Hillary is still saying happy holidays, which is why she will never be President


Platinum Member
Sep 10, 2015
Hillary Clinton Thanks Supporters, References Popular Vote Win in End-of-Year Email

Trump is saying Merry Christmas again, and thank God for that. Christians no longer have to fear the Democratic reaper of death......................

Hillary Clinton thanked her supporters, referencing her popular-vote victory, and wished them a happy holiday season in an end-of-year email sent Monday.

In the email, Clinton mentioned the rough number of votes she received in the 2016 presidential election and that her popular vote win showed promise.

"Before this year ends, I want to thank you again for your support of our campaign," Clinton wrote in the email. "While we didn't achieve the outcome we sought, I'm proud of the vision and values we fought for and the nearly 66 million people who voted for them."

Clinton also encouraged supporters to keep pressing forward saying she believes it is "our responsibility to keep doing our part to build a better, stronger, and fairer future for our country and the world."

But she did not indicate any specific plans for the future.

Her plans are to empty her colostomy bag before it overfills again................
LOL Are you all Hillary stalkers? Get over it, your sexual predator won now you can relax in your basement life.

Merry Christmas to all those who voted for a cowardly draft dodger who pays no taxes, is on his third wife, thinks he has a right to grab a woman's pussy, and told lie after lie during the election, may you all enjoy that your tax dollars in the new year will support a man who pays none and will now profit from his use of his own facilities.

For those who realize a con artist when they see one, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Festivus, Happy Holiday, and may you laugh at the fool the right wing in America elected, a man so stupid he is talking nuclear proliferation and will surely build a great great wall. Sure he will.

"President Eisenhower describes his administration's political philosophy as 'dynamic conservatism,' then as 'progressive, dynamic conservatism,' then as 'progressive moderation,' then as 'moderate progressivism,' and then as 'positive progressivism.'" William Manchester quote from 'The Power and the Glory'
Hillary Clinton Thanks Supporters, References Popular Vote Win in End-of-Year Email

Trump is saying Merry Christmas again, and thank God for that. Christians no longer have to fear the Democratic reaper of death......................

Hillary Clinton thanked her supporters, referencing her popular-vote victory, and wished them a happy holiday season in an end-of-year email sent Monday.

In the email, Clinton mentioned the rough number of votes she received in the 2016 presidential election and that her popular vote win showed promise.

"Before this year ends, I want to thank you again for your support of our campaign," Clinton wrote in the email. "While we didn't achieve the outcome we sought, I'm proud of the vision and values we fought for and the nearly 66 million people who voted for them."

Clinton also encouraged supporters to keep pressing forward saying she believes it is "our responsibility to keep doing our part to build a better, stronger, and fairer future for our country and the world."

But she did not indicate any specific plans for the future.

Her plans are to empty her colostomy bag before it overfills again................

Not everyone celebrates Christmas, moron.

and no one except for loons like you expects anyone to ignore the better part of the population.

And Hillary got 2.6 million more vote, imbecile
I simply do not understand what is wrong with saying Happy Holidays, which is happy holy days....? I was taught by my parents and Bosses nearly 40 years ago, to say Happy Holidays when in a situation where I did not know if the person or people were Christian celebrating Christmas or Jewish celebrating Hanukkah.

LOL Are you all Hillary stalkers? Get over it, your sexual predator won now you can relax in your basement life.

Merry Christmas to all those who voted for a cowardly draft dodger who pays no taxes, is on his third wife, thinks he has a right to grab a woman's pussy, and told lie after lie during the election, may you all enjoy that your tax dollars in the new year will support a man who pays none and will now profit from his use of his own facilities.

For those who realize a con artist when they see one, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Festivus, Happy Holiday, and may you laugh at the fool the right wing in America elected, a man so stupid he is talking nuclear proliferation and will surely build a great great wall. Sure he will.

