Hillary tweets about Comey using his own personal email.


Gold Member
Oct 2, 2015
A simple 3 words. “But my emails.”

I think both sides of the spectrum can agree Comey is one of those sanctimonious top cop egomaniacs .

We are all Black Lives Matter.
Other FBI investigators used their personal email as well.

Yep. And other gov employees knowingly emailed Hillary’s outside server .

Douche bag Comey took it upon himself to sabotage Hillary’s run because of the whole email/server thing .
Hillary Clinton slammed former FBI director James Comey — who investigated her use of a private email server on government business — for using a personal email to conduct FBI business.

“But my emails,” Clinton tweeted — playing off the “but her emails” refrain routinely invoked by conservatives who said Clinton’s use of a private email server while Secretary of State precluded her from the White House.

Justice Department Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz revealed in a report Thursday that Comey used a personal Gmail account to conduct agency business on five occasions — a violation of regulations.



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Hillary Clinton slammed former FBI director James Comey — who investigated her use of a private email server on government business — for using a personal email to conduct FBI business.

“But my emails,” Clinton tweeted — playing off the “but her emails” refrain routinely invoked by conservatives who said Clinton’s use of a private email server while Secretary of State precluded her from the White House.

Justice Department Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz revealed in a report Thursday that Comey used a personal Gmail account to conduct agency business on five occasions — a violation of regulations.


Fucking Hillarious isn't it?

Comey using private emails. Extremely reckless as I recall.

And how about that libtarded moron Strzok slow walking the Weiner laptop emails and got caught, forcing Comey to issue the letter to Congress to save his sorry ass.

Then Strzok getting caught telling his main squeeze he was going to stop Trump.

Poetic justice. The losers trying to stop Trump brought down Hillarious.

Help me, Lord, I can't stop laughing.
I’m a little confused why she thinks pointing out that the guy who got her off using private emails makes her crimes any less serious
A simple 3 words. “But my emails.”

I think both sides of the spectrum can agree Comey is one of those sanctimonious top cop egomaniacs .

We are all Black Lives Matter.

Looks like we finally found the bombshell.

Anybody called Trey Gowdy yet?
kind of surprised she is drawing attention to her own malfeasance when she'd be better off letting attention go elsewhere...

I’m a little confused why she thinks pointing out that the guy who got her off using private emails makes her crimes any less serious

What crimes would that be?

Anything like Michael Flynn's crimes?

Or how about Donald Trumps crimes?

Or maybe you mean Don Jr's crimes?

Or perhaps you mean Paul Manaforts crimes?

Or were you talking about Ivanka's crimes?

Or Roger Stones crimes?

Or Michael Cohens crimes?

After you wipe that egg off of your face, and get that shit taste out of your mouth, try rephrasing your question to one that makes any sense or has any ring of truth to it pal, because after this story you look really really fucking stupid and the hypocrite that you are, so we 're not talking about Hillary anymore. We've got actual criminals in our sights.
I’m a little confused why she thinks pointing out that the guy who got her off using private emails makes her crimes any less serious

Because they are not crimes . It’s somthing routinely done . Shows she was specifically targeted .
I’m a little confused why she thinks pointing out that the guy who got her off using private emails makes her crimes any less serious

What crimes would that be?

Anything like Michael Flynn's crimes?

Or how about Donald Trumps crimes?

Or maybe you mean Don Jr's crimes?

Or perhaps you mean Paul Manaforts crimes?

Or were you talking about Ivanka's crimes?

Or Roger Stones crimes?

Or Michael Cohens crimes?

After you wipe that egg off of your face, and get that shit taste out of your mouth, try rephrasing your question to one that makes any sense or has any ring of truth to it pal, because after this story you look really really fucking stupid and the hypocrite that you are, so we 're not talking about Hillary anymore. We've got actual criminals in our sights.

Thing is by not finding Hillary guilty of crimes just makes it all the harder to go after TRUMP.
Liberals have screwed this up, had they just sacrificed Hillary they might have had a chance to take down TRUMP. Now liberals are going to use the IG to defend Hillary, and Hillary is going to take that as a sign to run again in 2020...
You can't make this shit up. Comey was investigating Hillary Clinton's private email scandal, while himself using private emails.

Bwahahaha! And as I recall the leftists were screaming when Trump dumped him. The insanity of the situation has no bounds. The FBI agents were also saying they will make sure Trump doesn't become the president, calling him Drumpf (yes they never matured). They failed on that as well.


Clinton campaign alums — and, later, Clinton herself — blast Comey’s use of private email

The incompetence and bias is staggering, bring on the indictments.
Drumpf! That is commonly used on this forum. They must issue talking points or something.

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