you see a difference? Me neither.

Hitler was all about extending his power and borders, not protecting them from illegal invaders. Go find a rawhide chew toy.
LOL! Yes... that is a wonderful myth. "The Good Guys were murdered by the Bad Guys in the Night of Long Knives, and that's why the National Socialist German Worker's Party was not Socialists."

The only problem with that is that "The Good Guys" were mouthy, malcontent murderous thugs who, once power was acquired; which, for the benefit of the socialists reading this, means that they weren't "good" ... they were simply 'socialists whose usefulness had played out'.

Socialists are inherently such, because they expect that when 'The Party' is seated, they will all be "PLAYUHS!". This means that in all socialist coups, most of the Playuhs need to be 'dealt with'. Although, it is fair to say that not all are killed, most are merely made aware of those that were killed and, having a keen sense of survival, they simply return to the life of the addled drone and spend their time on the internet regurgitating the vomit intrinsic to "The Party" line.

Eh? What are you going on about?

Hitler was not a Socialist. Is that so hard to get?
Hitler was the modern embodiment of "Borders Language Culture". Just listen to his speeches. His primary goal was to protect the motherland from external forces. He spoke endlessly of how Jews were destroying the real Germany, it's religion and traditions. Compare this to a Talk Radio rant on what Mexicans are doing to say California and the primacy of the English language.

Hitler was vocally opposed to the liberal modernism that came out of the Enlightenment and French Revolution, both of which were leveling German culture and turning Europe into a soulless cosmopolitan state where each nation's sacred traditions were seen as pre-modern anachronisms. In short, Hitler was deeply proud of the Real Germany and was committed to purging anything or anyone who might corrupt it. This explains his eugenics program of cleansing the race by getting rid of all but the healthiest German blood.

Next time you hear Sean Hannity speak of real Americans, or you spy upon the contempt certain political parties have for Mexicans and African Americans, you should pause and think of what this stuff resembles.

Much of the pathological and almost violent nationalism that came out of 9/11 - with its use of the word Homeland and its obsession with displaying national symbols - is straight out of Germany in the 30s. If we get one more big attack on the U.S .Homeland, the Rightwing will get everything they need to turn the U.S. into a police state with loyalty oaths.

God help us.


Oh I LOVE this one.

Because, the socialist use of the boogy-man Jew, a race of people who adhere to a specific religion, is JUST like the American rejection of an addled species of reasoning, which can infect ANYONE of ANY RACE... but is less prevalent in most religions.

With "Islam" being the exception, but then Islam is literally a political movement wrapped in a religion; but let's not get caught up in that ... yet.

Now the coolest part of that farce is that the Left was, for decades, forced to shutdown it's run on the Jews, because they screwed the pooch on that back when they forced the planet into the 2nd world war in the 20th century, to stop them from annihilating the Jews.

But they NEVER stopped their march against that which the Jew stood for... which is progress, capitalism, decency and thrift. When you hear a cultist proclaim "Corporate" this or that... they're cryin' "JEW!".

When you hear a Liberal barking about "THE BANKS!", they're cryin': "JEWS!"

And if you want to get a taste of how much they HATE THE JEWS... start a thread on the merits of Israel, you'll see it first hand.

This is what that might look like:

LOL! Yes... that is a wonderful myth. "The Good Guys were murdered by the Bad Guys in the Night of Long Knives, and that's why the National Socialist German Worker's Party was not Socialists."

The only problem with that is that "The Good Guys" were mouthy, malcontent murderous thugs who, once power was acquired; which, for the benefit of the socialists reading this, means that they weren't "good" ... they were simply 'socialists whose usefulness had played out'.

Socialists are inherently such, because they expect that when 'The Party' is seated, they will all be "PLAYUHS!". This means that in all socialist coups, most of the Playuhs need to be 'dealt with'. Although, it is fair to say that not all are killed, most are merely made aware of those that were killed and, having a keen sense of survival, they simply return to the life of the addled drone and spend their time on the internet regurgitating the vomit intrinsic to "The Party" line.

Eh? What are you going on about?

Hitler was not a Socialist. Is that so hard to get?

