Hillary Pulls A Lizzy Borden


Sep 23, 2010

Lizzie Andrew Borden was an American woman who was tried and acquitted for the 1892 axe murders of her father and her stepmother in Fall River, Massachusetts. The case was a cause célèbre throughout the United States. Wikipedia

The ruling class is running the risk of killing the two-party myth forever. There is only one party and that is the Big Government Party. The myth grew to reality when the public started to believe that two opposing political philosophies are engaged in mortal combat. It took countless centuries for priesthoods to sell the idea they were the first line of defense against the Prince of Darkness. It was God versus the Devil. Today it Republicans versus Democrats.

Word of mouth eventually buttressed by the printed word have been at it for more than five thousand years. Radio, talking pictures, and television transformed the two-party lie into truth in less than a century.

One look at television-created “bipartisan legislators” burying this country in filth should tell you that voters do not matter.


The public buying the same lie every four years is the only thing that matters in America’s political system. Americans who believe the lie are like the guy watching the same movie every day year after year expecting a different ending.

Nobody who advocates conservative partisan politics will ever become president. Partisan politics means one thing to a conservative president: VETO. Partisan politics means one thing to conservative members of Congress: NO. It will take at least three generations of VETO & NO to stop the filth bipartisanship dumps on the country, and another three generations for individual liberties to blossom again.

NOTE: Democrats engage in partisan politicians until television mouths get away with calling it bipartisan.

This year’s lies are so obvious one of the nastiest jokes in politics is being dredged up to salvage the two party myth. If not Paul Ryan at a brokered convention than somebody just like him:

In recent weeks, there has been increasing discussion about the possibility that House Speaker Rep. Paul Ryan could emerge out of a brokered convention as the Republican nominee if the donor class is successful in denying Donald Trump the requisite 1,237 delegates.

Just as Paul Ryan’s ascension to House Speaker represented a total repudiation of the GOP electorate by GOP lawmakers, Ryan’s selection as the Party’s nominee would similarly represent the donor class’s silencing of voters and voters’ views on immigration, trade, and foreign policy that have transformed the country and its role in the world.​

Concerns About Paul Ryan Emerging Out of Ted Cruz-Created Contested Convention as Nominee Dominate Wisconsin
by Julia Hahn
2 Apr 2016

Concerns About Paul Ryan Emerging Out of Ted Cruz-Created Contested Convention as Nominee Dominate Wisconsin - Breitbart

On the other side of the lie

In addition to the FBI investigation, Democrats have a Benghazi problem. Have you heard one media mouth mention dead Americans in Benghazi lately? Clearly, Hillary Clinton is getting away with a Lizzy Borden: “Let’s not talk about my parents.”


The sheer weight of Democrat lies is much bigger than the Republican lies because television must hide the primary reason the most disliked candidate the Democrat party ever nominated will only get worse if the lie is even mentioned.

Liars will never throw away 25 years of effort, gobs of money, influence, and credibility spent on The Dream:

. . . Hillary Clinton is responsible for the United Nations because she and her kind are the United Nations. The United Nations is responsible for economic refugees pouring into Europe and, by extension, responsible for every rape committed by Muslim refugees. It began with rape but it will end with cultural devastation that will degrade womenkind worldwide for centuries to come. Hillary Clinton is their standard-bearer in this election. That makes her more responsible than anybody else although she dare not campaign on the United Nations.


The Clintons did, and still do, whatever it takes to protect THE DREAM at any cost —— President Hillary Clinton and Secretary General Bill Clinton saving the world together.

Coverups Are Not For Dilettantes

Finally, the lying of shit in the White House laid the groundwork for President Hillary Clinton and Secretary General Bill Clinton —— or Secretary General B. Hussain Obama —— to close the Iran Nuclear Deal through the United Nations.

Bottom line: The clever little sneaks are trying to whitewash two big lies with one giant whopper.

I have an unofficial rule that if I have to spin my mouse wheel more than once to read a post, I won't read it.
Let me first point out that Hillary Clinton is using doublespeak to talk about killing babies. In Hillary-speak I can only surmise that an “unborn person” means not yet dead.

Hillary Clinton took an ax
And gave babies forty whacks
When she saw what she had done
She gave more babies forty-one

Somebody better take that ax away from Lizzy Borden. In the same breath she says killing babies in the womb have no constitutional Rights:

“When, or if, does an unborn child have constitutional rights?” Todd asked.

