Hillary Outed One Of Our Spys


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
That IS criminal and SHOULD be tried as TREASON.

"Hillary Clinton used her private email account to pass along the identity of one of the CIA’s top Libyan intelligence sources, raising new questions about her handling of classified information, according to excerpts from previously undisclosed emails released Thursday by Rep. Trey Gowdy, the Republican chairman of the House Select Committee on Benghazi."

There is NO excuse for this, NONE. It takes a really high level of stupid just to do this as a mistake let alone on purpose. This should NOT now or EVER be allowed to stand under ANY party at ANY time.

"“Armed with that information, Secretary Clinton forwarded the email to a colleague — debunking her claim that she never sent any classified information from her private email address,” wrote Gowdy in a letter to Cummings."

So she LIED, outright bold face LIE. This goes well beyond a mistake. This is interesting. ANOTHER Clinton victim dies....

"A CIA spokesman declined to comment. Drumheller, a 25-year CIA official who had once headed the agency’s European division, died in August."

Happens a lot around her, wonder why?
Benghazi committee, under fire, releases more Clinton emails
As if progressives give two shits about their favorite elites breaking the law or lying to cover their own asses.

These people don't care about justice, all they care about is "social justice", which is the exact opposite.
"... there is nothing that indicates that the email from Blumenthal (who was not a government employee) was marked classified at the time Clinton received it..."

Cheney wasn't prosecuted for overtly outing Plame, so...
Who believes anything about Benghazi now? Your boys screwed the pooch on Benghazi and I wouldn't give a second glance at anything they had to say especially now.
Well the FBI is looking now. Are you saying the FBI is a crooked group RETARD?

There was never anything that met the definition of crime . It will go away quickly now.
Guess you are to stupid to read the link. Do I wait till it comes out in coloring book form for you?
Who believes anything about Benghazi now? Your boys screwed the pooch on Benghazi and I wouldn't give a second glance at anything they had to say especially now.
Well the FBI is looking now. Are you saying the FBI is a crooked group RETARD?

There was never anything that met the definition of crime . It will go away quickly now.
Guess you are to stupid to read the link. Do I wait till it comes out in coloring book form for you?

You got nothing. Less than zero. You just need to get to the same place and it will hit you soon. All this bullshit, all this money for nothing. Then you'll start scratching your head...
As if progressives give two shits about their favorite elites breaking the law or lying to cover their own asses.

These people don't care about justice, all they care about is "social justice", which is the exact opposite.

So where were you when George Bush and Condi Rice released Abu Qumu and Ahmed Khattala from Gitmo? Two years later they were tearing up Benghazi.
Who believes anything about Benghazi now? Your boys screwed the pooch on Benghazi and I wouldn't give a second glance at anything they had to say especially now.
Well the FBI is looking now. Are you saying the FBI is a crooked group RETARD?

There was never anything that met the definition of crime . It will go away quickly now.
Guess you are to stupid to read the link. Do I wait till it comes out in coloring book form for you?

You got nothing. Less than zero. You just need to get to the same place and it will hit you soon. All this bullshit, all this money for nothing. Then you'll start scratching your head...
You just keep running your mouth. Dozens and dozens of posters here KNOW she is guilty of all sorts of crap.

So you just keep running your lying lips. Because when she goes down and its coming quick that is ALL you got. Lyin lips.
As if progressives give two shits about their favorite elites breaking the law or lying to cover their own asses.

These people don't care about justice, all they care about is "social justice", which is the exact opposite.

So where were you when George Bush and Condi Rice released Abu Qumu and Ahmed Khattala from Gitmo? Two years later they were tearing up Benghazi.

Well using the far left logic that they display for Obama, it is better to kill them over there than keep them in prison indefinitely..

But then where were you when Obama did away with due process?
As if progressives give two shits about their favorite elites breaking the law or lying to cover their own asses.

These people don't care about justice, all they care about is "social justice", which is the exact opposite.

So where were you when George Bush and Condi Rice released Abu Qumu and Ahmed Khattala from Gitmo? Two years later they were tearing up Benghazi.
YOU were NOT a member here so what right do you have to call him out? We are talking Hillary asshole, get on topic. PUNK.
Perhaps the pond scum of the left remember this?

  1. Bombshell: Barack Obama conclusively outed as CIA...
    ... Barack Obama conclusively outed as CIA ... CIA-airlifted to Hawaii, Barack Obama Sr ... The book lists the number of CIA agents in countries during the ...

  2. The Incompetence of Barack Obama: Outed CIA covert...
    During Obama's visit to Afghanistan, his press operation managed to out the identity of the CIA Chief of Station.

  3. White House outs CIA official by mistake -...
    May 26, 2014 · The White House accidentally revealed the name of the CIA's top intelligence official in Afghanistan to some 6,000 journalists.
The Republican's haven't STARTED to investigate this FELONY.... Wonder why?...Perhaps we should ask "BONER" or "MITCH" why the fuck a committee hasn't been formed to look into this... As if those RINO'S would ever do anything within the realm of prosecution against the Magic mulatto!
As if progressives give two shits about their favorite elites breaking the law or lying to cover their own asses.

These people don't care about justice, all they care about is "social justice", which is the exact opposite.

So where were you when George Bush and Condi Rice released Abu Qumu and Ahmed Khattala from Gitmo? Two years later they were tearing up Benghazi.

I was advocating that Gitmo inmates be hanged or at least never set free, while squatters like you were lobbying for their release. Looks like you got what you wanted.

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