Hillary Lost: Here's Why

No one will ever know for sure how much of an impact Russia's interference had on the outcome of the election.

No one.

But all last summer, Trump's Chumps said the leaks were causing Clinton's defeat. They now want us to bleev the leaks had no impact at all.

Positively schizophrenic.

Russia's interference made a difference. We just don't know how much of a difference, and Trump is doing everything he can to obstruct us from finding out. It's almost as if he is hiding something.

However, Trump campaigned ten times harder than Clinton. She phoned it in. Trump probably made 20 campaign appearances for each one Clinton made. She never even visited Wisconsin, taking those voters totally for granted.

Bill Clinton is a master at demographics, and he should have known better. Sometimes I wonder if he deliberately sandbagged his skill set from Hillary.

"No one will ever know for sure how much of an impact Russia's interference had on the outcome of the election."

Wrong, fool.

Here's the dispositive data:
a. The day before any leaks, wikileaks or otherwise, the RealClearPolitics had Hillary at 48%

b. The election result gave Hillary 48.08% per the election.

Looks like the leaks helped her.
Bill's wife is still pushing the fabrication that 'wikileaks' sunk her.

"I was on the way to winning before Jim Comey's letter and 'Russian' Wikileaks... scared off late voters."

So to be clear - until the head of the FBI admitted to the world that many of your actions were under investigation for potentially breaking law and WikiLeaks published 'proof' of multiple mis-dealings and relationships - you were on the way to winning? "
Hillary Clinton: "I Was On The Way To Winning Until Comey And 'Russian' WikiLeaks" | Zero Hedge

I know that there are still dunces out there who believe the 'wikileaks' claim.

If you are one of 'em, let's see your list of things that wikileaks revealed that the public didn't already know about the career criminal and congenital liar.

and only paid buffoons showed up at her rallies

She didn't have any rallies. That was her problem. She didn't show voters she wanted it. Trump did. Anyone who tried should have beat Trump. Remember every day he was saying things like John McCain's not a hero or that he grabs women by the pussy. It should have been easy to beat Trump. All you had to do was try. Hillary thought Trump was hanging himself and all she had to do was sit back and watch. She came off as elitist.
She lost because...

1.Getting caught cheating and stealing the election from Sanders disenfranchised millions of his voters who then did not vote for Hillary. Some of them even voted for Trump, to spite her.
2. Millions of Blacks who voted for Obama, did not vote for Hillary because she's not Black.
No one will ever know for sure how much of an impact Russia's interference had on the outcome of the election.

No one.

But all last summer, Trump's Chumps said the leaks were causing Clinton's defeat. They now want us to bleev the leaks had no impact at all.

Positively schizophrenic.

Russia's interference made a difference. We just don't know how much of a difference, and Trump is doing everything he can to obstruct us from finding out. It's almost as if he is hiding something.

However, Trump campaigned ten times harder than Clinton. She phoned it in. Trump probably made 20 campaign appearances for each one Clinton made. She never even visited Wisconsin, taking those voters totally for granted.

Bill Clinton is a master at demographics, and he should have known better. Sometimes I wonder if he deliberately sandbagged his skill set from Hillary.

The Russians didn’t have shit to do with the outcome of the election…

That’s just your pathetic lame ass excuse for getting your asses kicked….

obama even said as much…..
Hasn't Hillary figured out by now that about 70% of all normal people see her as our modern day wicked witch of the West with huma in her basket ?
One other point not mentioned so far as I can tell: the economy was not doing very well under Obama and a lot of people didn't see any likely improvement on Hillary's watch. Nor were they too thrilled with the way so many scandals went down, such as the IRS, Benghazi, Fast and Furious, the private server, the uranium one deal, and the list goes on. People were ready for a change in leadership, and didn't think they'd get it from her. IOW, different president but same shit.

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