“Well, under our laws currently, that is not something that exists. The unborn person doesn’t have constitutional rights,” Clinton responded.​

she turns around and says tax dollars paying for killing babies is constitutional under the guise of a woman’s choice. Not only is killing babies a Right according to Clinton, it is everybody’s obligation to pay for those children who survive Planned Parenthood and Kermit Gosnell:

“Now, that doesn’t mean that we don’t do everything we possibly can, in the vast majority of instances to, you know, help a mother who is carrying a child and wants to make sure that child will be healthy, to have appropriate medical support. It doesn’t mean that you don’t do everything possible to try to fulfill your obligations. But it does include sacrificing the woman’s right to make decisions. And I think that’s an important distinction,. . .​

And where the hell did “enshrine” come from? Principles may be enshrined but never a merciless policy legislated by 7 lawyers:

. . . that under Roe v. Wade we’ve had enshrined under our Constitution.”​

Hillary: Unborn babies have no rights
Posted By Douglas Ernst On 04/03/2016 @ 8:44 pm

Hillary: Unborn babies have no rights

Hillary Clinton and her kind cite the Constitution to justify killing babies, but they cannot justify activist lawyers reading Socialism’s agenda into the Constitution. Bloodthirsty liberals like Hillary Clinton invent Rights as they go along, but they do not want their fingerprints on a constitutional amendment that actually enshrines killing babies.
It sure seems like that is what's happening. some people are calling, Uniparty

it that's the case we better wake up and fast
Finally, the lying of shit in the White House laid the groundwork for President Hillary Clinton and Secretary General Bill Clinton —— or Secretary General B. Hussain Obama —— to close the Iran Nuclear Deal through the United Nations.
I do not get this at all:

The gap between how the administration sold the Iran nuclear deal to Congress last summer and the reality of how the deal is being interpreted today has become so great that Congress will hold hearings to determine if the White House lied about what was in the deal.​

The Chicago sewer rat never told the truth about anything; so after years of hearing him lie about everything why did anyone believe he suddenly told the truth about the Iran Nuclear TREATY? Answer: Democrats in Congress are either stupid, ass-kissers, or cowards. Had they insisted on RATIFYING A TREAT required by the Constitution they would not look like traitors today.

All Republicans in Congress voted against the deal, but GOP senators came up short of the 60 votes needed to debate the agreement. And it's unclear if they would have been able to secure the 67 votes needed to override any presidential veto.

But how would many of those Democrats felt if they had been told that any violations by Iran of the agreement would be kept secret? How many Democrats would have changed their vote if they had known that Iran would have weeks to prepare for any IAEA inspection? Would the agreement have been scuttled if Democrats had known that the administration would change its mind and allow Iran access to the U.S. banking system?

April 4, 2016
Congress will investigate whether administration lied about terms of Iran deal
By Rick Moran

Blog: Congress will investigate whether administration lied about terms of Iran deal

The fact is this: Democrats have been with the liar from the day their filthy piece of garbage took the TREATY to the United Nations. Now, they will back his play when he lies about the United Nations enforcing the TREATY.

Republicans are wasting time investigating the obvious after the game is over. Larry, Moe, and Curly do not need a committee to “PROVE” the whole thing was a pack of lies. Bottom line: Democrats and the United Nations won the game leaving the American people behind the eightball —— AGAIN.
Not only is killing babies a Right according to Clinton, it is everybody’s obligation to pay for those children who survive Planned Parenthood and Kermit Gosnell:
Hillary’s Communist heros are well-documented. It appears that she also admires convicted murderer Kermit Gosnell.

At what point on “due date” does an unborn person acquire constitutional protection?

Hillary: An Unborn Child on His or Her Due Date Has No Constitutional Rights
by Pam Key
5 Apr 2016

Hillary: An Unborn Child on His or Her Due Date Has No Constitutional Rights - Breitbart

I do not mean to be picky, but exactly when does criminal law kick in to protect infants from butchers? When the baby’s head is partially out of the womb? After the baby is out the womb? While the baby is still attached to the mother by the umbilical cord? After the umbilical cord has been cut? I will leave it to Hillary Clinton to explain her interpretation of the Constitution. She might also explain Planned Parenthood’s constitutional Right to sell baby body parts.

