Hillary Clinton: "People who are calling for a ceasefire now, don't understand Hamas. That is not possible.

Unlike this complete imbecile Joe Biden, Hillary is NOT an idiot. Hillary has a pretty good handle on the middle east barbarism, Hamas, Iran and the rest of those animals. Hillary once vowed to annihilate Iran.

For all of her faults, she was the better Dem candidate for POTUS in 2008. I liked that her husband was a 2 term POTUS, that she served at his side as first lady for 8 years. EXPERIENCE people FFS. She was a magnitude better than the noob know nothing, no record, no experience Obama imbecile. She started her campaign right down the center on the issues, it was Obama who forced her left. That was her big mistake, it cost her the primary. By the time Dems recognized the mistake and Dems moved back to the center it was too late, Obama had gamed the early primaries. It was clear in the latter half of the Dem primaries that Dems far preferred Hillary over Obama.
I think it would've been better to have Hillary in 2008 because she would've got things done in a hurry, Instead of Obama trying to please everyone as the first black president....
Exactly. That's why a viable two state solution is the highest priority.
A lot of things are intertwined. I am certain most of the people in Israel do not care one way or the other on that issue. Genocide of any people is morbid. Endless violence is also tiresome.
You don't know that she recanted the following day, while DJT is still whining, whinging, and trying to destroy America?
And of course she never said anything about election fraud in counting votes and all the other anti-american garbage which has made us rated a flawed democracy. Job!

Nah. My channel is set to real news and I don’t harbor any nutty conspiracy theories. That would be you, little boi.
So You don't believe in election global warming vaccine biden conspiracies? that's a relief
So You don't believe in election global warming vaccine biden conspiracies? that's a relief

You remain a simpleton asswipe and quite unable to debate intelligently.

Conspiracies do exist. Some are even made crimes under various state laws and federal laws. So, simply believing in the existence of some conspiracies doesn’t make one a conspiracy theorist. You idiot.

I believe there were conspiracies to steal the election. Only morons like you deny the clear evidence. (Again, though, that doesn’t mean that our 2020 election was stolen. Morons like you cannot distinguish the difference in those two things.)

I have long conceded that the average global temperature may be rising. What I have questioned (and still am skeptical about) are the absurd & overblown claims that humankind has much to do with any such warming. Just because you happen to buy that notion doesn’t make me a conspiracy theorist for not buying your position. You idiot.

There is a whole lot to question about the COVID vaccine mandates. Questioning the various issues involved isn’t the same as being a conspiracy theorist, you fucking retard.

Potato is demented. Not acknowledging that makes you a retarded conspiracy theorist. 👍
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You remain a simpleton as swipe and quite unable to debate intelligently.

Conspiracies do exist. Some are even made crimes under various state laws and federal laws. So, simply believing in the existence of some conspiracies doesn’t make one a conspiracy theorist. You idiot.

I believe there were conspiracies to steal the election. Only morons like you deny the clear evidence. (Again, though, that doesn’t mean that our 2020 election was stolen. Morons like you cannot distinguish the difference in those two things.)

I have long conceded that the average global temperature may be rising. What I have questioned (and still am skeptical about) are the absurd & overblown claims that humankind has much to do with any such warming. Just because you happen to buy that notion doesn’t make me a conspiracy theorist for not buying your position. You idiot.

There is a whole lot to question about the COVID vaccine mandates. Questioning the various issues involved isn’t the same as being a conspiracy theorist, you fucking retard.

Potato is demented. Not acknowledging that makes you a retarded conspiracy theorist. 👍
I'll go with the reality not garbage propaganda. The only conspiracy is the GOP mega rich Greedy idiots and liars getting more money for themselves without caring about the middle class and everyone else for that matter....oh, and duping the politically ignorant...
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I'll go with the reality not garbage propaganda.

Bullshit. You always choose the latter. You’re an imbecile.
The only conspiracy is the GOP mega rich Greedy idiots and liars getting more money for themselves without caring about the middle class and everyone else for that matter....

What mindless drivel. Typical of your posting efforts.

Reality is much simpler: you moron scumbags seek to tax the “rich” (whatever that term may mean to you as the time requires) without giving thought one to fairness or Constitutional justification.

You scumbags couldn’t care less about the middle income people.
The only reason she's saying this is because she supports perpetual wars.

Wars cause chaos, and supplies her with fresh babies for her to feast on.
That's right. Janus-faced, the Chappaqua Blue Racer is a Methodist puppet: John Wesley holding prayer meetings in an abandoned gun factory.
Bullshit. You always choose the latter. You’re an imbecile.

What mindless drivel. Typical of your posting efforts.

Reality is much simpler: you moron scumbags seek to tax the “rich” (whatever that term may mean to you as the time requires) without giving thought one to fairness or Constitutional justification.

You scumbags couldn’t care less about the middle income people.
Try a news station, you haven't heard about what Biden has done for medical costs and other unfair crap....
Israel gets the blame for the globalist's agendas. And they are part of it. The Islamic people seem to not have warmed to the state of Israel since its inception in the late 1940's. Israel is not going anywhere.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

And Shrillary is right about this.

No more true or armistice or peace with Hamas.

Death to Hamas and its members.

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