Hillary gives her opinion on the Muellar Report, Read it Here!!!


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 16, 2012
I had to post this in Satire, b/c honestly, when a friend of mine posted it from WaPo on her FB feed, it nearly brought me to tears.

She wants to compare it to the Watergate hearings that she was barred from being a part of? :auiqs.jpg:

Seriously, I think she WANTS the Democrats to lose in 2020. If they did everything outlined in her opinion piece, Americans would be so tired and pissed off at the conclusion of it all, they would route the left out of D.C. for the next decade.

Is it any wonder she lost?


This is real, but the Onion should have her write for them. . .


Hillary Clinton: How we should respond to Mueller report
Hillary Clinton: How we should respond to Mueller report

". . . Obviously, this is personal for me, and some may say that I’m not the right messenger. But my perspective is not just that of a former candidate and target of the Russian plot. I am also a former senator and secretary of state who served during much of Vladimir Putin’s ascent, sat across the table from him and knows firsthand that he seeks to weaken our country.. . .


.. . . . We have to get this right. The Mueller report isn’t just a reckoning about our recent history; it’s a warning about the future. Unless checked, the Russians will interfere again in 2020, and possibly other adversaries, such as China or North Korea, will as well. This is an urgent threat. Nobody but Americans should be able to decide America’s future. And, unless he’s held accountable, the president may show even more disregard for the laws of the land and the obligations of his office. He will likely redouble his efforts to advance Putin’s agenda, including rolling back sanctions, weakening NATO and undermining the European Union.

Of all the lessons from our history, the one that’s most important may be that each of us has a vital role to play as citizens. A crime was committed against all Americans, and all Americans should demand action and accountability. Our founders envisioned the danger we face today and designed a system to meet it. Now it’s up to us to prove the wisdom of our Constitution, the resilience of our democracy and the strength of our nation."

Obviously she is the poor, blameless victim here. Justice is yet to be served.

I had to post this in Satire, b/c honestly, when a friend of mine posted it from WaPo on her FB feed, it nearly brought me to tears.

She wants to compare it to the Watergate hearings that she was barred from being a part of? :auiqs.jpg:

Seriously, I think she WANTS the Democrats to lose in 2020. If they did everything outlined in her opinion piece, Americans would be so tired and pissed off at the conclusion of it all, they would route the left out of D.C. for the next decade.

Is it any wonder she lost?


This is real, but the Onion should have her write for them. . .


Hillary Clinton: How we should respond to Mueller report
Hillary Clinton: How we should respond to Mueller report

". . . Obviously, this is personal for me, and some may say that I’m not the right messenger. But my perspective is not just that of a former candidate and target of the Russian plot. I am also a former senator and secretary of state who served during much of Vladimir Putin’s ascent, sat across the table from him and knows firsthand that he seeks to weaken our country.. . .


.. . . . We have to get this right. The Mueller report isn’t just a reckoning about our recent history; it’s a warning about the future. Unless checked, the Russians will interfere again in 2020, and possibly other adversaries, such as China or North Korea, will as well. This is an urgent threat. Nobody but Americans should be able to decide America’s future. And, unless he’s held accountable, the president may show even more disregard for the laws of the land and the obligations of his office. He will likely redouble his efforts to advance Putin’s agenda, including rolling back sanctions, weakening NATO and undermining the European Union.

Of all the lessons from our history, the one that’s most important may be that each of us has a vital role to play as citizens. A crime was committed against all Americans, and all Americans should demand action and accountability. Our founders envisioned the danger we face today and designed a system to meet it. Now it’s up to us to prove the wisdom of our Constitution, the resilience of our democracy and the strength of our nation."

Obviously she is the poor, blameless victim here. Justice is yet to be served.

She wants to compare it to the Watergate hearings that she was barred from being a part of? :auiqs.jpg:
She was privy to much info regarding Watergate
and the fact that, it so much mirrors Watergate...
I had to post this in Satire, b/c honestly, when a friend of mine posted it from WaPo on her FB feed, it nearly brought me to tears.

She wants to compare it to the Watergate hearings that she was barred from being a part of? :auiqs.jpg:

Seriously, I think she WANTS the Democrats to lose in 2020. If they did everything outlined in her opinion piece, Americans would be so tired and pissed off at the conclusion of it all, they would route the left out of D.C. for the next decade.

