
Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
...according to Russia.

Hillary Clinton's team met with Russian ambassador, says Kremlin spokesman, as he warns against 'hysteria'

Hillary Clinton's team met with Russian ambassador, says Kremlin spokesman, as he warns against 'hysteria'

Hillary Clinton’s team members met with the Russian ambassador during the election as well as Donald Trump’s, the Kremlin spokesman has alleged, as he set out to dismiss the “hysteria” surrounding Mr Trump’s links to Russia.


"...he defended the actions of their ambassador, Sergey Kislyak, whose meeting with Michael Flynn, Mr Trump’s choice of national security adviser, caused Mr Flynn to lose his job. He was fired after just 24 days when it became clear that he had lied about meeting the Russian, and misled the vice president. This is his job,” said Mr Peskov, speaking on CNN’s Sunday morning politics show. “He was talking about bilateral relations, about what is going on in the United States, so we have a better understanding in Moscow. “This is what happens all around the world.”

Yet in their successful 'political assassination' of Flynn, Democrats tried to make what Flynn had done sound like 'treason'.


"He said that members of Mrs Clinton’s team had also met with Mr Kislyak, although he did not give specifics."

Mrs Clinton's team is yet to comment on the allegations

Peskov said about Democratic Party claims that Russia hacked the election and thus affected the outcome: "You are self-humiliating yourself to say that a country can intervene."
So it is obvious that from the very start butt-hurt sore-loser Democrats made a proverbial 'mountain' out of the proverbial 'mole hill', manufacturing the 'scandal' of the 'Trump-Russia Connection. No one on Trump's team has been proven to have done anything illegal or inappropriate.

Again, the FBI declared no connection / evidence of collusion had been found between Trump and the Russians.

Flynn WAS DOING HIS JOB, and his only mistake was not being sure what he was doing WAS ok and hiding it from Pence.

Sessions did nothing illegal.

Hillary's team did the same exact thing as the Trump people...so it couldn't have been anything to it. (Although her campaign manager's brother WAS working for the KGB Bank which is closely connected to Vladimir Putin and to the Russia Spy Agency that was the entity that reportedly hacked Podesta and the DNC)

I guess her people meeting Russians as well just slipped her dain bramaged mind... :p
FAKE NEWS my dear!

That's simply bull crap Russian propaganda that you are programed to receive!

The Russians did NOT meet with the Clinton campaign team.

Kisliak met some PACS that supported clinton...of which campaigns can not by law, even coordinate with PACS....

you've been FOOLED AGAIN!
So it is obvious that from the very start butt-hurt sore-loser Democrats made a proverbial 'mountain' out of the proverbial 'mole hill', manufacturing the 'scandal' of the 'Trump-Russia Connection. No one on Trump's team has been proven to have done anything illegal or inappropriate.

Again, the FBI declared no connection / evidence of collusion had been found between Trump and the Russians.

Flynn WAS DOING HIS JOB, and his only mistake was not being sure what he was doing WAS ok and hiding it from Pence.

Sessions did nothing illegal.

Hillary's team did the same exact thing as the Trump people...so it couldn't have been anything to it. (Although her campaign manager's brother WAS working for the KGB Bank which is closely connected to Vladimir Putin and to the Russia Spy Agency that was the entity that reportedly hacked Podesta and the DNC)

I guess her people meeting Russians as well just slipped her dain bramaged mind... :p
please give a link where the FBI DECLARED their investigation was OVER and there was no connection or collusion with the Trump campaign team.
Meanwhile back at the ranch Tony Podesta is being paid by the Russian government bank to lobby against sanctions.

FAKE NEWS my dear!

That's simply bull crap Russian propaganda that you are programed to receive!

The Russians did NOT meet with the Clinton campaign team.

Kisliak met some PACS that supported clinton...of which campaigns can not by law, even coordinate with PACS....

you've been FOOLED AGAIN!
So let me get this straight....

1. Team's Cabinet Nominee was already talking to the Russians to get the ball rolling - leaning forward, and no one was giving Trump a chance at beating Hillary; yet Hillary's team, expected to beat Trump, had not begun reaching out to other leaders and nations - behind the power curve?

2. It is not Russian propaganda that representatives talk to each other in elections. The NYT, I believe, wrote an article entitled 'The World Does Not Respect Transitions - the World Continues To Go On'. This means both teams had to start making contacts so that as soon as they won they could hit the ground running. This IS the way the world works. Your attempt to claim otherwise is laughable.

3. Bill Clinton was taking $50k a pop speaking engagements from companies owned by Ex-KGB who are friendly with Vladimir. You HONESTLY think NO ONE on the Clinton team was speaking with Russian Reps? :p

4. Did her campaign manager happen to mention to Hillary that his brother was working for the KGB Bank, that has ties to Vlad and the Russian Spy agency?
So it is obvious that from the very start butt-hurt sore-loser Democrats made a proverbial 'mountain' out of the proverbial 'mole hill', manufacturing the 'scandal' of the 'Trump-Russia Connection. No one on Trump's team has been proven to have done anything illegal or inappropriate.

Again, the FBI declared no connection / evidence of collusion had been found between Trump and the Russians.

Flynn WAS DOING HIS JOB, and his only mistake was not being sure what he was doing WAS ok and hiding it from Pence.

