History Channel To Portray Hannibal Accurately

East African Lady from the Great Lakes Region of Africa next to Ramses II

Sure was. Kinda weird how thats all thrown out the window when it comes to history.
No less weird than a racist declaring "one drop of blood" makes a person one "race" and not another or even a mixture.
Black genes are dominant. Besides Black genes all other genes are recessive. Genetics 101

You really are a sad widdle wacist.

It is understandable, however, why you are fixated on DNA instead of Character as you sorely lack the latter.
Sure was. Kinda weird how thats all thrown out the window when it comes to history.
No less weird than a racist declaring "one drop of blood" makes a person one "race" and not another or even a mixture.
Black genes are dominant. Besides Black genes all other genes are recessive. Genetics 101

You really are a sad widdle wacist.

It is understandable, however, why you are fixated on DNA instead of Character as you sorely lack the latter.
Dont be angry. Dont get emotional. Use this opportunity to rid yourself of the lies told by your people.
Politically correct nonsense. Carthage was populated by Semitic people.
Semetic people were Black too. However Canaanites are from Canaan not Shem.

Look up Phoenicia, bub. Hannibal was most likely what we think of today as Arabic.
Dont need to bub. i already know the Greeks called the Canaanites Phoenicians. The original Arabs were Black too. They are Semitic as well.

You probably think Alexander Hamilton really was black, too.
Politically correct nonsense. Carthage was populated by Semitic people.
Semetic people were Black too. However Canaanites are from Canaan not Shem.

Look up Phoenicia, bub. Hannibal was most likely what we think of today as Arabic.
Dont need to bub. i already know the Greeks called the Canaanites Phoenicians. The original Arabs were Black too. They are Semitic as well.

You probably think Alexander Hamilton really was black, too.
Why would i think Alexander Hamilton was Black? Do you know for sure his mom was having sex with a Black guy?
Judges dont go around analyzing dna MORON. They work with scientists.

And if a judge in this country cant get a dna analyzed and determine if the owner of that dna is black or white accurately, that means NOBODY can.

You are farting off your mouth, claiming there is evidence to mummies being white or black.
We cant even tell the difference in a 1 hour old dna sample, you claim to have the capability to do so on a 3000 year old mummy.

You are such a tool.....

A judge can do that, but why would he? When they have a defendant, they already know what his race is.

Your belief that they can't tell with a one hour old DNA sample is pure ignorance.

Are you retarded?

You think they find a photo of all the criminals on the crime scene, while they are acting on the crime?

You are clueless...

Do they ever put out an APB based entirely on DNA?

They have not, because it can NOT be done.

You claim you have "capability" to determine if a 3000 mummy was white or black, by looking at the dna, or whatever left of it.

Geneticists would like to know how you did that, because they certainly don't know how... :)
The best they can do is see if the DNA looks like the DNA of the people in a certain region.

Haplogroup, which is bullshit.

I had a friend, blonde blue eyes, they told her she had african ancestry.

Which, she probably does. But that says ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about her skin color.

These brainless morons dont understand the difference. Because, well, they are brainless... :D
A judge can do that, but why would he? When they have a defendant, they already know what his race is.

Your belief that they can't tell with a one hour old DNA sample is pure ignorance.

Are you retarded?

You think they find a photo of all the criminals on the crime scene, while they are acting on the crime?

You are clueless...

Do they ever put out an APB based entirely on DNA?

They have not, because it can NOT be done.

You claim you have "capability" to determine if a 3000 mummy was white or black, by looking at the dna, or whatever left of it.

Geneticists would like to know how you did that, because they certainly don't know how... :)
The best they can do is see if the DNA looks like the DNA of the people in a certain region.

Haplogroup, which is bullshit.

I had a friend, blonde blue eyes, they told her she had african ancestry.

Which, she probably does. But that says ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about her skin color.

These brainless morons dont understand the difference. Because, well, they are brainless... :D
I agree haplogroups are bullshit for precisely the reason that people are claiming the Semites were not Black. All you have to do is say the Semitic DNA is not in the same group as subsaharans and whala you have people claiming they were not Black.

I know several Black women with blue eyes. Blue eyes is a recessive trait that popped up by the Black Sea if I remember correctly. Its quite possible for your friend to have blonde hair and blue eyes and still have recent African ancestry. This young ladys ancestry is german and Black. if she had a kid with a white guy with blue eyes the chances are really high the kid would have blue eyes too.

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Youre getting emotional. I never claimed he was Black. Why did you think i said Alexander Hamilton was Black?
You're lying and evading. You claimed "one drop" makes a person black in our discussion of Tiger Woods. We don't know the composition of Hamilton's blood no more than we do Hannibal's, but we have a better chance of find out the former's genetic history.

Nonetheless, 1) we don't know and 2) you are lying in denying you don't believe the "one drop" bullshit since you admitted it here:
They both have quite a bit more than 1 drop. I have no problem with the one drop rule BTW.
Sure was. Kinda weird how thats all thrown out the window when it comes to history.
No less weird than a racist declaring "one drop of blood" makes a person one "race" and not another or even a mixture.
Black genes are dominant. Besides Black genes all other genes are recessive. Genetics 101

You really are a sad widdle wacist.

It is understandable, however, why you are fixated on DNA instead of Character as you sorely lack the latter.
For a Black man to react to racism is not in of itself a racist thing. Racist, like you, want to project your latent or overt racism onto Blacks when you know damn well "conservative" and even some "liberal" White people have institutionalized it and work diligently to keep it alive. The main component of racism is group hegemony where you believe you and any White person alive is inherently superior to any Black person just by virtue of being white. Blacks don't have that worldview. They are too busy trying to say look, I am equal to you, get your foot off my neck. When they say that or something similar you cry foul and call THEM racist..

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