Is it any wonder she lost?


This is real, but the Onion should have her write for them. . .


Hillary Clinton: How we should respond to Mueller report
Hillary Clinton: How we should respond to Mueller report

". . . Obviously, this is personal for me, and some may say that I’m not the right messenger. But my perspective is not just that of a former candidate and target of the Russian plot. I am also a former senator and secretary of state who served during much of Vladimir Putin’s ascent, sat across the table from him and knows firsthand that he seeks to weaken our country.. . .


.. . . . We have to get this right. The Mueller report isn’t just a reckoning about our recent history; it’s a warning about the future. Unless checked, the Russians will interfere again in 2020, and possibly other adversaries, such as China or North Korea, will as well. This is an urgent threat. Nobody but Americans should be able to decide America’s future. And, unless he’s held accountable, the president may show even more disregard for the laws of the land and the obligations of his office. He will likely redouble his efforts to advance Putin’s agenda, including rolling back sanctions, weakening NATO and undermining the European Union.

Of all the lessons from our history, the one that’s most important may be that each of us has a vital role to play as citizens. A crime was committed against all Americans, and all Americans should demand action and accountability. Our founders envisioned the danger we face today and designed a system to meet it. Now it’s up to us to prove the wisdom of our Constitution, the resilience of our democracy and the strength of our nation."

Obviously she is the poor, blameless victim here. Justice is yet to be served.

If true justice would be served, Hillary should be wearing a black and white horizontally-striped pantsuit for the remainder of her crime-filled life. And the solitary confinement her friends placed President Trump's people, she should serve out for several years. She should be held accountable for the orders and directions she gave to the FBI, because she ruined their honor by convincing them to do criminal acts against President Trump while she was still Secretary of State. She's hurt a lot of innocent people. She's a danger to herself and others, quite frankly.
Wow what a partisan woman she is, since it was HER party who were attacked by the Russians, while Mueller wrote THREE DECLINATIONS saying that Trump and his campaign team didn't conspire with the Russians over the election process.

I agree with her that Russia has been trying to weaken us, which the Democrats are the active player in weakening us, when they punt on Immigration, push endless bogus investigative attacks on Trump and demand tax information without Probable Cause.

America dying from a thousand internal partisan cuts, it is exactly what Russia wants.
I had to post this in Satire, b/c honestly, when a friend of mine posted it from WaPo on her FB feed, it nearly brought me to tears.

She wants to compare it to the Watergate hearings that she was barred from being a part of? :auiqs.jpg:

Seriously, I think she WANTS the Democrats to lose in 2020. If they did everything outlined in her opinion piece, Americans would be so tired and pissed off at the conclusion of it all, they would route the left out of D.C. for the next decade.

Is it any wonder she lost?


This is real, but the Onion should have her write for them. . .


Hillary Clinton: How we should respond to Mueller report
Hillary Clinton: How we should respond to Mueller report

". . . Obviously, this is personal for me, and some may say that I’m not the right messenger. But my perspective is not just that of a former candidate and target of the Russian plot. I am also a former senator and secretary of state who served during much of Vladimir Putin’s ascent, sat across the table from him and knows firsthand that he seeks to weaken our country.. . .


.. . . . We have to get this right. The Mueller report isn’t just a reckoning about our recent history; it’s a warning about the future. Unless checked, the Russians will interfere again in 2020, and possibly other adversaries, such as China or North Korea, will as well. This is an urgent threat. Nobody but Americans should be able to decide America’s future. And, unless he’s held accountable, the president may show even more disregard for the laws of the land and the obligations of his office. He will likely redouble his efforts to advance Putin’s agenda, including rolling back sanctions, weakening NATO and undermining the European Union.

Of all the lessons from our history, the one that’s most important may be that each of us has a vital role to play as citizens. A crime was committed against all Americans, and all Americans should demand action and accountability. Our founders envisioned the danger we face today and designed a system to meet it. Now it’s up to us to prove the wisdom of our Constitution, the resilience of our democracy and the strength of our nation."

Obviously she is the poor, blameless victim here. Justice is yet to be served.

Trump has committed numerous felonies. It's not a secret. We know what they are.

So what exactly are you guys laughing at?

Lock her up!

