Hillary is still saying happy holidays, which is why she will never be President

Hillary Clinton Thanks Supporters, References Popular Vote Win in End-of-Year Email

Trump is saying Merry Christmas again, and thank God for that. Christians no longer have to fear the Democratic reaper of death......................

Hillary Clinton thanked her supporters, referencing her popular-vote victory, and wished them a happy holiday season in an end-of-year email sent Monday.

In the email, Clinton mentioned the rough number of votes she received in the 2016 presidential election and that her popular vote win showed promise.

"Before this year ends, I want to thank you again for your support of our campaign," Clinton wrote in the email. "While we didn't achieve the outcome we sought, I'm proud of the vision and values we fought for and the nearly 66 million people who voted for them."

Clinton also encouraged supporters to keep pressing forward saying she believes it is "our responsibility to keep doing our part to build a better, stronger, and fairer future for our country and the world."

But she did not indicate any specific plans for the future.

Her plans are to empty her colostomy bag before it overfills again................

Not everyone celebrates Christmas, moron.

and no one except for loons like you expects anyone to ignore the better part of the population.

And Hillary got 2.6 million more vote, imbecile
Christmas is the only holiday in late December usually, moron.
You are wrong...as usual.
Hillary Clinton Thanks Supporters, References Popular Vote Win in End-of-Year Email

Trump is saying Merry Christmas again, and thank God for that. Christians no longer have to fear the Democratic reaper of death......................

Hillary Clinton thanked her supporters, referencing her popular-vote victory, and wished them a happy holiday season in an end-of-year email sent Monday.

In the email, Clinton mentioned the rough number of votes she received in the 2016 presidential election and that her popular vote win showed promise.

"Before this year ends, I want to thank you again for your support of our campaign," Clinton wrote in the email. "While we didn't achieve the outcome we sought, I'm proud of the vision and values we fought for and the nearly 66 million people who voted for them."

Clinton also encouraged supporters to keep pressing forward saying she believes it is "our responsibility to keep doing our part to build a better, stronger, and fairer future for our country and the world."

But she did not indicate any specific plans for the future.

Her plans are to empty her colostomy bag before it overfills again................

Not everyone celebrates Christmas, moron.

and no one except for loons like you expects anyone to ignore the better part of the population.

And Hillary got 2.6 million more vote, imbecile
If Hillary bought a 1 dollar scratch off lottery ticket, and won 2 dollars, that ticket would be worth exactly 2 dollars more value than the popular vote. Seriously moron, I hope we have the same result next election.

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