My guess is that she got it all from Gosnell. He butchered the entire baby after it was out of the womb.
Not only is killing babies a Right according to Clinton, it is everybody’s obligation to pay for those children who survive Planned Parenthood and Kermit Gosnell:
Hillary’s Communist heros are well-documented. It appears that she also admires convicted murderer Kermit Gosnell.

At what point on “due date” does an unborn person acquire constitutional protection?

Hillary: An Unborn Child on His or Her Due Date Has No Constitutional Rights
by Pam Key
5 Apr 2016

Hillary: An Unborn Child on His or Her Due Date Has No Constitutional Rights - Breitbart

I do not mean to be picky, but exactly when does criminal law kick in to protect infants from butchers? When the baby’s head is partially out of the womb? After the baby is out the womb? While the baby is still attached to the mother by the umbilical cord? After the umbilical cord has been cut? I will leave it to Hillary Clinton to explain her interpretation of the Constitution. She might also explain Planned Parenthood’s constitutional Right to sell baby body parts.

My guess is that she got it all from Gosnell. He butchered the entire baby after it was out of the womb.

Late term abortion, and especially "partial birth" abortion has been banned since 2003.
Late term abortion, and especially "partial birth" abortion has been banned since 2003.
To BULLDOG: I will believe the prohibitions work after they are enforced. The fact is that law enforcement has no idea of how many Kermit Gosnells are performing them, nor will cops and district attorneys touch them if they can avoid it. It is absurd to think that Gosnell was the only one doing it because he is the only one they put in prison.

I am guessing that your misdirection was an attempt to give Hillary some cover.


Parenthetically, Hillary knows all about abortion, but she should work at avoiding tying Roe v. Wade to the Constitution since she knows so little about it. Case in point:

If giving tax dollars to a religion for votes ain’t a violation of the First Amendment, I would like Hillary to explain what does qualify.

The federal government gave tax dollars to Jews in New Square, an all-Hasidic village in Rockland County to teach children their religion. In fact, they got 11,000,000 tax dollars for a non-existent yeshiva. Four of the Hasidic crooks went to prison. Just before leaving office, Bill Clinton commuted their sentences and they got out early. Hillary Clinton, in her first run for the Senate, got 99-plus percent of the Hasidic vote. Make what you will out of the pardons.

And would it not be poetic justice if a Brooklyn Jew, Bernie Sanders, beats Clinton for the nomination. Frankly, I do not understand so much media coverage being wasted on the Republican wannabes when Clinton and Sanders are funnier than Abbott & Costello.

NOTE: Hasidic Jews can be as violent as Muslims.

January 04, 2014
The New Square Hasidic Mafia

The New Square Hasidic Mafia - FailedMessiah.com

America has its own little Middle-East right here. New Square is pretty close to being a Jewish enclave insofar as driving through New Square on PUBLIC STREETS on the Sabbath or on Jewish holidays, while Muslims are establishing “Sharia” enclaves for Muslims only.

Some years ago I lived close to New Square; so I know a little bit about how Hasidic Jews behave towards outsiders. No one in our government ever stood up to them. No one in our government is standing up to Muslims. Apparently, the First Amendment only applies to Christians.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, . . .​

See this thread for a bit more on why I revived the New Square scandal:

No Court Order Required
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You're all over the place today' aren't you? Sorry, but you might get a better reception on a conspiracy theory site somewhere. Here,you're just another nut yelling " THE SKY IS FALLING-------THE SKY IS FALLING", Good luck with your tinfoil hat rantings, though.
You're all over the place today' aren't you?
To BULLDOG: Had you clicked on the thread link I posted you would have learned how New Square ties into Hillary and her email server. That is “. . . all over the place. . .” to halfwits, but not to readers who are following Hillary’s criminal activities —— information they do not get on the boob tube.
Sorry, but you might get a better reception on a conspiracy theory site somewhere.
To BULLDOG: The only conspiracy is the one liberal assholes like you engage in defending Hillary Clinton.
Clinton and Sanders are funnier than Abbott & Costello.
I rest my case:

Whether or not Clinton called Sanders unqualified, she clearly ratcheted up her attacks Wednesday. In an interview with Politico, she said she tries to explain things in a more "open and truthful way than my opponent."

Later, at a Philadelphia job training center, Clinton said people should know what she would do if she's elected president, "not just lots of arm-waving and hot rhetoric."​

Apr 7, 8:14 AM EDT
Clinton and Sanders clash over presidential qualifications
Associated Press

News from The Associated Press


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