Hitchcock Capital: Quayle's Evangelism(?)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
The Republican Party made huge advances in the 1980s and 1990s when Ronald Reagan and George Bush were the elected Presidents.

During this time, the reign of scrutinized and roasted Vice-President Dan Quayle represented a new age populism rhetoric regarding capitalism-federalism critique free-speech values.

Before the Clinton-Lewinsky media-fiasco, the Quayle jokes in media represented a more classical approach to pedestrian participation in public-pulpit politics, so we were compelled to wonder if America is developing towards becoming a more 'politics-satire state.'

To better appreciate free-speech etiquette in this modern media age, we have to evaluate the 'aesthetics' of public discourse oriented entertainment. What would Trump say?




After Alfred Hitchcock changed the cinema landscape by introducing audiences to the concept of 'graphic realism' in suspense-horror storytelling, more and more American actors were drawn to bizarre roles/characters in movies portraying outlandish circumstances (e.g., Texas Chainsaw Massacre, American Psycho, Hoodlum, Judge Dredd, Kick-Ass, etc., etc.). For example, American actor Matthew McConaughey made both horror-films and politically-charged films, suggesting he was reacting to this new entertainment-industry trend of 'wide discourse flowery.' McConaughey was interested in an America aesthetic established by the likes of Dan Quayle, Rush Limbaugh, Howard Stern, and Rob Zombie. Culture was becoming...a pageant(!).


As new age intellectuals (e.g. Ivy League graduates working in eco-activism politics) shook hands with major celebrities working in the fields of eco-activism, inner-city crime, and cinema censorship, more and more movie audiences and movie-actors(!) noticed that America was more like Europe (in terms of liberal political pageantry) than arguably ever before. How would political critics talk about the development of global consumerism from the time of Reagan through Quayle, Clinton, and now Trump? Was America a sort of...market-based citadel (e.g., Mad Money)?


A new film about a daring man dealing with a turbulent skyscraper featured the eclectic and exciting action-adventure Hollywood (USA) movie superstar Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson, and posters for the film (Skyscraper!) saw the 'Rock' hanging off a skyscraper in flames. Films had evolved greatly. From the days of The Towering Inferno (Paul Newman) to the 1980s iconic-hit Die Hard (Bruce Willis) to this new instalment Skyscraper (starring the Rock), there was a definitive progression from crisis-management storylines to anarchy paranoia. Was the market breeding a demand for risk-thrill entertainment (e.g., Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?) and if so, was this a reflection of consumerism-evolution related bankruptcy-paranoia?


Americans love horror-films, so considering why an iconic actor such as the great Matthew McConaughey would want to make a bizarre horror-film such as Texas Chainsaw Massacre III: Leatherface would at first seem maddening, but upon closer reflection, one might conclude that McConaughey was making the perceptive statement, "'Quayle-America' is now 'TrumpUSA' which implies Americans are becoming more and more 'ambitious' about baron-based leadership and danger-imagination excitement!" America was a land of the DJ (all of a sudden)...


More and more stories of terrible high-school shootings surfaced in this time, perhaps reflecting a new pedestrian angst towards anti-American sentiments growing arguably since the 1960s. Young students were simply uninspired by the emerging world of consumerism-based political intelligence (i.e., Wall Street, NATO, World Bank, European Union). Dan Quayle jokes from the 1990s (mostly harmless) were now radical urban anti-TrumpUSA street-protests, prompting law officials/cops to take a more active role in 'pedestrian prose.'


American movie superstar Leo DiCaprio was the head of the environmental-activism group The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation. Leo cared about eco-activism, and if he showed up to a UCLA basketball game (since he's from LA!), he was sure to raise his eco-friendly recycled paper-cup in front of the cameras that took his picture to showcase to the public. Celebrities (like DiCaprio and McConaughey) were all-too-familiar with the power of media in engaging many Americans in this modern 'arena' of active social consciousness!


Advertisements presented images of trucks driving through sand-depressions in the American desert, hyping the need to focus on America's peculiar fascination with petroleum-money, transportation, and capitalism-hygiene. Donald Trump critiques in the media were therefore much more business-based than leadership-based, so we saw a shift in "Quayle-the-adolescent" jokes to "Trump-the-tyrant" jokes. Capitalism was literally reorienting the flavour of pedestrian prose.


American movie superstar Tom Hanks made the two culturally and politically iconic films Charlie Wilson's War and The Ladykillers in the new millennium, sending audiences the relevant message that entertainment was much more experience-oriented. Hitchcock's suspense-diarism film North by Northwest was now 'translated' into calamity-experience films such as Marc Forster's World War Z. It's no surprise that McConaughey would want to make a movie about politics, a movie about science, a movie about lawyers, and a movie about horror(!). Was this the 'consumerism salad'?


GOD: Planet Hollywood is a buffet-table for sarcasm.
SATAN: Consumerism breeds many cynics.
GOD: Right; Starbucks has people talking about 'cheap lifts.'
SATAN: It's no wonder McConaughey would want to 'diversify' his portfolio.
GOD: Americans love shock-value politics and entertainment.
SATAN: Quayle-jokes are now Trump-condemnations!
GOD: Trump may be as 'harmless' as Quayle, but sarcasm is deeper now.
SATAN: Right; commerce makes for all kinds of 'ornaments.'
GOD: Are you suggesting that our 'Facebook-Earth' is shallow?
SATAN: No; I'm merely pointing out that capitalism creates 'derbies.'
GOD: So movie-stars should focus on outlandish stories?
SATAN: Why not? Wasn't Wall Street (Oliver Stone) an outlandish story?
GOD: I suppose action-stories about capitalism symbolize pedestrian fitness.
SATAN: And pedestrians/consumers want to 'flex' their muscles.
GOD: I wouldn't be shocked if the AntiChrist was an unruly movie star...
SATAN: Censorship in cinema is a major concern for modern scholars.
GOD: Yes, free-speech is crucial in a commerce-gauged world.
SATAN: Without free-speech, you can't trash-talk about fascists mishandling toxic-waste!
GOD: Maybe movie-stars will carry water-guns (as a gesture of eco-activism).
SATAN: Why not? More and more toy stores resemble warehouses/factories.
GOD: This all sounds...like Mussolini's Italy.
SATAN: Let's go to Olive Garden!




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