Lock the Clinton Bitch up

She has no business walking around free....
". . . Obviously, this is personal for me, and some may say that I’m not the right messenger. But my perspective is not just that of a former candidate and target of the Russian plot. I am also a former senator and secretary of state who served during much of Vladimir Putin’s ascent, sat across the table from him and knows firsthand that he seeks to weaken our country.. . .

Of course, it is "personal" for her...

If I am not mistaken, wasn't it "Crooked" Hillary - when she was Secretary of State made a deal with Russia "in exchange for donations to the Clinton Foundation"?

Oh, let's not (ever) forget about her Email scandal, which was done with Fusion GPS.

All this was done under the Obama Administration and while she was Secretary of State.

Go figure...
Remembering Hillary's 22 Scandals: Here they are: Hillary's 22 biggest scandals ever - WND - WND

From The Federalist Papers: UPDATED List of Crimes Hillary Has Potentially Committed
Here’s the list as it currently stands.

18USC§201 Bribery18USC§208 Acts Effecting A Personal Financial Interest (Includes Recommendations)18USC§371 Conspiracy18USC§1001 False Statements18USC§1341 Frauds And Swindles (Mail Fraud)18USC§1343 Fraud By Wire18USC§1349 Attempt And Conspiracy (To Commit Fraud)18USC§1505 Obstruction Of Justice18USC§1519 Destruction (Alteration Or Falsification) Of Records In Federal Investigation18USC§1621 Perjury (Including Documents Signed Under Penalties Of Perjury)18USC§1905 Disclosure Of Confidential Information18USC§1924 Unauthorized Removal And Retention Of Classified Documents Or Material18USC§2071 Concealment (Removal Or Mutilation) Of Government Records18USC§7201 Attempt To Evade Or Defeat A Tax (Use Of Clinton Foundation Funds For Personal Or Political Purposes)18USC§7212 Attempts To Interfere With Administration Of Internal Revenue Laws (Call To IRS On Behalf Of UBS Not Turning Over Accounts To IRS)
This comes from the founder of Judicial Watch, Larry Klayman, who had dealings with the corrupt Clinton machine in the last century:
Proof Hillary isn't fit to be president

Proof Hillary Clinton Isn't Fit to be President, January 26, 2013

No one understands better than yours truly – except perhaps Vince Foster and scores of others (including material witnesses) who mysteriously died in and around the Clinton administration during the 1990s – the treachery of Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Indeed, I fought her and her husband tooth and nail during these years and am the only lawyer ever to have obtained a court ruling that a sitting president committed a crime – a finding made by now Chief Judge Royce Lamberth in the famous Filegate case, which involved Bill and Hillary Clinton illegally obtaining FBI files on perceived adversaries to intimidate witnesses and blunt the 40-plus scandals that the Clintons found themselves engulfed in during those years.

My efforts to hold the Clintons to the rule of law infuriated them so much that President Clinton, at one point during his impeachment, lost his composure and control. After I also challenged the Clintons' illegal mortgage and purchase of a home in Chappaqua, N.Y., they attacked me personally at a White House press conference. (See the video on the homepage of Freedomwatchusa.org.) Many wondered at the time how I was able to survive the Clintons' wrath.

It became well-known during the Clinton years that while the president was a "certified" sleaze ball, the most evil partner of this Bonnie-and-Clyde duo was Hillary. She came to be seen as the "consigliore" of the couple, the one who had executed (pun intended) their dastardly plans and deeds. In this regard, although the moribund Republican establishment is conveniently willing to forget and forgive (since, after all, the Clintons are part of their elitist club in Washington, D.C.) – Republicans having failed miserably to convict Bill Clinton for high crimes and misdemeanors during the impeachment proceedings during the late 1990s – it's important to remind the nation and the world about who Hillary really is, particularly since she obviously is leaving her post in the Obama administration as secretary of state to likely prepare for a run at the presidency in 2016.​

The Democrat Party is truly unfit to rule in the Congress. They lie, they cheat, and they smarm people to believe their corrupt lies in exchange for bigger and bigger promises to pick other people's pockets for Democrats only.

That's as far as you can get from the nation our founders blessed us with.
Wow what a partisan woman she is, since it was HER party who were attacked by the Russians, while Mueller wrote THREE DECLINATIONS saying that Trump and his campaign team didn't conspire with the Russians over the election process.