ROFLMNAO! So you're claiming that the leader of the "German Workers National Socialist Party" was not a socialist?

I SO adore the sweeter Ironies.
Hitler was not a Socialist. Is that so hard to get?
You guys are living in a parallel universe.

Articles Forward They Cried

Hitler practiced "state socialism," a dictatorship with a goal of near absolute economic control for economic development and national power, all supposedly to benefit the people. Hitler said, "We are socialists, we are enemies of today's capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak." And, "Fascists were convinced that, as Hitler told an enthusiastic Mussolini, 'capitalism has run its course'."
. LOL. Mighty weak shit there professor. Your poly-sci bullshit classes don't mean anything to me. Chances are you are programed by socialists and are far from being objective.

Yeah -- I criticized the left as well as the right, therefor I was "programmed by socialists".

I'm starting to think that middle school represents your ceiling.
Socialism is not right wing government..

See how the far left does not understand beyond their limited programming.

And the NSDAP got rid of their socialist left wing element on the night of the long knives.

Night of the Long Knives - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

That was 1934, long before they were making war.

Indeed, and thanks for mentioning that - it's a key point.

A lot of people forget that Hitler did not start the Nazi Party and was not the first leader. It was only on taking over power that he was able to reshape the party into his own image.
Iceweasel -

It's in the Nazi economy that we see the hallmarks of right wing government - very strong use of investment and dividends from the private sector, and a close relationship with the aristocracy as a result. This is crucial in understanding both the emphasis on class as well.

Thus, it is in this context that I also talk about small government as being a modern concept, unknown to the architects of the Nazi economy.

I'd be happy to recommend books on this if you are interested - particularly this one by the always excellent Richard Overy:

http://www.amazon.com/Economic-Recovery-1932-1938-Studies-History/dp/0521557674/ref=sr_1_5?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1416671455&sr=1-5&keywords=the nazi economy

I really have little interest in the US context here - it just isn't relevant to fascism.
I'd be happy to recommend that you kiss my ass.

Nazi's were not about a small limited government and had total control over the economy, just what libs want. You can't even begin to back up your claims so you throw a book out there as support? LOL.

You have no obligation to get this. I really don't mind if you come to understand it or not, dude.
For those interested in an answer to the eternal query: "How in the FUCK can these people be SO STUPID?"

There's this:

"In 2007, ISI administered a 60-question test to 14,000 students at 50 colleges nationwide. The questions were designed to measure the students’ aptitude in four areas: basic American history, government, foreign affairs, and economics. In a companion study, in 2008 ISI administered a shorter exam (33 questions) to a random sample of 2,508 Americans without a college degree in order to have a standard level against which the impact of a college education on a threshold level of familiarity with basic American institutions could be determined.

Here are a few frightening figures certain to keep you up at night:

  • 71% of Americans failed the civics knowledge test;
  • 51% of Americans could not name the three branches of government;
  • The average score for college seniors on the civics knowledge test was 54.2% (an “F” by any standard);
  • The average student’s test score improved only 3.8 points from freshman to senior year;
  • Freshmen at Cornell, Yale, Princeton, and Duke scored better than seniors on the civics knowledge test.
  • 79% of elected officials that took the civics knowledge quiz did not know the Bill of Rights expressly prohibits the government from establishing a religion.
  • 30% of office holders did not know that “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” are the inalienable rights referred to in the Declaration of Independence.
  • 27% of politicians could not name even one right or freedom guaranteed by the First Amendment.
  • 43% did not know the purpose of the Electoral College.
  • 39% of lawmakers believe the power of declaring war belongs to the president.
  • The average score for college professors who took the civics knowledge quiz was 55%.
... ."

Report Finds College Students Fail Basic Civics Test

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The greatest murderers of the 20th century, all socialists:

Mao 60 million
Stalin 40 million
Hitler 30 million

Can you explain why Stormfront embraces Hitler and not the others?

What's your take on the other fascist leaders like Franco and Antonescu - were they also socialist who fought against socialism?
You have no obligation to get this. I really don't mind if you come to understand it or not, dude.

