His name is Nakoula Basseley Nakoula

This lunatic needlessly inflamed the Middle East - adding to the fires set by Bush 41 and Bush 43 - from suckering Saddam into Kuwait to manufacturing evidence against him.

Is the US State Department still keeping April Glaspie under wraps?

You and your ilk are a bunch of bedwetting crybabies. He didn't do shit but make a film on how he feels and believes.. Like how all of the Anti-God Hollywood type CONSTANTLY make shows and movies that disparage and mock Christianity.. You don't see us burning down buildings, raping and murdering people.. IT'S ON THE THUGS WHO SLAUGHTERED OUR PEOPLE-- period.. These animals don't know how to control themseLves.. well fuck them and fuck you.. No one gets a free pass to slaughter human beings because they don't like what other people say.
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Not all Muslims are terrorists.

Not all Christians are terrorists.

No one said they were.. I said Muslims don't get a free pass to slaughter and rape innocent people because they're pissed at what someone said or did. Too damn bad.. Like the rest of us, GET THE FUCK OVER IT or find your sorry asses in a prison cell, or better yet.. looking for the barrel of an M-16 with a Marine at the end of it. Oooorah
Why isn't his picture plastered all over the media is what I would like to know? This perp, who is responsible for the death of an American ambassador and other Americans should be properly exposed immediately. Those who financed the perp should also be exposed immediately. These anti-Islamic haters knew what they were doing and had to know the devastating consequences that had to possibly follow. Expose them and let the shit hit the fan!

ROFL! The lengths Obama fluffers will go to so they can avoid blaming the real perpetrators is astounding.

Listen up, moron: making a movie is not a crime, even an offensive one. If it were, then half the producers in Hollywood would be in prison.

The only people responsible are the vicious animals who killed our embassy staff and the current administration for helping them come to power and for failing to provide adequate security. Blaming the video producer is the desperate act of left-wingers who know their messiah is in big trouble.
Why isn't his picture plastered all over the media is what I would like to know? This perp, who is responsible for the death of an American ambassador and other Americans should be properly exposed immediately. Those who financed the perp should also be exposed immediately. These anti-Islamic haters knew what they were doing and had to know the devastating consequences that had to possibly follow. Expose them and let the shit hit the fan!

Really that is the best you have?
What law did he break?
Is he not entitled to his own opinion?
Does he not have the right of free speech?
Get a grip!

Any speech that pisses off left-wingers or their chosen protected classes is illegal in the their eyes.
We need to round up the creep who produced The Last Temptation of Christ.. He needs to be arrested, thrown in jail, and then handed over to a group of people to kill him after all he did the same exact thing.. He made an offensive movie blaspheming Christ..

How about "Life of Brian?" Perhaps all the surviving members of Monty Python should be arrested and flogged.
We need to round up the creep who produced The Last Temptation of Christ.. He needs to be arrested, thrown in jail, and then handed over to a group of people to kill him after all he did the same exact thing.. He made an offensive movie blaspheming Christ..

How about "Life of Brian?" Perhaps all the surviving members of Monty Python should be arrested and flogged.

No, lets burn them, islamist style. Then the government will say "We are sorry" to us maybe... :eusa_whistle:
Not all Muslims are terrorists.

Not all Christians are terrorists.

No one said they were.. I said Muslims don't get a free pass to slaughter and rape innocent people because they're pissed at what someone said or did. Too damn bad.. Like the rest of us, GET THE FUCK OVER IT or find your sorry asses in a prison cell, or better yet.. looking for the barrel of an M-16 with a Marine at the end of it. Oooorah

Lol this girl is in a fucking world of fantasies......ahhaha thanks for making me laugh :lol:
You are right but those are on the streets are. You simply give them a free pass...

How is that you nazi cocksucker? Protesting is terrorism since when? These fucking islamophobes consist of painfully dumb motherfuckers

it went beyond protesting and you know it

Dude, I have seen those people in my country. They actually not only terrorize you people, they terrorize their whole country. The go onto the streets like animals, cussing 24/7, burning and firing and going crazy.

Think about it, you don't believe in this religion but still living in that country, or even you are a logical thinking moderate muslim that always prefer the civilized way, but these animals pour onto the streets and go crazy. First off, you are scared cause you have kids, you can never know what they will get mad at. Maybe your wife or 7 year old girl doesnt wear hijab and they will go mad when they see that and attack you instead since you are more accessible.

Anything is possible with these animals. And if this is not terrorizing, I don't know what is.
How is that you nazi cocksucker? Protesting is terrorism since when? These fucking islamophobes consist of painfully dumb motherfuckers

it went beyond protesting and you know it

Dude, I have seen those people in my country. They actually not only terrorize you people, they terrorize their whole country. The go onto the streets like animals, cussing 24/7, burning and firing and going crazy.

Think about it, you don't believe in this religion but still living in that country, or even you are a logical thinking moderate muslim that always prefer the civilized way, but these animals pour onto the streets and go crazy. First off, you are scared cause you have kids, you can never know what they will get mad at. Maybe your wife or 7 year old girl doesnt wear hijab and they will go mad when they see that and attack you instead since you are more accessible.

Anything is possible with these animals. And if this is not terrorizing, I don't know what is.

You never lived in a Muslim Country quit lying will you? No they don't terroroze anyone dumbass you must be a fucking pussy burning tires is normal there...nothing is scary about it
How is that you nazi cocksucker? Protesting is terrorism since when? These fucking islamophobes consist of painfully dumb motherfuckers

it went beyond protesting and you know it

Dude, I have seen those people in my country. They actually not only terrorize you people, they terrorize their whole country. The go onto the streets like animals, cussing 24/7, burning and firing and going crazy.

Think about it, you don't believe in this religion but still living in that country, or even you are a logical thinking moderate muslim that always prefer the civilized way, but these animals pour onto the streets and go crazy. First off, you are scared cause you have kids, you can never know what they will get mad at. Maybe your wife or 7 year old girl doesnt wear hijab and they will go mad when they see that and attack you instead since you are more accessible.

Anything is possible with these animals. And if this is not terrorizing, I don't know what is.

I've been reading stories about Christians in Egypt scared for their lives.. there are reports they've been crucifying Christians... These barbaric people do not compromise.. You can't talk to them.. you cannot negotiate with them.. They only want ONE THING: The complete and total destruction of Israel and Jews.. then we're next on their hit list.
it went beyond protesting and you know it

Dude, I have seen those people in my country. They actually not only terrorize you people, they terrorize their whole country. The go onto the streets like animals, cussing 24/7, burning and firing and going crazy.

Think about it, you don't believe in this religion but still living in that country, or even you are a logical thinking moderate muslim that always prefer the civilized way, but these animals pour onto the streets and go crazy. First off, you are scared cause you have kids, you can never know what they will get mad at. Maybe your wife or 7 year old girl doesnt wear hijab and they will go mad when they see that and attack you instead since you are more accessible.

Anything is possible with these animals. And if this is not terrorizing, I don't know what is.

I've been reading stories about Christians in Egypt scared for their lives.. there are reports they've been crucifying Christians... These barbaric people do not compromise.. You can't talk to them.. you cannot negotiate with them.. They only want ONE THING: The complete and total destruction of Israel and Jews.. then we're next on their hit list.

Those weren't reports those were antisemetic nazi lies.....fucking moron...yeah of course that's what they want hahaha :lol:, here we go with master Israel again fuck off you IDF part timer...this isn't a bitch...it's a IDF part timer....I'm familiar with this kind of talk

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