I agree with her that Russia has been trying to weaken us, which the Democrats are the active player in weakening us, when they punt on Immigration, push endless bogus investigative attacks on Trump and demand tax information without Probable Cause.

America dying from a thousand internal partisan cuts, it is exactly what Russia wants.

I'm not sure I agree with a lot of what was in the report to be honest.

Mueller is a piece of shit, and the intel agency conclusions aren't that reliable TBH.

OTH, if the DNC had immediately given up their server to the FBI, or the FBI had served them a warrant and seized it with the same zeal that they raided Cohen and Stone? I might believe there is some legitimacy to the whole "hack" verses "leak" bit. But as it is, I don't. The establishment wants a "Cold War 2.0," and a lot of what they are saying about the Russians is bullshit.

U.S. Intelligence Veterans Believe the 'Russian Hack' of DNC Computers May Have Been an Inside Job
Did Putin's Russia really try and get Trump elected? CIA veterans urge caution
US Intel Vets Dispute Russia Hacking Claims
Intelligence Agency Veterans Challenge The ‘Russia Hack’ Evidence

There is something seriously dirty going on, trouble right down in river city. I don't believe a lot of what they are saying about the Russians, anymore than I believed there were WMD in Iraq, or use of Chemical weapons in Syria. I know what the agenda is. Conflict and war.

. . . and so Russia does what the UK, Canada, Israel, the Saudis, the Koch Brothers, Soros, and every other entity on earth do, and somehow, they are trouble?

. . . . and when they come to defend themselves, they can't see the evidence?
It's a con-job by the globalists to get us into Cold-War 2.0 or Hot World War III :dunno: Either way, it's bullshit.

Russia Keeps Meddling, Mueller Says in Bid to Guard Evidence
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

I had to post this in Satire, b/c honestly, when a friend of mine posted it from WaPo on her FB feed, it nearly brought me to tears.

She wants to compare it to the Watergate hearings that she was barred from being a part of? :auiqs.jpg:

Seriously, I think she WANTS the Democrats to lose in 2020. If they did everything outlined in her opinion piece, Americans would be so tired and pissed off at the conclusion of it all, they would route the left out of D.C. for the next decade.

Is it any wonder she lost?


This is real, but the Onion should have her write for them. . .


Hillary Clinton: How we should respond to Mueller report
Hillary Clinton: How we should respond to Mueller report

". . . Obviously, this is personal for me, and some may say that I’m not the right messenger. But my perspective is not just that of a former candidate and target of the Russian plot. I am also a former senator and secretary of state who served during much of Vladimir Putin’s ascent, sat across the table from him and knows firsthand that he seeks to weaken our country.. . .


.. . . . We have to get this right. The Mueller report isn’t just a reckoning about our recent history; it’s a warning about the future. Unless checked, the Russians will interfere again in 2020, and possibly other adversaries, such as China or North Korea, will as well. This is an urgent threat. Nobody but Americans should be able to decide America’s future. And, unless he’s held accountable, the president may show even more disregard for the laws of the land and the obligations of his office. He will likely redouble his efforts to advance Putin’s agenda, including rolling back sanctions, weakening NATO and undermining the European Union.

Of all the lessons from our history, the one that’s most important may be that each of us has a vital role to play as citizens. A crime was committed against all Americans, and all Americans should demand action and accountability. Our founders envisioned the danger we face today and designed a system to meet it. Now it’s up to us to prove the wisdom of our Constitution, the resilience of our democracy and the strength of our nation."

Obviously she is the poor, blameless victim here. Justice is yet to be served.

Trump has committed numerous felonies. It's not a secret. We know what they are.

So what exactly are you guys laughing at?


I'm not clear what felonies he has been;

A) indicted for, &

B) convicted of?

If you could post factual links, not your opinion, that would be great.

If not, might I suggest you get a nice new replacement, for your clearly ineffective head gear. Let me suggest my store?


RF Shielding for Your Mind

Stretchy anti-radiation Silver-coated nylon skull cap with ear flaps is lightweight and breathes nicely. Comfortable enough to wear year-round while sleeping, thin enough to be worn under a conventional hat or all on its own. Stretchy, so it conforms to your head.

Microwave Shielding Effect: >35dB at 1-10 GHz. Surface resistivity: <0.5 Ohm/sq. Shielding performance decreases over time. Sound quality is not affected. Ear flaps can be tucked under to make a beanie shape if you prefer. Ok, it’s not a Royal wedding “Fascinator” but if you prefer comfortable, practical, effective RF shielding over fashion, this is the hat for you.

