Hillary Signed "Islamaphobia" Treaty Last December. It's Done And Now We're Screwed


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Pulling the Islamic Veil over Americas' Eyes

Why would U.S. diplomats apologize to violent Muslims, on of all days 9/11, for America's sacred right of free speech? They were following a new protocol negotiated between Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the Saudi-based Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), an alliance of 56 Muslim nations.

In December, Clinton met behind closed doors in Washington with OIC officials to hammer out "mechanisms" for enforcing a U.N. resolution the administration signed to fight "Islamophobia" in America and other Western nations.

The three-day session was closed to the public.

However, the Homeland Security and Defense departments and the FBI have since purged thousands of counterterrorism training materials that Muslim reviewers complained pushed "negative stereotypes" of Islam.

Sanitized material included anything defining jihad as "holy war." In addition, courses on radical Islam have been canceled, and some instructors and trainers have been fired or disciplined.

U.S. Embassy Apologies Reflect Obama's Anti-'Islamophobia' Policy - Investors.com
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Many think Hillary is the voice of reason. She's more treacherous than Obama...ask Vince Foster. Oh wait, we can't . He's dead... under mysterious circumstances.
Then it makes sense that Ambassador Stevens would be sacrificed. He wrote about the dangers of jihadists in his diary. In fact, the entire "attack" might have been engineered to get that diary and make sure it didn't fall into the wrong hands, like republicans. It made it safely to the chief propaganda arm, CNN.
I'm gonna play Devil's advocate.

The Obama Administration may have thought they were doing good when they signed our government's right to call a spade a spade away, but now all of the lies and confusing statements make total sense.

The administration has made themselves accountable to Islamic radicals for the slightest transgression. They are most likely totally ignorant to the threats from Islamo-facsism.
I'm gonna play Devil's advocate.

The Obama Administration may have thought they were doing good when they signed our government's right to call a spade a spade away, but now all of the lies and confusing statements make total sense.

The administration has made themselves accountable to Islamic radicals for the slightest transgression. They are most likely totally ignorant to the threats from Islamo-facsism.

They might not be ignorant, but actively want to promote islamo-facsism.
Both Obama and Hillary are pragmatists who realize that offending 25% of the words population that is muslim so that some nitwits can post pictures and make films defaming Islam is stupid and a bad policy for our country. :cool:
Both Obama and Hillary are pragmatists who realize that offending 25% of the words population that is muslim so that some nitwits can post pictures and make films defaming Islam is stupid and a bad policy for our country. :cool:
Fuck you! This is a free country. Islam doesn't give a fuck who they offend!
Then it makes sense that Ambassador Stevens would be sacrificed. He wrote about the dangers of jihadists in his diary. In fact, the entire "attack" might have been engineered to get that diary and make sure it didn't fall into the wrong hands, like republicans. It made it safely to the chief propaganda arm, CNN.

There are actually 30 surviving witnesses that I hope will tell the truth of what happened that day.

This just makes liberal women look so hypocritical for defending people that treat women like animals.
Both Obama and Hillary are pragmatists who realize that offending 25% of the words population that is muslim so that some nitwits can post pictures and make films defaming Islam is stupid and a bad policy for our country. :cool:

That video is NOT the reason they attacked the embassy.

The liberal's lying rhetoric about that film is what is causing protests though. It's liberals that are inciting more violence.

Oh and the killing of Osama Bin Laden. Is hillary going to apologize for that?
Sure thing, mud.

Pulling the Islamic Veil over Americas' Eyes

Why would U.S. diplomats apologize to violent Muslims, on of all days 9/11, for America's sacred right of free speech? They were following a new protocol negotiated between Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the Saudi-based Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), an alliance of 56 Muslim nations.

In December, Clinton met behind closed doors in Washington with OIC officials to hammer out "mechanisms" for enforcing a U.N. resolution the administration signed to fight "Islamophobia" in America and other Western nations.

The three-day session was closed to the public.

However, the Homeland Security and Defense departments and the FBI have since purged thousands of counterterrorism training materials that Muslim reviewers complained pushed "negative stereotypes" of Islam.

Sanitized material included anything defining jihad as "holy war." In addition, courses on radical Islam have been canceled, and some instructors and trainers have been fired or disciplined.

U.S. Embassy Apologies Reflect Obama's Anti-'Islamophobia' Policy - Investors.com
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Sorry bout that,

1. Poor sensitive muslims, can't catch a break on their religion. :badgrin:
2. Well if they didn't base their entire religion of some fucking *sexual pervert*, mohammed, they might have had a better chance to get some respect in the world.
3. But no, their prophet liked little girls, and he liked to fuck little girls.
4. It doesn't matter how you package islam and their religion, it will always come across as the *pervert religion* where its *okay* , *fine* to marry a little girl, and *fuck her*.
5. This is only the truth, and I can not say it any nicer, truth is truth, am I showing some sort of islamphobia?????
6. Nope, not at all, I just have no aversion to the truth.

I've only read the first five posts, but this thread already promises to be fucking hilarious.

Some of you guys are really going to crack under the pressure of the next month, huh?

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