Relativism: the doctrine which holds that knowledge, truth, and morality exist only in relation, or 'relative' to: one's culture, society, historical and personal context, and that as such, can never be the result of soundly reasoned absolutes.

Delusion: an idiosyncratic belief or impression that is firmly maintained despite being contradicted by what is generally accepted as reality or rational argument, typically a symptom of mental disorder.
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The greatest murderers of the 20th century, all socialists:

Mao 60 million
Stalin 40 million
Hitler 30 million

Can you explain why Stormfront embraces Hitler and not the others?

What's your take on the other fascist leaders like Franco and Antonescu - were they also socialist who fought against socialism?

And the far left drone proves they do not understand the terms/labels in which they post!

World domination has nothing to with socialism vs communism, it is about dominating the world.

The cause matters little, just like so many here believe the Civil War was about slavery..
The greatest murderers of the 20th century, all socialists:

Mao 60 million
Stalin 40 million
Hitler 30 million

Can you explain why Stormfront embraces Hitler and not the others?

What's your take on the other fascist leaders like Franco and Antonescu - were they also socialist who fought against socialism?

They were all Leftists, who wanted to maintain their power and as such fought those who felt that they too wanted a bite off the apple... .

But how COOL is it the Argument that "Fascists fought Communists, so they couldn't have been socialists!"

LOL! I never tire of THAT ONE! I simply can't get my fill of it... .
One claim that I'veseen quite often made on this board is that Hitler was left-wing, and not right-wing as almost every book on the subject states.

This is a complex topic, and I can certainly understand some of the confusion. Both Hitler and Stalin were dictators with a lot in common, and the origins of Nazism do lie on both the left and right wings, and yet generally speaking there is very little controversy or disagreement about this topic amongst historians and experts.

Prior coming to this board I don’t think that I had ever heard the theory before – and certainly not on Stormfront, where the extreme right idolizes the man and is proud to do so. History has recorded fascism as being right wing since the late-1930’s, and most dictionaries confirm the standard definition.

I think there are three misconceptions and four overlooked factors that explain why people have become confused about this, and I’ll run through those seven points here. This IS complex, so do read the points carefully before making knee-jerk comments.

Misconception #1: Hitler attacked conservatives and capitalism

At some stage in his career, Hitler attacked almost everyone. He was a master of playing to the crowd, and prior to the age of the internet, he could attack capitalism in one crowd on one day, and attack socialism in another crowd on another day without a powerful media to point out the often obvious contradictions.

When he first joined the Nazi party it was very much a populist party that combined left and right wing themes, and in early speeches, Hitler tended to follow the party line of trying to draw on working class support. Attacking traditional conservatism both achieved this goal and helped differentiate the Nazis from potential right-wing rivals. Most of the quotes of Hitler criticizing capitalism come from this early era, prior to his refocusing of the party during the mid- to late 1930’s.Even so, he continued to attack conservatism to differentiate Nazis from other, earlier conservative parties, establishing Nazism as an entirely new concept well to the right of existing conservatism.

Misconception #2: Hitler backed big government, hence was left wing.

The myth here is not that Hitler backed big government – of course, he did – but that there were other parties in Europe in 1939 who did not. The whole concept of small government is both relatively recent and relatively American. Prior to Reagan and Thatcher’s administrations, it was rarely used to differentiate left from right, because in 1939 every government in the world was big and state controlled. As late as the 1970’s a lot of strong right wing governments backed massive bureaucracy and state control. What made them right wing were positions on economic and social factors that were considered far more crucial than the idea of a streamlined administration. In short, only recently has small government been seen as a key ideological issue.

Misconception #3: Stalin and Hitler’s regimes were both dictators – so must have been left wing.

Yes, they were both dictators, and all dictators will control the press, the prisons and judiciary. However, dictatorships can occur on the left wing (Mao, Castro, Pol Pot) and on the extreme right wing (Cristiani, Franco, Rios Montte) both within fascism and in slightly more moderate forms such as Pinochet. People often post Hitler’s famous 25 Points as being evidence of left-wing policy, whereas actually they are more evidence of extremism and tyranny. Most politicians do ‘borrow’ policies when it makes sense to do so, but without compromising their ideological core. Hitler did this often and more than other fascists.

