Hillary IT guy "missing" .pst file?


Diamond Member
Sep 13, 2015
Besides noting that the State Department has informed him that it cannot find copies or backups of Pagliano’s “.pst files,” Grassley said that the FBI has taken possession of the government computer system that Pagliano used while at the State Department. The agency also has possession of Clinton’s server, which was kept in the basement of her New York residence until June 2013, when it was transferred to a New Jersey data center.

Read more: State Department Can’t Find Emails For Hillary’s IT Guy
.pst files are email archives. They are usually stored locally on the hard drive. If the server was wiped it's entirely possible they can't be recovered.
Maybe he set up system so his .pst file went somewhere under his control. Plead the fifth and get rid of it. Not sure if they can go get all of his backup and PC that may have been hooked to this network? Colossal breach of protocol for State Documents.

Will anything be done about it? Seems very quiet at this time. The Elite protect the Elite.

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