Hillary has to go under oath again and testify about emails


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
MASSIVE: Hillary Has To Go Under Oath AGAIN And Testify About Emails

Hillary Clinton is heading back under oath to testify about her use of a private email server in her capacity as Secretary of State, a federal judge ordered on Wednesday.

Eeeh they still won't do a thing to her no matter what she does, or who she kills they are the Elite part of the globalist they can do as they choose just you can't.
Trump is holding her over the heads of the democrats who want to investigate everything Trump. It's about time. Obama will be perp-walked too.
MASSIVE: Hillary Has To Go Under Oath AGAIN And Testify About Emails

Hillary Clinton is heading back under oath to testify about her use of a private email server in her capacity as Secretary of State, a federal judge ordered on Wednesday.

Eeeh they still won't do a thing to her no matter what she does, or who she kills they are the Elite part of the globalist they can do as they choose just you can't.

The piece of shit will just lie like her and her husband always did. Like Obama did as well

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Our government must show the people that crimes will be prosecuted no matter whom commits the crime...so far they are failing miserably....
MASSIVE: Hillary Has To Go Under Oath AGAIN And Testify About Emails

Hillary Clinton is heading back under oath to testify about her use of a private email server in her capacity as Secretary of State, a federal judge ordered on Wednesday.

Eeeh they still won't do a thing to her no matter what she does, or who she kills they are the Elite part of the globalist they can do as they choose just you can't.

The piece of shit will just lie like her and her husband always did. Like Obama did as well

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You rightwing ass clowns better worry about the report Mueller is about to file.
MASSIVE: Hillary Has To Go Under Oath AGAIN And Testify About Emails

Hillary Clinton is heading back under oath to testify about her use of a private email server in her capacity as Secretary of State, a federal judge ordered on Wednesday.

Eeeh they still won't do a thing to her no matter what she does, or who she kills they are the Elite part of the globalist they can do as they choose just you can't.

The piece of shit will just lie like her and her husband always did. Like Obama did as well

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You rightwing ass clowns better worry about the report Mueller is about to file.

More liberal bullshit. But Hilary has done crimes worse the half the people in prison but losers like you think she is wonderful. Sell your bullshit somewhere else

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Trump's phones are a bigger risk than emails several years old.

Trump gives secret material to the Russians.

When did Hillary ever do that? Short answer? Never!
MASSIVE: Hillary Has To Go Under Oath AGAIN And Testify About Emails

Hillary Clinton is heading back under oath to testify about her use of a private email server in her capacity as Secretary of State, a federal judge ordered on Wednesday.

Eeeh they still won't do a thing to her no matter what she does, or who she kills they are the Elite part of the globalist they can do as they choose just you can't.

Nothing of the kind. I could answer these questions, and as Trump would say, the answered are a great big nothing burger. Judicial Watch has filed laws suit after law suit against the Clintons. The head of JW is obsessed with taking down the Clintons. So far, he hasn't won a single suit. I think it's time for the guys with the white coats to increase his med.

The Clinton email server was set up after Bill left the White House. The reason Hillary used it for her SS email is simple. Government servers were woefully out of date and slow. Government workers were limited to something like 25 megabytes of storage, regardless of their position within the government. Hillary talked to Colin Powell about email for her as SS and Powell recommended a private server for volume and storage. It's what the Bush administration did. Cheney admitted to wiping more than 500,000 government emails from that server, none of which were turned over to the archives, and no one has ever even raised an eyebrow over that.

As for the second question, Hillary only used email to communicate with other federal employees. She assumed that if she sent an email to the government server, they would have a copy of it, and she didn't need to retain it further.

Last but not least, the whole email thing is a made up scandal. Email is not used for truly sensitive information because it is not and will never be a secure form of communications. In fact, it's about the most insecure form of communication there is. Banks and law offices won't use it to send sensitive client information because when you hit the send button, you have no way of knowing who has access to the receiver's account.

But go ahead. Get exciting. Believe that maybe this time, you've got her. It's laughable. Why are you so determined to prosecute this woman who has done nothing but serve the general public for all of her adult life?

Trump's phones are a bigger risk than emails several years old.

Trump gives secret material to the Russians.

When did Hillary ever do that? Short answer? Never!

Wrong. She had plenty of dealings with Russia and uranium which she made a lot of money on so go back and fact check. Her private server she doesn’t want anyone to see and then you have Benghazi. What is the death toll up to now on people who were witnesses against her but oddly died Around 30 by now. Heart attacks, going in the woods and committing suicide. Your a bunch of clowns.

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MASSIVE: Hillary Has To Go Under Oath AGAIN And Testify About Emails

Hillary Clinton is heading back under oath to testify about her use of a private email server in her capacity as Secretary of State, a federal judge ordered on Wednesday.

Eeeh they still won't do a thing to her no matter what she does, or who she kills they are the Elite part of the globalist they can do as they choose just you can't.

Nothing of the kind. I could answer these questions, and as Trump would say, the answered are a great big nothing burger. Judicial Watch has filed laws suit after law suit against the Clintons. The head of JW is obsessed with taking down the Clintons. So far, he hasn't won a single suit. I think it's time for the guys with the white coats to increase his med.

The Clinton email server was set up after Bill left the White House. The reason Hillary used it for her SS email is simple. Government servers were woefully out of date and slow. Government workers were limited to something like 25 megabytes of storage, regardless of their position within the government. Hillary talked to Colin Powell about email for her as SS and Powell recommended a private server for volume and storage. It's what the Bush administration did. Cheney admitted to wiping more than 500,000 government emails from that server, none of which were turned over to the archives, and no one has ever even raised an eyebrow over that.