Sessions did nothing illegal.

Hillary's team did the same exact thing as the Trump people...so it couldn't have been anything to it. (Although her campaign manager's brother WAS working for the KGB Bank which is closely connected to Vladimir Putin and to the Russia Spy Agency that was the entity that reportedly hacked Podesta and the DNC)

I guess her people meeting Russians as well just slipped her dain bramaged mind... :p
please give a link where the FBI DECLARED their investigation was OVER and there was no connection or collusion with the Trump campaign team.

I have REPEATEDLY posted the link where the FBI declared it. Feel free to look it up. It's easy....no pun intended.
OP argument will not help Trump in the slightest.

The Podesta connection will. :)
Fallacy of degree not kind. Podesta does not exculpate Donald's lying.

We're talking the Russian connection. Tony was being paid by the state owned bank of Russia to lobby against the sanctions.

Direct connection.

Now Jake. Why would the "Russians" hack the insider brother who talked with Tony ALL THE TIME.

Your Russian fairy tale is completely falling apart. Oh and by the way I'm starting my hit job on your insane Senator McCain who is directing the Ukrainian troops on the eastern border.

You better reign in that insane motherfucker or he's going to put you into WWIII.
Sessions needs to investigate Democrats ties to Russia

When Tony is getting I think it was 60,000 a month (on the books) to represent the state controlled bank of Russia to lobby against the sanctions, oh I do beleive we need an investigation of the Podestas.

Do you suppose they were meeting to coordinate how they were going to help her lose the election?
So it is obvious that from the very start butt-hurt sore-loser Democrats made a proverbial 'mountain' out of the proverbial 'mole hill', manufacturing the 'scandal' of the 'Trump-Russia Connection. No one on Trump's team has been proven to have done anything illegal or inappropriate.

Again, the FBI declared no connection / evidence of collusion had been found between Trump and the Russians.

Flynn WAS DOING HIS JOB, and his only mistake was not being sure what he was doing WAS ok and hiding it from Pence.

Sessions did nothing illegal.

Hillary's team did the same exact thing as the Trump people...so it couldn't have been anything to it. (Although her campaign manager's brother WAS working for the KGB Bank which is closely connected to Vladimir Putin and to the Russia Spy Agency that was the entity that reportedly hacked Podesta and the DNC)

I guess her people meeting Russians as well just slipped her dain bramaged mind... :p
please give a link where the FBI DECLARED their investigation was OVER and there was no connection or collusion with the Trump campaign team.

OK so they can't even find any connection with Russia for Ivanka, Jared or Jared's mother.

What next? Investigate the Kushner babies?

Meanwhile back at the ranch YOU have the Podesta connection working FOR Russia.
No, td, we are talking about the lies of Trump, Sessions, Flynn, and others pertaining to Russia.

The Hillary team has not a thing to do with this, unless you are saying it is OK for Trump to be Hillary or Obama. If so, how very strange.

McCain's committee today wants proof of Trump's statement that Obama wire tapped him.

The House intel committee today wants Donald's proof on his Russian contacts.

The Hillary distraction has no meaning to the committees.
FAKE NEWS my dear!

That's simply bull crap Russian propaganda that you are programed to receive!

The Russians did NOT meet with the Clinton campaign team.

Kisliak met some PACS that supported clinton...of which campaigns can not by law, even coordinate with PACS....

you've been FOOLED AGAIN!
So let me get this straight....

1. Team's Cabinet Nominee was already talking to the Russians to get the ball rolling - leaning forward, and no one was giving Trump a chance at beating Hillary; yet Hillary's team, expected to beat Trump, had not begun reaching out to other leaders and nations - behind the power curve?

2. It is not Russian propaganda that representatives talk to each other in elections. The NYT, I believe, wrote an article entitled 'The World Does Not Respect Transitions - the World Continues To Go On'. This means both teams had to start making contacts so that as soon as they won they could hit the ground running. This IS the way the world works. Your attempt to claim otherwise is laughable.

3. Bill Clinton was taking $50k a pop speaking engagements from companies owned by Ex-KGB who are friendly with Vladimir. You HONESTLY think NO ONE on the Clinton team was speaking with Russian Reps? :p

4. Did her campaign manager happen to mention to Hillary that his brother was working for the KGB Bank, that has ties to Vlad and the Russian Spy agency?
Did Kisliak meet with the Clinton Campaign team as YOU stated and th Russians stated? The answer is NO, HE DID NOT.

so your title and your op is simply a LIE, PROPAGANDA, being put out there by the Russians on behalf of the President.

All the rest of your bull crud, is simply that, bull crud to try to deflect from the Trump campaign team and their love affair with their Russian connections.

And YES, it would b normal for foreign nations to get to know campaigns and visa versa....


WHO ELSE, what other countries did the Trump team meet with BESIDES RUSSIA....? How many phone calls and meetings did the Trump campaign have with any other Nation in the world, besides Russia?

NONE? hmmmmm....
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Let's investigate everyone EXCEPT the 2 guys working for the Ex-KGB...Bill and Tony. :p
Trump lied. Sessions lied. Flynn lied.

Other distractions are ludicrous.

Committees from the House and the Senate now have deadlines for Trump and his people to respond.

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