Hillary is what’s wrong with politics, Trump is what’s wrong with society.


Diamond Member
May 7, 2017
Midwest - Trumplandia
Has anyone heard this before? Isn’t this statement entirely true, especially the last part? Hillary was bad, but Trump shows just how diseased the souls of millions of Americans has become.
Has anyone heard this before? Isn’t this statement entirely true, especially the last part? Hillary was bad, but Trump shows just how diseased the souls of millions of Americans has become.
very well could be the truth. got plenty of irony though...the left blames society itself while letting the individual off the hook, while the right blames government as an institution for all that is evil while going after the individual and now the two that most represent the 2 parties at this point in time are making a life out of the two things they blame for our countries woes, trump the government and hillary the private sector...perhaps this is really just justice.
Has anyone heard this before? Isn’t this statement entirely true, especially the last part? Hillary was bad, but Trump shows just how diseased the souls of millions of Americans has become.
That is a very interesting observation.:113:. In the end the job has to get done and Trump is doing what wasnt done for decades. Certain things Im willing to let slide as long as there is progress in our Nation.

You forgot the last part, The left is whats wrongs with our ethics.
Has anyone heard this before? Isn’t this statement entirely true, especially the last part? Hillary was bad, but Trump shows just how diseased the souls of millions of Americans has become.

Not exactly.

Hillary Clinton took the spot of Ted Kennedy: the personification of what is wrong with government.

Trump is the result of decades decades of anger at government. Ross Perot was the first example of the anger, but Trump took that torch and ran with it.

What helped was Obamacare, the political correctness, and the fact that things never went back to normal after what happened in 08.
I indeed agree Hillary is what is wrong with politics, but Trump is the result of that overall corruption and failure. (Both sides)
He has virtually nothing in common with the vast majority of society.
The saying may have a good ring to it, but it is plainly wrong.

Trump won because neither the Democrats or the Republicans understood, or even knew of the dissatisfaction the general public has of their government.
Trump did. And he ran on it. And he won.
He is the RESULT of the Hillary'sk oligarchy and corruption.
Has anyone heard this before? Isn’t this statement entirely true, especially the last part? Hillary was bad, but Trump shows just how diseased the souls of millions of Americans has become.

I'd say that is getting close, but with one proviso:

Hillary is what is wrong now with GOVERNMENT; Trump is merely societies last, desperate attempt to counter it with the opposite. If millions of American souls are diseased, they didn't get they way on election night, they are sickened from eight long years of a virus called Obama.
See this folks?
You notice three people on the right gauge the situation like it is, while the posters on the left don't. ANd you note, not one of us applauded Trump...we simply know he won because he correctly seen the landscape while the clueless Washingtonites and the bubble media had no idea.

The left right now is testing out the waters of redoing Trumps "Drain the Swamp" motto. That would be the second dumbest campaign I can think of, next to Hiilary's disastrous campaign.
You really think people will buy the same damn corrupt people trying to run on draining the swamp???????????
THEY ARE THE SWAMP. And everyone knows it.
Has anyone heard this before? Isn’t this statement entirely true, especially the last part? Hillary was bad, but Trump shows just how diseased the souls of millions of Americans has become.
Wrong. Trump shows how corrupt our government has become. Trump is the cure. Democrats are the veneral disease.
Has anyone heard this before? Isn’t this statement entirely true, especially the last part? Hillary was bad, but Trump shows just how diseased the souls of millions of Americans has become.
Trump is the answer to politicians like Hillary and Obama...Hillary and Obama created Trump....They with their crooked dealings and fuck you attitude to middle America is why Trump is President today....Trump is a reflection of the peoples anger and you had better get used to it because that anger is only getting hotter....
Wrong. Trump shows how corrupt our government has become. Trump is the cure. Democrats are the veneral disease.
The republicans are bad too. Anyone who's interested in bloating government for their own personal gain, be it to make money or get votes, is part of the problem. And Trump hasn't really shown much of a willingness to drain the swamp. He's a deal maker and a slimeball himself: he fits right in despite him being on the correct side of some of the issues.
Has anyone heard this before? Isn’t this statement entirely true, especially the last part? Hillary was bad, but Trump shows just how diseased the souls of millions of Americans has become.
Wrong. Trump shows how corrupt our government has become. Trump is the cure. Democrats are the veneral disease.

Trump is a disease.
At this point, and of course it is early, Democrats are well on their way of setting him up for another win.
They not only don't get what happened, but if anything digging deeper with pandering the far left and leaving out the rest of us.
Has anyone heard this before? Isn’t this statement entirely true, especially the last part? Hillary was bad, but Trump shows just how diseased the souls of millions of Americans has become.
Wrong. Trump shows how corrupt our government has become. Trump is the cure. Democrats are the veneral disease.

Trump is a disease.
ROFL! Wrong. He's the cure. Just look at all the corrupt treasonous pieces of shit in the Obama administration: Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Strozk, Page, Yates, Hillary, Obama, McCabe, yada, yada, yada.
The DOW is over 25,000, American prisoners were released from the N.K. gulag without paying a dime ransom, minority employment at a quarter century high and it's only about 18 months into the Trump administration. If a crazy (foreign?) left wing poster wants to call it a disease I wonder what he/she thought of eight years of the GDP never reaching 3%. (Do I have to splain what the GDP is?)
Wrong. Trump shows how corrupt our government has become. Trump is the cure. Democrats are the veneral disease.
The republicans are bad too. Anyone who's interested in bloating government for their own personal gain, be it to make money or get votes, is part of the problem. And Trump hasn't really shown much of a willingness to drain the swamp. He's a deal maker and a slimeball himself: he fits right in despite him being on the correct side of some of the issues.

So he's like a Democrat ---- but with benefits.

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