Brain Coat (Cat. #A221) …………… $49.95
EMF Shielding Garments and Clothing
I had to post this in Satire, b/c honestly, when a friend of mine posted it from WaPo on her FB feed, it nearly brought me to tears.

She wants to compare it to the Watergate hearings that she was barred from being a part of? :auiqs.jpg:

Seriously, I think she WANTS the Democrats to lose in 2020. If they did everything outlined in her opinion piece, Americans would be so tired and pissed off at the conclusion of it all, they would route the left out of D.C. for the next decade.

Is it any wonder she lost?


This is real, but the Onion should have her write for them. . .


Hillary Clinton: How we should respond to Mueller report
Hillary Clinton: How we should respond to Mueller report

". . . Obviously, this is personal for me, and some may say that I’m not the right messenger. But my perspective is not just that of a former candidate and target of the Russian plot. I am also a former senator and secretary of state who served during much of Vladimir Putin’s ascent, sat across the table from him and knows firsthand that he seeks to weaken our country.. . .


.. . . . We have to get this right. The Mueller report isn’t just a reckoning about our recent history; it’s a warning about the future. Unless checked, the Russians will interfere again in 2020, and possibly other adversaries, such as China or North Korea, will as well. This is an urgent threat. Nobody but Americans should be able to decide America’s future. And, unless he’s held accountable, the president may show even more disregard for the laws of the land and the obligations of his office. He will likely redouble his efforts to advance Putin’s agenda, including rolling back sanctions, weakening NATO and undermining the European Union.

Of all the lessons from our history, the one that’s most important may be that each of us has a vital role to play as citizens. A crime was committed against all Americans, and all Americans should demand action and accountability. Our founders envisioned the danger we face today and designed a system to meet it. Now it’s up to us to prove the wisdom of our Constitution, the resilience of our democracy and the strength of our nation."

Obviously she is the poor, blameless victim here. Justice is yet to be served.


I don't even know where to start...........I mean SERIOUSLY? This crook is claiming that she was VICTIMIZED????

I glanced at the original article and thought she was of the mind NOT to impeach Trump and have Congress get busy the the issues that confront this nation. Should I have taken the time to read the whole dull story?
I had to post this in Satire, b/c honestly, when a friend of mine posted it from WaPo on her FB feed, it nearly brought me to tears.

She wants to compare it to the Watergate hearings that she was barred from being a part of? :auiqs.jpg:

Seriously, I think she WANTS the Democrats to lose in 2020. If they did everything outlined in her opinion piece, Americans would be so tired and pissed off at the conclusion of it all, they would route the left out of D.C. for the next decade.

Is it any wonder she lost?


This is real, but the Onion should have her write for them. . .


Hillary Clinton: How we should respond to Mueller report
Hillary Clinton: How we should respond to Mueller report

". . . Obviously, this is personal for me, and some may say that I’m not the right messenger. But my perspective is not just that of a former candidate and target of the Russian plot. I am also a former senator and secretary of state who served during much of Vladimir Putin’s ascent, sat across the table from him and knows firsthand that he seeks to weaken our country.. . .


.. . . . We have to get this right. The Mueller report isn’t just a reckoning about our recent history; it’s a warning about the future. Unless checked, the Russians will interfere again in 2020, and possibly other adversaries, such as China or North Korea, will as well. This is an urgent threat. Nobody but Americans should be able to decide America’s future. And, unless he’s held accountable, the president may show even more disregard for the laws of the land and the obligations of his office. He will likely redouble his efforts to advance Putin’s agenda, including rolling back sanctions, weakening NATO and undermining the European Union.

Of all the lessons from our history, the one that’s most important may be that each of us has a vital role to play as citizens. A crime was committed against all Americans, and all Americans should demand action and accountability. Our founders envisioned the danger we face today and designed a system to meet it. Now it’s up to us to prove the wisdom of our Constitution, the resilience of our democracy and the strength of our nation."

Obviously she is the poor, blameless victim here. Justice is yet to be served.

Trump has committed numerous felonies. It's not a secret. We know what they are.

So what exactly are you guys laughing at?

Then bring on the impeachment!


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