"President Eisenhower describes his administration's political philosophy as 'dynamic conservatism,' then as 'progressive, dynamic conservatism,' then as 'progressive moderation,' then as 'moderate progressivism,' and then as 'positive progressivism.'" William Manchester quote from 'The Power and the Glory'

This coming from the side that lauds a proven pussy grabber and draft/ National Guard dodger.
I simply do not understand what is wrong with saying Happy Holidays, which is happy holy days....? I was taught by my parents and Bosses nearly 40 years ago, to say Happy Holidays when in a situation where I did not know if the person or people were Christian celebrating Christmas or Jewish celebrating Hanukkah.

I don't think it is unacceptable to just say Happy Holidays to someone, especially when at work or when you aren't sure of someones faith. I also don't think it is excessively insulting to wish someone a Merry Christmas during that time of year, or a Happy Ramadan or Happy Hanukkah.

Let's be clear, Clinton stating Happy Holidays is NOT why she lost the election. I think that's as big a stretch as someone can make. More broadly though, political correctness, walking on eggshells and having to stop and think about every word one uses as it might be a micro offensive term to some member of society, somewhere, is a big contributor to the repudiation of the Democrats and many of their policies. Not just in the general election, look at the governor numbers and broader political support. People have had enough.

So, in that vein, saying Merry Christmas as Trump so proudly does is a clear message that says "I'm going to wish this on many of my followers and not care what others think", it's taking the most powerful stance all other forms of PC culture will follow. In fact, it's stating the obvious; at Christmas Time when every store is playing Christmas music, tv movies have Christmas in their titles and people are out buying Christmas gifts, saying "Merry Christmas" is quite obvious. I am personally ok with all religious greetings if they are present at any particular time of year.

Jake Tapper wished one of his guests this week a Happy Hanukkah, it brought a smile to my face, because he obviously did so knowing that his guest followed Judaism. Good for him. I'm fully supportive of this, it's called free speech. If he had said Happy Holiday because he didn't know his faith, that's obviously fine also. The best one to me is stating both since for the first time in 40 years Christmas Eve and the first day of Hanukkah intersected, "Happy Hanukka and Merry Christmas!". I saw that done quite a few times on news lately and noone got offended because one of the two wishes was wrong (or maybe both were wrong!). Let's get a grip and throw this overly sensitive reaction away. It's a time to celebrate. Good will towards man, that sort of thing.

In Communist Canada; where religion isn't a big thing outside of Quebec, we have some of the most absurd commercials. Quite frankly I get a chuckle out of them as I can imagine some editors in the backrooms considering the PC nazis before they make a commercial. We have a donut shop commercial which included a fully dressed santa, entering the store, all the kids looking at him in awe, the entire environment is "Christmassy" and he goes and orders a coffee and says "Happy Holidays". This is Santa! Saying Happy Holidays! HAHA. That's the Canadian way, please don't let this become the American way. I beseech you.
Hillary Clinton Thanks Supporters, References Popular Vote Win in End-of-Year Email

Trump is saying Merry Christmas again, and thank God for that. Christians no longer have to fear the Democratic reaper of death......................

Hillary Clinton thanked her supporters, referencing her popular-vote victory, and wished them a happy holiday season in an end-of-year email sent Monday.

In the email, Clinton mentioned the rough number of votes she received in the 2016 presidential election and that her popular vote win showed promise.

"Before this year ends, I want to thank you again for your support of our campaign," Clinton wrote in the email. "While we didn't achieve the outcome we sought, I'm proud of the vision and values we fought for and the nearly 66 million people who voted for them."

Clinton also encouraged supporters to keep pressing forward saying she believes it is "our responsibility to keep doing our part to build a better, stronger, and fairer future for our country and the world."

But she did not indicate any specific plans for the future.

Her plans are to empty her colostomy bag before it overfills again................

Not everyone celebrates Christmas, moron.

and no one except for loons like you expects anyone to ignore the better part of the population.