Right wing factors #1: Capital

This is one topic I think most of us can agree on: communism is about removing capital from the equation. In a perfect communist system, there is no money. All production is of, by and for the state. Fascism, on the other hand, is all about capital. Private investors pour money into shares, and earn huge dividends. Thus the middle and upper classes are bought off, their loyalty established, and the economy functions on a cycle of strong investments and the free flow of money through the domestic economy. The middle class blossoms. Under Communism, the middle class is crushed. In this, fascism and communism are polar opposites.

This alone clearly defines a right-wing capitalist society in opposition to a left-wing, anti-capitalist regime.

Right wing factor #2: Class

Communism looks to smash the middle and upper classes, and create a society in which workers rule. The perfect communist system is without class. Fascism is based on class distinctions and in particular in the loyalty of the middle and upper classes. The aristocracy were the key people in Hitler’s world view. While he played to the workers and gave them rousing speeches, in fact they were intended to work hard and remain quiet. It was the upper classes who would benefit from the surging economy and expansion into neighbouring countries.

Right wing factor #3: Other fascist leaders

Hitler is only one example of fascism. There are several others. Franco’s Spain, Paraguay’s Stroessner and particularly Romania’s Antonescu all provide a portrait of fascism that are often less confused that Hitler. All of these states were fiercely anti-Communist, all enjoyed some support from the aristocracy (or even royalty) and all were fundamentally capitalist. Antonescu, in particular, is often seen the as link between Fascism and Conservatism.

Right wing factor #4: Minorities & religion

For all Lenin’s faults, he was not a racist. Communists have always opposed racism, with the Soviet ‘One nation, many peoples’ ideal the polar opposite of fascist racism. Under Lenin and Stalin, the Politburo favoured Azeris, Armenians, Kazaks and even the occasional Jew! Under fascism, minorities were more often rounded up and slaughtered, and all fascist regimes have been fiercely anti-Semitic and antizigaist.

Likewise with religion, where Communism sought to dismantle and crush all religious activity, fascists often found common ground with the church; or at least managed to organize a degree of compliance. This is particularly clear in Romania, with Antonescu enjoying strong links with the Orthodox Church.

I would also add in that all of the major academic biographies and histories of the regime that I am aware of discuss Hitler's right-wing ideology in detail. No doubt there are a few partisan attempts to say otherwise, but I doubt there are many written by genuine historians.

hitler the good rightwing christian

Universal education is the most corroding and disintegrating poison that liberalism has ever invented for its own destruction.

Adolf Hitler
The greatest murderers of the 20th century, all socialists:

Mao 60 million
Stalin 40 million
Hitler 30 million

Can you explain why Stormfront embraces Hitler and not the others?

What's your take on the other fascist leaders like Franco and Antonescu - were they also socialist who fought against socialism?

They were all Leftists, who wanted to maintain their power and as such fought those who felt that they too wanted a bite off the apple... .

But how COOL is it the Argument that "Fascists fought Communists, so they couldn't have been socialists!"

LOL! I never tire of THAT ONE! I simply can't get my fill of it... .

"My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison. To-day, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross. As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice... And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly it is the distress that daily grows. For as a Christian I have also a duty to my own people.

-Adolf Hitler, in a speech on 12 April 1922
. LOL. Mighty weak shit there professor. Your poly-sci bullshit classes don't mean anything to me. Chances are you are programed by socialists and are far from being objective.

Yeah -- I criticized the left as well as the right, therefor I was "programmed by socialists".

I'm starting to think that middle school represents your ceiling.

So you criticize both good and evil?

Well my goodness, aren't you the Hallmark of contributors... EVER so moderate, thus reasonable. Because, one presumes you feel that "Good" is not always right and "EVIL" is not always wrong?

Break it down for me Professor. Inquiring minds... and all.
So it comes down to believing Hitler or the political scientists? Most university bookstores carry small booklets on political ideologies, booklets used in political science classes that explain the various ideologies. Of course, some Americans would rather believe Hitler.

for the dumb fuck christer crackers


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