As for the second question, Hillary only used email to communicate with other federal employees. She assumed that if she sent an email to the government server, they would have a copy of it, and she didn't need to retain it further.

Last but not least, the whole email thing is a made up scandal. Email is not used for truly sensitive information because it is not and will never be a secure form of communications. In fact, it's about the most insecure form of communication there is. Banks and law offices won't use it to send sensitive client information because when you hit the send button, you have no way of knowing who has access to the receiver's account.

But go ahead. Get exciting. Believe that maybe this time, you've got her. It's laughable. Why are you so determined to prosecute this woman who has done nothing but serve the general public for all of her adult life?

Keep telling yourself that. You sound like a moron which is par for liberal assholes

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MASSIVE: Hillary Has To Go Under Oath AGAIN And Testify About Emails

Hillary Clinton is heading back under oath to testify about her use of a private email server in her capacity as Secretary of State, a federal judge ordered on Wednesday.

Eeeh they still won't do a thing to her no matter what she does, or who she kills they are the Elite part of the globalist they can do as they choose just you can't.

Nothing of the kind. I could answer these questions, and as Trump would say, the answered are a great big nothing burger. Judicial Watch has filed laws suit after law suit against the Clintons. The head of JW is obsessed with taking down the Clintons. So far, he hasn't won a single suit. I think it's time for the guys with the white coats to increase his med.

The Clinton email server was set up after Bill left the White House. The reason Hillary used it for her SS email is simple. Government servers were woefully out of date and slow. Government workers were limited to something like 25 megabytes of storage, regardless of their position within the government. Hillary talked to Colin Powell about email for her as SS and Powell recommended a private server for volume and storage. It's what the Bush administration did. Cheney admitted to wiping more than 500,000 government emails from that server, none of which were turned over to the archives, and no one has ever even raised an eyebrow over that.

As for the second question, Hillary only used email to communicate with other federal employees. She assumed that if she sent an email to the government server, they would have a copy of it, and she didn't need to retain it further.

Last but not least, the whole email thing is a made up scandal. Email is not used for truly sensitive information because it is not and will never be a secure form of communications. In fact, it's about the most insecure form of communication there is. Banks and law offices won't use it to send sensitive client information because when you hit the send button, you have no way of knowing who has access to the receiver's account.

But go ahead. Get exciting. Believe that maybe this time, you've got her. It's laughable. Why are you so determined to prosecute this woman who has done nothing but serve the general public for all of her adult life?

Keep telling yourself that. You sound like a moron which is par for liberal assholes

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More than 25 years, 17 investigations, $100 million spent turning over every little rock and looking at every business dealing the two of them have ever had, and not a a single charge. No evidence, no witnesses, no one turning state's witness against them, and it's not like Ken Starr didn't try, including jailing those who refused to turn on the Clintons. I'm consistently gobsmacked that anyone can possibly believe the Clinton's did anything illegal at this point, given the way every rock in their lives was turned over in the 17 investigations.

Look at your stupid President. He is an actual criminal who surrounded himself with other criminals, in much the same manner as you accuse the Clintons of doing. We've watched him sell influence through "memberships" at his golf clubs. Take bribes from foreign governments who do business with his hotels, like the Saudi's going around the country renting floors of poorly performing hotels. He brazenly admits to doing all of these things.

6 of his top officials have plead guilty to criminal acts and are giving evidence against him. Trump knows he's cornered, so he sets out to make it worse.

He's publically obstructing justice and today Trump told the Daily Caller that he fired Jeff Sessions and gave Whitaker the job to take control of the Mueller investigation. And that Whitaker is telling him what is going on in the Mueller investigation. That's what has Trump so spooked.

That's why the Russian bots are all out today scsreaming "But Hillary".
Superbadbrutha said:
You rightwing ass clowns better worry about the report Mueller is about to file.
Bobby Said He'd Release His Report After Mid-Terms
Well, It's After Mid-Terms
How Long For Him Not To Write His Report ??

People Have Been Indicted
But Nothing To Do With The Purpose Of The Investigation

I'm Waiting To See A Trump Tower Janitor Indicted
For Skipping On Child Support
That'll Bring Trump Down....

This Isn't A Witch-Hunt,
It's A Baseless Inquisition
In Search Of The Will-'O-The-Wisp
A reminder to all, that this is a CIVIL SUIT by a private citizen/entity and NOT a criminal case....
Bobby Said He'd Release His Report After Mid-Terms
Well, It's After Mid-Terms
How Long For Him Not To Write His Report ??
bobby said that? NOPE

Giuliani said that!

Mueller a couple of weeks ago set manafort's sentencing date out 3 months, sometime late January 2019 so he could cooperate with the special counsel....

Gates sentencing was just put off to a later date because he is still cooperating on several different investigations it was just said in a Mueller filing for an extension....

Mueller does not seem to be close to being done yet, by his statements in these filings for extensions of sentencing of the cooperators.

Trump's phones are a bigger risk than emails several years old.

Trump gives secret material to the Russians.

When did Hillary ever do that? Short answer? Never!

No, she just hired them to make a fake dossier to use against Trump in the 2016 election.
Look at your stupid President. He is an actual criminal who surrounded himself with other criminals, in much the same manner as you accuse the Clintons of doing.

Criminals have been convicted of crimes. Please list the crimes Trump has been convicted of.

Are you too stupid to even realize that a special prosecutor was selected to investigate a non-crime of "collusion?" Not only did Trump obviously not collude, but had he "colluded" whatever the hell that even means, there is no crime on the books to cover it so it wouldn't have mattered anyway.

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