Hillary Ready For Another Go?

Got to wonder if Bernie realizes how close he came to getting "suicided"?

These "Is Hillary going to run for (fill in the blank)?" topics are symptoms of withdrawal. The hacks spent so many years working up their fear and anger toward Hillary, they have become addicted and have a secret desire for her to stick around so they can keep masturbating.

Colon Anus' avatar and sig:



Absolutely, I love taunting the evil twat. I hope she reads every single one of my posts...I just hope she doesn't Seth Rich me...because she easily could. She murders her perceived threats the way she murders pills and vodka.

She doesn't know who the fuck you are.
These "Is Hillary going to run for (fill in the blank)?" topics are symptoms of withdrawal. The hacks spent so many years working up their fear and anger toward Hillary, they have become addicted and have a secret desire for her to stick around so they can keep masturbating.

Colon Anus' avatar and sig:



Absolutely, I love taunting the evil twat. I hope she reads every single one of my posts...I just hope she doesn't Seth Rich me...because she easily could. She murders her perceived threats the way she murders pills and vodka.

She doesn't know who the fuck you are.

That can be construed as a good thing. :alcoholic:
These "Is Hillary going to run for (fill in the blank)?" topics are symptoms of withdrawal. The hacks spent so many years working up their fear and anger toward Hillary, they have become addicted and have a secret desire for her to stick around so they can keep masturbating.

Colon Anus' avatar and sig:



Absolutely, I love taunting the evil twat. I hope she reads every single one of my posts...I just hope she doesn't Seth Rich me...because she easily could. She murders her perceived threats the way she murders pills and vodka.

She doesn't know who the fuck you are.

Did she know Seth Rich?
These "Is Hillary going to run for (fill in the blank)?" topics are symptoms of withdrawal. The hacks spent so many years working up their fear and anger toward Hillary, they have become addicted and have a secret desire for her to stick around so they can keep masturbating.

Colon Anus' avatar and sig:



Absolutely, I love taunting the evil twat. I hope she reads every single one of my posts...I just hope she doesn't Seth Rich me...because she easily could. She murders her perceived threats the way she murders pills and vodka.

She doesn't know who the fuck you are.

That can be construed as a good thing. :alcoholic:

It can be construed that you guys just can't quit her and she couldn't care less.
Her ghost-written book already in the dollar bins, her latest tour is really about money.....$125 to see her, $250 to shake her sweaty, swollen hand. With a deep-state fixer still in the FBI, none of her State Dept. treachery can be exposed just yet so why not? Is Hillary running again? From what you may ask...the past? the bathtub? the stigma of being a loser? Or maybe she just needs something to do between drinking binges.


The RWnuts' desperate hope that Trump might face a weak candidate again. HIS only hope.
This Lying, Depraved, Coat-Tail Riding Haint is done. She had to write a book to officially blame everybody but herself---for why Don Trump was able to drop that house on her like she was The Wicked Witch of the West in OZ.


Hillary Clinton has been one of the Devil's most serviceable slaves for decades, but I think she has now filled up the full measure of her inequities on this side of the Grass; and I expect her master will be calling her down home before too long.

Even if she gets to stay for a good while longer; its going to be in dishonorable seclusion. If Obama's shadow government wasn't protecting her---it would be Jail.

May I say that I have never been a fan.....now even the Slow-Learner Democrats agree.

These "Is Hillary going to run for (fill in the blank)?" topics are symptoms of withdrawal. The hacks spent so many years working up their fear and anger toward Hillary, they have become addicted and have a secret desire for her to stick around so they can keep masturbating.

Colon Anus' avatar and sig:



Absolutely, I love taunting the evil twat. I hope she reads every single one of my posts...I just hope she doesn't Seth Rich me...because she easily could. She murders her perceived threats the way she murders pills and vodka.

She doesn't know who the fuck you are.

I am sure of it, because by 5PM after her bottle of vodka, she doesn't know who the fuck she is either, lolololololol!
These "Is Hillary going to run for (fill in the blank)?" topics are symptoms of withdrawal. The hacks spent so many years working up their fear and anger toward Hillary, they have become addicted and have a secret desire for her to stick around so they can keep masturbating.

Colon Anus' avatar and sig:



Absolutely, I love taunting the evil twat. I hope she reads every single one of my posts...I just hope she doesn't Seth Rich me...because she easily could. She murders her perceived threats the way she murders pills and vodka.

She doesn't know who the fuck you are.

I am sure of it, because by 5PM after her bottle of vodka, she doesn't know who the fuck she is either, lolololololol!

You guys are a hoot with your fan fiction.
These "Is Hillary going to run for (fill in the blank)?" topics are symptoms of withdrawal. The hacks spent so many years working up their fear and anger toward Hillary, they have become addicted and have a secret desire for her to stick around so they can keep masturbating.

Colon Anus' avatar and sig:



Absolutely, I love taunting the evil twat. I hope she reads every single one of my posts...I just hope she doesn't Seth Rich me...because she easily could. She murders her perceived threats the way she murders pills and vodka.

She doesn't know who the fuck you are.

I am sure of it, because by 5PM after her bottle of vodka, she doesn't know who the fuck she is either, lolololololol!

You guys are a hoot with your fan fiction.

It is almost as good as your Russian DELUSION, lol. But hey, even I admit that ours may take the cake, but your DELUSION takes the whole damn bakery-)
Colon Anus' avatar and sig:



Absolutely, I love taunting the evil twat. I hope she reads every single one of my posts...I just hope she doesn't Seth Rich me...because she easily could. She murders her perceived threats the way she murders pills and vodka.

She doesn't know who the fuck you are.

I am sure of it, because by 5PM after her bottle of vodka, she doesn't know who the fuck she is either, lolololololol!

You guys are a hoot with your fan fiction.

It is almost as good as your Russian DELUSION, lol. But hey, even I admit that ours may take the cake, but your DELUSION takes the whole damn bakery-)

It's funny, because you just brought up Russia, not me. Since you did mention it, it's what do you call it? Oh yeah, an active investigation, sit tight, let's see where that takes us.

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