Hillary Did Bidding Of Her Saudi Masters & Turned Libya Into ISIS Hellhole (Wikileaks)

I used to say NOTHING offends me, but THIS offends me. Truly a heartless and EVIL bitch:

Your sympathy for Gaddafi, the butcher of Benghazi is noted.

Gaddafi didn't invite ISIS into the country. ISIS has killed more people than Gaddafi ever thought of killing. The people Gaddafi killed were in ISIS. They needed killing.

So you think he was a good guy? Typical brain dead right winger.

He was better than the people who replaced him, moron.

Typical douche bag moron left winger.
Your sympathy for Gaddafi, the butcher of Benghazi is noted.
'Butcher of Benghazi'?!

You just made that up. Gaddafi was dead when Barry and Hillary's allies - Al Qaeida - butchered the 1st US Ambassador in over 30 years and 3 other Americans.

Your support for the terrorists who killed thousands of Americans on 9/11/01 - and the 2 Americans who dragged us into war without Congressional authorizarion to do so in order to help those terrorists - is duly noted.

Damn, you're dumb. I won't post the video, because it is too graphic, but type in Butcher of Benghazi on youtube, and see what that monster did. Try the same thing on Google and you will see why he got that name long before the over-hyped Benghazi tragedy.
I used to say NOTHING offends me, but THIS offends me. Truly a heartless and EVIL bitch:

Your sympathy for Gaddafi, the butcher of Benghazi is noted.

Gaddafi didn't invite ISIS into the country. ISIS has killed more people than Gaddafi ever thought of killing. The people Gaddafi killed were in ISIS. They needed killing.

So you think he was a good guy? Typical brain dead right winger.

He had started helping the US combat terrorists in northern Africa....

So, the guy who helped the Muslim Brotherhood take over Egypt, supplied / armed / funded / trained / protected / allowed ISIS to flow into Iraq unchallenged, and armed Mexican Drug Cartels helped take down the leader who was helping us fight terrorists like Al Qaeida ... by helping Al Qaeida kill the guy who was trying to stop them.

Step by step Barry has aided and abetted this nation's enemies - terrorsists, Drug Cartels...
Your sympathy for Gaddafi, the butcher of Benghazi is noted.
'Butcher of Benghazi'?!

You just made that up. Gaddafi was dead when Barry and Hillary's allies - Al Qaeida - butchered the 1st US Ambassador in over 30 years and 3 other Americans.

Your support for the terrorists who killed thousands of Americans on 9/11/01 - and the 2 Americans who dragged us into war without Congressional authorizarion to do so in order to help those terrorists - is duly noted.

Damn, you're dumb. I won't post the video, because it is too graphic, but type in Butcher of Benghazi on youtube, and see what that monster did. Try the same thing on Google and you will see why he got that name long before the over-hyped Benghazi tragedy.

When I post "Butcher of Benghazi" into Google, all I get are articles about Hillary.

Your sympathy for Gaddafi, the butcher of Benghazi is noted.
'Butcher of Benghazi'?!

You just made that up. Gaddafi was dead when Barry and Hillary's allies - Al Qaeida - butchered the 1st US Ambassador in over 30 years and 3 other Americans.

Your support for the terrorists who killed thousands of Americans on 9/11/01 - and the 2 Americans who dragged us into war without Congressional authorizarion to do so in order to help those terrorists - is duly noted.

Damn, you're dumb. I won't post the video, because it is too graphic, but type in Butcher of Benghazi on youtube, and see what that monster did. Try the same thing on Google and you will see why he got that name long before the over-hyped Benghazi tragedy.

When I post "Butcher of Benghazi" into Google, all I get are articles about Hillary.

The more we learn about her, the more crazy she becomes. What we don't know about about this crazed power hunger money grubbing opportunist, is probably much worse.

That should be reworded. The crazier your silly accusations the more the right wingers want to believe them. If she was actually guilty of even a small fraction of the crap you claim, I would be a right winger too.
May I be the first to welcome you..
Only a douche bag could possibly vote for HIllary after learning about this. She is the most corrupt and incompetent Secretary of State we have ever had. Dims claim shit like this is what makes her "qualified:"

WIKILEAKS Outlines How Hillary Clinton Did Bidding Of Her Saudi Masters & Turned Libya Into ISIS Hellhole - DCWhispers.com

It’s called the “tick tock” email, just recently released by Wikileaks. The email shows Hillary Clinton’s office outlining how Mrs. Clinton must be given full credit for what took place in Libya before and after the fall of the Gaddafi regime – a fall that resulted in a missing 1.5 billion dollars sent to Libya by Hillary Clinton, the subsequent death of four Americans, including the first U.S. ambassador to die on duty in more than thirty years, and thousands more deaths as Libya descended into anarchy.

