Historic all-girls college is now accepting men if they identify as female

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Wonder what happens when the first supposed tyranny, rapes a fellow REAL female student....LIBERALISM IS A MENTAL DISORDER, being fostered by our SUPPOSED higher education internment camps!

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Christian Post ^ | 12/29/2018

America's second oldest women-only college has announced it will begin accepting admission applications from transgender candidates, explaining that the school has “expanded its definition of womanhood.”

In a statement, Stephens College in Columbia, Missouri, announced that it will be admitting male students who identify as women — but will exclude trans men — beginning in the fall of 2019.

The college's new policy says, "The college’s undergraduate residential women’s program will continue to admit and enroll students who are women and who live as women, just as it always has. It will also admit and enroll students who were not born female, but who identify and live as women; those students will need to provide legal documentation that they are legally women or that they are transitioning to female.”

“Because the college has expanded its definition of womanhood to include both sex and gender, it is logically consistent that it also acknowledges both sex and gender in its definition of manhood. As a result, the college will stop admitting and enrolling students who were born female but who now identify as men or who are transitioning from female to male."

The updated policy goes on to explain that the “world’s understanding of and definition of womanhood is changing, and Stephens is evolving — just as it always has — to ensure that it continues to provide the extraordinary experience of a Stephens College education to all women who seek and will benefit from it.”

In recent years, issues of gender, identity and inclusion have become front and center at women's colleges across the U.S. Since 2014, over half of such institutions in the country have developed formal admissions policies for transgender students, according to Vox.

The decision to include transgender and non-binary students at Stephens College, a 185-year-old institution, was made unanimously by the Board of Trustees, according to an explainerreleased by the school.

A timeline from the college shows that the policy has been under consideration since 2014, shortly after the Obama administration issued new administrative guidance defining “gender identity” as an individual's “internal sense of being male or female,” and defining a transgender person as someone “with a gender identity that is different from the sex assigned them at birth.”

"It asserts that transgender students are protected from gender discrimination under Title IX (backed by a 2016 statement by the Justice Dept.)," the website continues.

These actions led "women's colleges to begin exploring the legal issues related to the admittance (or not) of transgender students," the school's website says.

Admitting that the decision will “satisfy some and displease others,” the school board says it aims to prepare women “for the lives that have awaited them.”

“Today, she is evolving into a women’s college for the world in which we live — one ready to admit, educate and empower women for generations to come,” it states.

While some students at the college applauded the move, others took issue with the newly announced policy.

“We are required to live on campus, so how are the dorm arrangements going to go?” Stephens College student Sally Russell told KOMU-TV. “If someone has male genitalia and is living within the women’s dorms, people have been really scared since a lot of people on campus have roommates and share bathrooms.”

Russell added that the details of the policy remain murky, leaving students with questions about what it will mean long-term.

“Since the school has been so quiet about it, I feel like people haven't been able to learn about it, which has been a problem. This was announced and we've heard nothing really other than the announcement,” she said.
It is saddening our Universities aren't taking the lead and stopping this idiocy. Soon, auto mechanic school will be known as a place for higher learning. They'll field a better football team than the universities where Soy Boyz make up the team roster.
It is saddening our Universities aren't taking the lead and stopping this idiocy. Soon, auto mechanic school will be known as a place for higher learning. They'll field a better football team than the universities where Soy Boyz make up the team roster.
I always hated showering with the guys in college.
Yeah, so?
Makes sense.
Yes, it makes excellent sense if parents are deliberating where (not) to send their daughter. It helps eliminate that choice. Look for the place to go bankrupt soon. They didn't learn the lesson from Target Stores apparently...
Yeah, so?
Makes sense.

Yeah until they tell stupid fks like you , you can't join this or that because :

your white
you are too old
your hair is black, brown, white, gray, green

are you so mother fknn stupid you can't find it possible to COMPREHEND in your pea sized brain that issues like this trickle into more issues being taken from ppl dumbass.

Don't like pink stop wearing it everybody, don't like blue stop wearing it everybody........

WTF is wrong with you rejects!!

When you keep taking because fks like you want to take everything from everyone you end up leaving everybody with NOTHING stupid ass.

It is too bad you idiots really can't see how dumb you are.
Last edited:
It is saddening our Universities aren't taking the lead and stopping this idiocy. Soon, auto mechanic school will be known as a place for higher learning. They'll field a better football team than the universities where Soy Boyz make up the team roster.
I always hated showering with the guys in college.
These guys can now walk into a shower with a huge hardon and tell the girls that it is just your SOAP ON A ROPE, but the rope fell off!!!
It is saddening our Universities aren't taking the lead and stopping this idiocy. Soon, auto mechanic school will be known as a place for higher learning. They'll field a better football team than the universities where Soy Boyz make up the team roster.
I always hated showering with the guys in college.
These guys can now walk into a shower with a huge hardon and tell the girls that it is just your SOAP ON A ROPE, but the rope fell off!!!
. I wonder if these men can muster a woody in a shower with girls? They're really gay boys after all.
It’s a private school. Their roof, their rules.
It is saddening our Universities aren't taking the lead and stopping this idiocy. Soon, auto mechanic school will be known as a place for higher learning. They'll field a better football team than the universities where Soy Boyz make up the team roster.
I always hated showering with the guys in college.
These guys can now walk into a shower with a huge hardon and tell the girls that it is just your SOAP ON A ROPE, but the rope fell off!!!
. I wonder if these men can muster a woody in a shower with girls? They're really gay boys after all.

gotta keep yer end of the deal up mate.....
. I wonder if these men can muster a woody in a shower with girls? They're really gay boys after all.

If they have closeted or outright hetero tendencies (like many tranny guys do), you bet they'll get excited. And, about half of all gay men have closeted hetero fantasies. They're the ones that like the lisping femme/bottom boys who in many ways resemble females. Female- substitutes with a convenient hole in their undercarriage.

Can you imagine the young male rape-fantasy guys lining up right now to learn how to put makeup on and a skirt so they can slip "legally" into a dorm and live there, shower there?...
It’s a private school. Their roof, their rules.
Yes, they can do what they want. I wonder if a long time traditionally female college, whose main reason for being was it gave females a safe space away from males, is doing their students a favor by now bringing male eyes, male bodies, male sensibilities into the hen house, as it were.

Yes...this is for males who "identify" as females. I'm wondering what percentage of Stephens College students
will want to share a bathroom or locker room with these so called females when the moment of truth arrives.

My guess would be not very many. To please PC culture I'm thinking Stephens College has ruined what has made them
unique and they will rue the day they caved in to pressure.
No doubt this college will be eager to recruit those "men who now identify as women" for their female weight lifting team.
It’s a private school. Their roof, their rules.
Yes, they can do what they want. I wonder if a long time traditionally female college, whose main reason for being was it gave females a safe space away from males, is doing their students a favor by now bringing male eyes, male bodies, male sensibilities into the hen house, as it were.

Yes...this is for males who "identify" as females. I'm wondering what percentage of Stephens College students
will want to share a bathroom or locker room with these so called females when the moment of truth arrives.

My guess would be not very many. To please PC culture I'm thinking Stephens College has ruined what has made them
unique and they will rue the day they caved in to pressure.

You may be right, you may be wrong. Time will tell. If they made a bad decision they'll feel it in the purse.

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