Hillary wearing Fresnel prism glasses after her stroke

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Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
I think that she'll be fine especially if she is running against 'j boosh' . Afterall , I think that its her turn to be 'prezident' . She is getting pretty long in the tooth though ehh ??
Hillary Clinton had no "stroke". Fresnel prisms are commonly used to treat the lingering blurred or double vision that can hang on months after a concussion. A concussion is not a "stroke".
many people are saying that she had a stroke Pogo , who really knows as 'hilary' is a pretty big liar !!
Why the sudden adjustment to glasses with Fresnel lenses? You may recall that Secretary of State Clinton fainted, fell, hit her head and suffered a concussion in the process. Well Clinton spokesman Philippe Reines confirmed that Clinton will “be wearing these glasses instead of her contacts for a period of time because of lingering issues stemming from her concussion.” Dependent on the severity of the head injury, concussions can cause blurred or double vision for weeks or months. The lines or grooves in these lenses change the way light enters the eye. This makes the Fresnel lens very useful for treating double or blurred vision. - See more at: Hillary and Her Fresnel Lens Eye Health
Hillary Clinton had no "stroke". Fresnel prisms are commonly used to treat the lingering blurred or double vision that can hang on months after a concussion. A concussion is not a "stroke".

It may not be a stroke but it is an brain injury.
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