And it was all done after the House of Saud wished it so – the very same House of Saud that has “donated” millions to the Clinton Foundation and the Hillary Clinton campaign.


The above, led to this in Libya:

Some two years after this altercation, Gadaffi was killed via an effort orchestrated and funded by the Obama government and the Hillary Clinton State Department. The grave truly was put in front of him – by Hillary Clinton.

The House of Saud has since donated between $10 and 2$5 MILLION dollars to the Clinton Foundation and continues to donate to the Hillary Clinton campaign. A ZERO HEDGE article from earlier this summer indicated that the Saudis are as of now, funding approximately 20% of the entire Clinton campaign for president.

The House of Saud wanted Gaddafi’s Libya gone.

Hillary Clinton, as Secretary of State makes that happen, creating the ISIS hell that is now Libya.

Tens of millions of dollars pour into the Clinton Foundation, and tens of millions more are now pouring into the Clinton campaign – from the House of Saud.
Bush, Jr. was the buddy of the Saudis.


did he take millions of dollars from them and then claim no quid pro quo?
Bulldog, did Gaddafi butcher Americans in Benghazi?

I remember libs said 'fuck 'em' about the Iraqis the Butcher of Baghdad murdered. 'NOT OUR PROBLEM - No reason for us to go to war'...but helping Al Qaeida was sure a good enough reason for Hillary and Barry to drag the US into war without the authorization to do so.

BEYOND 'Hypocritical'...
The more we learn about her, the more crazy she becomes. What we don't know about about this crazed power hunger money grubbing opportunist, is probably much worse.

That should be reworded. The crazier your silly accusations the more the right wingers want to believe them. If she was actually guilty of even a small fraction of the crap you claim, I would be a right winger too.

do you deny her sniper story was that of a psychopath?

do you deny she hid the rose law firm billing records?

do you deny she lied to you about her email server?

do you know that draft indictments were drawn for her in the whitewater investigation? but she was too big to jail?

do you deny that her operatives raided vince foster's office after they were sure he was dead?

those are all easily proven, but she isn't like us, laws do not apply, kinda like nixon thought.
When I post "Butcher of Benghazi" into Google, all I get are articles about Hillary.
They're never gonna get it. Hillary and Obama betrayed an Ally. He was a secular dictator who kept the Muslim crazies under control. Obama SUPPORTS ISIS. He supports the Caliphate. So does Hillary.

Ignorant libs!
Your sympathy for Gaddafi, the butcher of Benghazi is noted.
'Butcher of Benghazi'?!

You just made that up. Gaddafi was dead when Barry and Hillary's allies - Al Qaeida - butchered the 1st US Ambassador in over 30 years and 3 other Americans.

Your support for the terrorists who killed thousands of Americans on 9/11/01 - and the 2 Americans who dragged us into war without Congressional authorizarion to do so in order to help those terrorists - is duly noted.

Damn, you're dumb. I won't post the video, because it is too graphic, but type in Butcher of Benghazi on youtube, and see what that monster did. Try the same thing on Google and you will see why he got that name long before the over-hyped Benghazi tragedy.

When I post "Butcher of Benghazi" into Google, all I get are articles about Hillary.


Try it, douche bag.
The more we learn about her, the more crazy she becomes. What we don't know about about this crazed power hunger money grubbing opportunist, is probably much worse.

That should be reworded. The crazier your silly accusations the more the right wingers want to believe them. If she was actually guilty of even a small fraction of the crap you claim, I would be a right winger too.

do you deny her sniper story was that of a psychopath?

do you deny she hid the rose law firm billing records?

do you deny she lied to you about her email server?

do you know that draft indictments were drawn for her in the whitewater investigation? but she was too big to jail?

do you deny that her operatives raided vince foster's office after they were sure he was dead?

those are all easily proven, but she isn't like us, laws do not apply, kinda like nixon thought.

All silly bullshit that has been evaluated and discredited long ago.
The more we learn about her, the more crazy she becomes. What we don't know about about this crazed power hunger money grubbing opportunist, is probably much worse.

That should be reworded. The crazier your silly accusations the more the right wingers want to believe them. If she was actually guilty of even a small fraction of the crap you claim, I would be a right winger too.

do you deny her sniper story was that of a psychopath?

do you deny she hid the rose law firm billing records?

do you deny she lied to you about her email server?

do you know that draft indictments were drawn for her in the whitewater investigation? but she was too big to jail?

do you deny that her operatives raided vince foster's office after they were sure he was dead?

those are all easily proven, but she isn't like us, laws do not apply, kinda like nixon thought.

