Hillary Clinton's message to Trump re: coronavirus goes viral

These people touting Hillary’s leadership have short memories in that she lied to Benghazi Families telling them it was caused by a video when she knew it was an outright terrorist attack on another 9/11 that was on her watch.

Are you still stuck in there?

Trey Gowdy a very strong GOP led the investigation of Benghazi against Hillary for 2 years spent millions. No crime or wrong doing against Hillary.

What part of US history you went to sleep?
Hillary would have shown leadership. Trump is just a pathetic pretender.

what would she have done differently?

Any of the candidates at that time. Paul, Bush, Rubio, Hillary, Kasich, Carson, Cruz.

What we saw from Trump after 3 years those candidates are far better and decent people than Trump. And the economy still be this good. It’s not because of Trump.
America deserves better than this inept and dishonest president.
Read her tweet. As a matter of fact she would have stayed on message, had a coordinated response, not treated the virus as a joke, certainly not used the word "hoax", she would not have disbanded Obama's Pandemic response team and she certainly would not be making a complete ass of herself with idiotic tweets and conflicting statements with her own health officials. For starters.

The hysteria and the panic is being treated as a joke as it should be. Ten years ago swine flu killed approximately 12,500 people in this country and an estimated half a million on the high end died worldwide and there was no mass hysteria and panic and I don't recall anybody pointing the finger at Obama saying he wasn't prepared for it. There's no reason for it now.

True. That was then. That doesn’t mean we should duplicate those numbers that should die today and just don’t worry about and treat it as joke. We don’t know yet how many people will die on Coronavirus just got started.

We have a pandemic and it’s not a joke.

We don’t have a vaccine for CV and first testing is about a year away.

Stocks is collapsing, people are getting sick, dying, closing schools, parks and Americans are panicking.

Trump did that and that sprang in to action with Pence.

Then Trump AT THE SAME TIME. Trump is very busy pointing fingers, blaming, very busy tweeting nonsense, I’m the victim, not my fault and making stupid comments against CDC advice. Down playing the seriousness of the crisis. Don’t worry about it. No big deal.

THIS/THAT is the day to day operations of what we are seeing from Trump handling this crisis. Instead of just STFU. Tell me where I’m wrong.

Telling Americans if you are sick you can still go to work. Lots of his followers believe that and lots of them this virus doesn’t even exist. Just imagine if these followers going around with the virus. That is a problem. Trump is part of the problem.
Tell me where I’m wrong.
Hillary would have shown leadership. Trump is just a pathetic pretender.

what would she have done differently?

She would have had staff in the White House coordinating from Day 1. Trump fired all those people in 2018, and closed the office.

Testing would have gone out right away. Like it did in other countries. The CDC wouldn’t have been without leadership.

She wouldn’t have lied incessantly about the virus or have been more worried about the stock market than the people. This means the markets wouldn’t have been panicked.
These people touting Hillary’s leadership have short memories in that she lied to Benghazi Families telling them it was caused by a video when she knew it was an outright terrorist attack on another 9/11 that was on her watch.

Are you still stuck in there?

Trey Gowdy a very strong GOP led the investigation of Benghazi against Hillary for 2 years spent millions. No crime or wrong doing against Hillary.

What part of US history you went to sleep?

I am not talking about the legal proceedings and outcomes against Hillary.

I am talking about the lack of leadership she displayed during the event. Lying to the Families is not a crime but it is a sign of a lack of leadership. The bigger indicator of a lack of leadership on display goes to the person that prevented Military support when the embassy was under attack.
In my humble opinion, this is gonna leave a mark
I know this is all hard for you, @realdonaldtrump, so let me spell it out:

- Free testing
- Fee waivers
- Emergency sick leave
- Quarantines
- Cancellations
- Giving a damn
Hillary Clinton on Twitter
if my memory serves me correctly hilary lost and her is still a rapist,,,sorry an impeached rapist,,,
Your memory fails you, because your brain is a moldy, old sponge filled with holes.

Bill Clinton didn't rape anyone, and he was impeached for lying about getting a consensual blowjob from an adult woman..
These people touting Hillary’s leadership have short memories in that she lied to Benghazi Families telling them it was caused by a video when she knew it was an outright terrorist attack on another 9/11 that was on her watch.

Are you still stuck in there?

Trey Gowdy a very strong GOP led the investigation of Benghazi against Hillary for 2 years spent millions. No crime or wrong doing against Hillary.

What part of US history you went to sleep?

I am not talking about the legal proceedings and outcomes against Hillary.

I am talking about the lack of leadership she displayed during the event. Lying to the Families is not a crime but it is a sign of a lack of leadership. The bigger indicator of a lack of leadership on display goes to the person that prevented Military support when the embassy was under attack.
You're talking bullshit RWNJ talking points is all you are talking about.
In my humble opinion, this is gonna leave a mark
I know this is all hard for you, @realdonaldtrump, so let me spell it out:

- Free testing
- Fee waivers
- Emergency sick leave
- Quarantines
- Cancellations
- Giving a damn
Hillary Clinton on Twitter
if my memory serves me correctly hilary lost and her is still a rapist,,,sorry an impeached rapist,,,
Your memory fails you, because your brain is a moldy, old sponge filled with holes.

Bill Clinton didn't rape anyone, and he was impeached for lying about getting a consensual blowjob from an adult woman..

Bill Clinton didn't rape anyone,

Why did he leave Oxford before he got his degree? And who was Juanita Broaddrick?

and he was impeached for lying about getting a consensual blowjob

You misspelled, "lying under oath during a sexual harassment lawsuit".
It isn't what Hillary would have done differently. It's what the democrats would have done differently. That would be not to fake this disease out of all proportion.