And Hillary got 2.6 million more vote, imbecile
Christmas is the only holiday in late December usually, moron.
Hillary Clinton Thanks Supporters, References Popular Vote Win in End-of-Year Email

Trump is saying Merry Christmas again, and thank God for that. Christians no longer have to fear the Democratic reaper of death......................

Hillary Clinton thanked her supporters, referencing her popular-vote victory, and wished them a happy holiday season in an end-of-year email sent Monday.

In the email, Clinton mentioned the rough number of votes she received in the 2016 presidential election and that her popular vote win showed promise.

"Before this year ends, I want to thank you again for your support of our campaign," Clinton wrote in the email. "While we didn't achieve the outcome we sought, I'm proud of the vision and values we fought for and the nearly 66 million people who voted for them."

Clinton also encouraged supporters to keep pressing forward saying she believes it is "our responsibility to keep doing our part to build a better, stronger, and fairer future for our country and the world."

But she did not indicate any specific plans for the future.

Her plans are to empty her colostomy bag before it overfills again................

Not everyone celebrates Christmas, moron.

and no one except for loons like you expects anyone to ignore the better part of the population.

And Hillary got 2.6 million more vote, imbecile
Christmas is the only holiday in late December usually, moron.
Hanukkah is in December as well!
Trump is saying Merry Christmas again, and thank God for that. Christians no longer have to fear the Democratic reaper of death......................

Hillary Clinton thanked her supporters, referencing her popular-vote victory, and wished them a happy holiday season in an end-of-year email sent Monday.

Nobody cares about this except for far right butt hurt nut jobs.
Hillary Clinton Thanks Supporters, References Popular Vote Win in End-of-Year Email

Trump is saying Merry Christmas again, and thank God for that. Christians no longer have to fear the Democratic reaper of death......................

Hillary Clinton thanked her supporters, referencing her popular-vote victory, and wished them a happy holiday season in an end-of-year email sent Monday.

In the email, Clinton mentioned the rough number of votes she received in the 2016 presidential election and that her popular vote win showed promise.

"Before this year ends, I want to thank you again for your support of our campaign," Clinton wrote in the email. "While we didn't achieve the outcome we sought, I'm proud of the vision and values we fought for and the nearly 66 million people who voted for them."

Clinton also encouraged supporters to keep pressing forward saying she believes it is "our responsibility to keep doing our part to build a better, stronger, and fairer future for our country and the world."

But she did not indicate any specific plans for the future.

Her plans are to empty her colostomy bag before it overfills again................

Not everyone celebrates Christmas, moron.

and no one except for loons like you expects anyone to ignore the better part of the population.

And Hillary got 2.6 million more vote, imbecile
Christmas is the only holiday in late December usually, moron.
Hanukkah is in December as well!
Not late December(Hanukkah rarely takes place past the 11th, and it can even take place in late November sometimes.)

When you are saying "Happy Holidays" to people you know are Christians after the 20th of December on any given year, you are being disrespectful.
Hillary Clinton Thanks Supporters, References Popular Vote Win in End-of-Year Email

Trump is saying Merry Christmas again, and thank God for that. Christians no longer have to fear the Democratic reaper of death......................

Hillary Clinton thanked her supporters, referencing her popular-vote victory, and wished them a happy holiday season in an end-of-year email sent Monday.

In the email, Clinton mentioned the rough number of votes she received in the 2016 presidential election and that her popular vote win showed promise.

"Before this year ends, I want to thank you again for your support of our campaign," Clinton wrote in the email. "While we didn't achieve the outcome we sought, I'm proud of the vision and values we fought for and the nearly 66 million people who voted for them."

Clinton also encouraged supporters to keep pressing forward saying she believes it is "our responsibility to keep doing our part to build a better, stronger, and fairer future for our country and the world."

But she did not indicate any specific plans for the future.

Her plans are to empty her colostomy bag before it overfills again................

Not everyone celebrates Christmas, moron.

and no one except for loons like you expects anyone to ignore the better part of the population.

And Hillary got 2.6 million more vote, imbecile
Christmas is the only holiday in late December usually, moron.

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