All silly bullshit that has been evaluated and discredited long ago.
...but only in the minds of liberals.
The more we learn about her, the more crazy she becomes. What we don't know about about this crazed power hunger money grubbing opportunist, is probably much worse.

That should be reworded. The crazier your silly accusations the more the right wingers want to believe them. If she was actually guilty of even a small fraction of the crap you claim, I would be a right winger too.

do you deny her sniper story was that of a psychopath?

do you deny she hid the rose law firm billing records?

do you deny she lied to you about her email server?

do you know that draft indictments were drawn for her in the whitewater investigation? but she was too big to jail?

do you deny that her operatives raided vince foster's office after they were sure he was dead?

those are all easily proven, but she isn't like us, laws do not apply, kinda like nixon thought.

All silly bullshit that has been evaluated and discredited long ago.

NONE of it has been discredited, it is all absolutely true that is why I chose those few out of many. I would provide you links but you would just say the links are lying. How hard is it that you have to hold your nose?
The more we learn about her, the more crazy she becomes. What we don't know about about this crazed power hunger money grubbing opportunist, is probably much worse.

That should be reworded. The crazier your silly accusations the more the right wingers want to believe them. If she was actually guilty of even a small fraction of the crap you claim, I would be a right winger too.

do you deny her sniper story was that of a psychopath?

do you deny she hid the rose law firm billing records?

do you deny she lied to you about her email server?

do you know that draft indictments were drawn for her in the whitewater investigation? but she was too big to jail?

do you deny that her operatives raided vince foster's office after they were sure he was dead?

those are all easily proven, but she isn't like us, laws do not apply, kinda like nixon thought.

All silly bullshit that has been evaluated and discredited long ago.

NONE of it has been discredited, it is all absolutely true that is why I chose those few out of many. I would provide you links but you would just say the links are lying. How hard is it that you have to hold your nose?
If the MSM would tell the truth, liberals wouldn't be clueless.
The more we learn about her, the more crazy she becomes. What we don't know about about this crazed power hunger money grubbing opportunist, is probably much worse.

That should be reworded. The crazier your silly accusations the more the right wingers want to believe them. If she was actually guilty of even a small fraction of the crap you claim, I would be a right winger too.

do you deny her sniper story was that of a psychopath?

do you deny she hid the rose law firm billing records?

do you deny she lied to you about her email server?

do you know that draft indictments were drawn for her in the whitewater investigation? but she was too big to jail?

do you deny that her operatives raided vince foster's office after they were sure he was dead?

those are all easily proven, but she isn't like us, laws do not apply, kinda like nixon thought.

All silly bullshit that has been evaluated and discredited long ago.

NONE of it has been discredited, it is all absolutely true that is why I chose those few out of many. I would provide you links but you would just say the links are lying. How hard is it that you have to hold your nose?

Sorry, but just because you chose to believe some fruitcake website that is known for hysterical lies doesn't mean it's true.
Only a douche bag could possibly vote for HIllary after learning about this. She is the most corrupt and incompetent Secretary of State we have ever had. Dims claim shit like this is what makes her "qualified:"

WIKILEAKS Outlines How Hillary Clinton Did Bidding Of Her Saudi Masters & Turned Libya Into ISIS Hellhole - DCWhispers.com

It’s called the “tick tock” email, just recently released by Wikileaks. The email shows Hillary Clinton’s office outlining how Mrs. Clinton must be given full credit for what took place in Libya before and after the fall of the Gaddafi regime – a fall that resulted in a missing 1.5 billion dollars sent to Libya by Hillary Clinton, the subsequent death of four Americans, including the first U.S. ambassador to die on duty in more than thirty years, and thousands more deaths as Libya descended into anarchy.

And it was all done after the House of Saud wished it so – the very same House of Saud that has “donated” millions to the Clinton Foundation and the Hillary Clinton campaign.


The above, led to this in Libya:

Some two years after this altercation, Gadaffi was killed via an effort orchestrated and funded by the Obama government and the Hillary Clinton State Department. The grave truly was put in front of him – by Hillary Clinton.

The House of Saud has since donated between $10 and 2$5 MILLION dollars to the Clinton Foundation and continues to donate to the Hillary Clinton campaign. A ZERO HEDGE article from earlier this summer indicated that the Saudis are as of now, funding approximately 20% of the entire Clinton campaign for president.

The House of Saud wanted Gaddafi’s Libya gone.

Hillary Clinton, as Secretary of State makes that happen, creating the ISIS hell that is now Libya.

Tens of millions of dollars pour into the Clinton Foundation, and tens of millions more are now pouring into the Clinton campaign – from the House of Saud.
Bush, Jr. was the buddy of the Saudis.

Hillary is a criminal, therefore Bush

How can anyone argue with that line of reasoning?

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