It looks like success is within grasp. Just nudge China enough. Give them enough excuse and the left will have a proxy war against Trump's America.
Hillary would have shown leadership. Trump is just a pathetic pretender.

what would she have done differently?
If frogs had wings they wouldn't bump their ass when they hop. She lost. She's right, but she needs to shut the fk up. Her public recommendations to him (right or wrong) is enough to make him want to do the opposite just for spite and she knows it.
I know just like the moron Trump wanted to do the opposite of Obama and completely screwed things up.
Actually doing the opposite of what Obama did is the right thing to do. I mean 4000 died from swine flu. Only 41 so far with Trump.
These people touting Hillary’s leadership have short memories in that she lied to Benghazi Families telling them it was caused by a video when she knew it was an outright terrorist attack on another 9/11 that was on her watch.

Are you still stuck in there?

Trey Gowdy a very strong GOP led the investigation of Benghazi against Hillary for 2 years spent millions. No crime or wrong doing against Hillary.

What part of US history you went to sleep?

I am not talking about the legal proceedings and outcomes against Hillary.

I am talking about the lack of leadership she displayed during the event. Lying to the Families is not a crime but it is a sign of a lack of leadership. The bigger indicator of a lack of leadership on display goes to the person that prevented Military support when the embassy was under attack.
You're talking bullshit RWNJ talking points is all you are talking about.

Why the delayed response when the Benghazi embassy was under attack? Tell US how it was an immediate response? Otherwise, it is you who are talking bullshit.
These people touting Hillary’s leadership have short memories in that she lied to Benghazi Families telling them it was caused by a video when she knew it was an outright terrorist attack on another 9/11 that was on her watch.

Are you still stuck in there?

Trey Gowdy a very strong GOP led the investigation of Benghazi against Hillary for 2 years spent millions. No crime or wrong doing against Hillary.

What part of US history you went to sleep?

I am not talking about the legal proceedings and outcomes against Hillary.

I am talking about the lack of leadership she displayed during the event. Lying to the Families is not a crime but it is a sign of a lack of leadership. The bigger indicator of a lack of leadership on display goes to the person that prevented Military support when the embassy was under attack.

That was just one account of Hillary and I’m not sure why we always brought it up?

How many times did our dear leader Donny ....... Lied and displayed lack of leadership?

Last rally in New Hampshire he told everyone Mexico is paying for the wall by redemption.
Hillary would have shown leadership. Trump is just a pathetic pretender.

what would she have done differently?
If frogs had wings they wouldn't bump their ass when they hop. She lost. She's right, but she needs to shut the fk up. Her public recommendations to him (right or wrong) is enough to make him want to do the opposite just for spite and she knows it.
I know just like the moron Trump wanted to do the opposite of Obama and completely screwed things up.
Actually doing the opposite of what Obama did is the right thing to do. I mean 4000 died from swine flu. Only 41 so far with Trump.

So what you are saying.

Don’t worry about it?
These people touting Hillary’s leadership have short memories in that she lied to Benghazi Families telling them it was caused by a video when she knew it was an outright terrorist attack on another 9/11 that was on her watch.

Are you still stuck in there?

Trey Gowdy a very strong GOP led the investigation of Benghazi against Hillary for 2 years spent millions. No crime or wrong doing against Hillary.

What part of US history you went to sleep?

I am not talking about the legal proceedings and outcomes against Hillary.

I am talking about the lack of leadership she displayed during the event. Lying to the Families is not a crime but it is a sign of a lack of leadership. The bigger indicator of a lack of leadership on display goes to the person that prevented Military support when the embassy was under attack.
You're talking bullshit RWNJ talking points is all you are talking about.

Why the delayed response when the Benghazi embassy was under attack? Tell US how it was an immediate response? Otherwise, it is you who are talking bullshit.

Like I said. We went this over and over in the past in several threads.

So you you are telling me when embassy or any US embassy will/was under attack. They have call the SOS?

While bullets are flying. Hold on. Let me call madam secretary.

Does that make sense?
Hillary would have shown leadership. Trump is just a pathetic pretender.
The US doing much better than the EU thanks largely to early action in January to prevent the spread of the virus to the US.
And how exactly was the spread "PREVENTED" when it is SPREADING here right now!!!!!!
You DittoTards are too STUPID to know just how STUPID you are, and it is a blessing!
The US doing much better than the EU thanks largely to early action in January to prevent the spread of the virus to the US.
And how exactly was the spread "PREVENTED" when it is SPREADING here right now!!!!!!
You DittoTards are too STUPID to know just how STUPID you are, and it is a blessing!
Hillary would have shown leadership. Trump is just a pathetic pretender.
View attachment 312348
That's fucking hilarious. A bullshit meme by some fucking asshole calling himself educating liberals. LOL.

You should have at least got something from the gateway pundit instead. LOL.
Was it not the absolute truth leftist?
The US doing much better than the EU thanks largely to early action in January to prevent the spread of the virus to the US.
And how exactly was the spread "PREVENTED" when it is SPREADING here right now!!!!!!
You DittoTards are too STUPID to know just how STUPID you are, and it is a blessing!
Hillary would have shown leadership. Trump is just a pathetic pretender.
View attachment 312348
That's fucking hilarious. A bullshit meme by some fucking asshole calling himself educating liberals. LOL.

You should have at least got something from the gateway pundit instead. LOL.
Was it not the absolute truth leftist?
No it wasn't, rightist.

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