Hillary begins speech: ‘I’m so tired, I can barely stand’


Diamond Member
May 15, 2017
Hillary begins speech: 'I'm so tired, I can barely stand' - The American Mirror

She attacked the layout of classified ads in newspapers.
"It wasn’t so very long ago that classified ads were divided into ‘help wanted dash male,’ and ‘help wanted dash female,'” Clinton said.

She also criticized girls’ half-court basketball in school.
“They wouldn’t let us run on the full court,” she sniffed.
not much she won't bitch at is there? no wonder she's the poster child for the left.

let her run again. couldn't be more of a landslide for whoever is running next, trump or otherwise. people are tired of the bitching and blame game.
Let her babble...only her minions care
i'm just laughing at all the crap she's upset about now.

segregation in classified ads
hell i'd have loved to only have had to run 1/2 court.

it's like they sat around one night stoned / drunk and came up with an idea to see how stupid their bitching can get and people still listen/care. i think they hit the bottom here.
Hillary's full time hobby since she lost the election.

Since the election, you folks give her way too much credit for anything. She is insignificant and does not matter anymore.
I wonder if she even knows what the rules of girls basketball were back then. There were six players on a team; two played on the offensive end, two on the defensive end, and there were two rovers, who could run the whole court. It seems to me there was also a limit on how many times the ball could be bounced (dribbled)...three times?

But the Hillary Principle still prevails: the more people see her, the less they like her. Her greatest popularity always comes at times when she is hunkered down in her bunker.
Hillary begins speech: 'I'm so tired, I can barely stand' - The American Mirror

She attacked the layout of classified ads in newspapers.
"It wasn’t so very long ago that classified ads were divided into ‘help wanted dash male,’ and ‘help wanted dash female,'” Clinton said.

She also criticized girls’ half-court basketball in school.
“They wouldn’t let us run on the full court,” she sniffed.
not much she won't bitch at is there? no wonder she's the poster child for the left.

let her run again. couldn't be more of a landslide for whoever is running next, trump or otherwise. people are tired of the bitching and blame game.

Its a womans rights award you moron.
I wish this white bitch would just go away....every single day, the american stupid is reminded of her loss to this nightmare in orange makeup...we are sooo over you hillary, just go away, paleeezzzzzzzz
Hillary begins speech: 'I'm so tired, I can barely stand' - The American Mirror

She attacked the layout of classified ads in newspapers.
"It wasn’t so very long ago that classified ads were divided into ‘help wanted dash male,’ and ‘help wanted dash female,'” Clinton said.

She also criticized girls’ half-court basketball in school.
“They wouldn’t let us run on the full court,” she sniffed.
not much she won't bitch at is there? no wonder she's the poster child for the left.

let her run again. couldn't be more of a landslide for whoever is running next, trump or otherwise. people are tired of the bitching and blame game.

Its a womans rights award you moron.
it's a womans right to bitch at everything???
Hillary begins speech: 'I'm so tired, I can barely stand' - The American Mirror

She attacked the layout of classified ads in newspapers.
"It wasn’t so very long ago that classified ads were divided into ‘help wanted dash male,’ and ‘help wanted dash female,'” Clinton said.

She also criticized girls’ half-court basketball in school.
“They wouldn’t let us run on the full court,” she sniffed.
not much she won't bitch at is there? no wonder she's the poster child for the left.

let her run again. couldn't be more of a landslide for whoever is running next, trump or otherwise. people are tired of the bitching and blame game.

Its a womans rights award you moron.

Are women, blacks, and illegals the only people who have rights anymore?
I wish this white bitch would just go away....every single day, the american stupid is reminded of her loss to this nightmare in orange makeup...we are sooo over you hillary, just go away, paleeezzzzzzzz

She is in RWNJ's head, she has been in their heads for decades.
Hillary begins speech: 'I'm so tired, I can barely stand' - The American Mirror

She attacked the layout of classified ads in newspapers.
"It wasn’t so very long ago that classified ads were divided into ‘help wanted dash male,’ and ‘help wanted dash female,'” Clinton said.

She also criticized girls’ half-court basketball in school.
“They wouldn’t let us run on the full court,” she sniffed.
not much she won't bitch at is there? no wonder she's the poster child for the left.

let her run again. couldn't be more of a landslide for whoever is running next, trump or otherwise. people are tired of the bitching and blame game.

Its a womans rights award you moron.

Are women, blacks, and illegals the only people who have rights anymore?
You have the right to remain silent, anything you say will be used against you in a court of law....in short, white maggot male, you do have rights....just that nobody gives a fuck about what you have to say.
Hillary begins speech: 'I'm so tired, I can barely stand' - The American Mirror

She attacked the layout of classified ads in newspapers.
"It wasn’t so very long ago that classified ads were divided into ‘help wanted dash male,’ and ‘help wanted dash female,'” Clinton said.

She also criticized girls’ half-court basketball in school.
“They wouldn’t let us run on the full court,” she sniffed.
not much she won't bitch at is there? no wonder she's the poster child for the left.

let her run again. couldn't be more of a landslide for whoever is running next, trump or otherwise. people are tired of the bitching and blame game.

Its a womans rights award you moron.

Are women, blacks, and illegals the only people who have rights anymore?

We had to fight hard for those rights and have a ways to go it appears, and we will not go backwards it time. The worst opponent are the RWNJ's.
I wish this white bitch would just go away....every single day, the american stupid is reminded of her loss to this nightmare in orange makeup...we are sooo over you hillary, just go away, paleeezzzzzzzz

She is in RWNJ's head, she has been in their heads for decades.
(sigh)...its time this country take a good hard long look in its mirror and decide, are we a nation for a future or are we a nation who wants to live in the past...thus far, we're sliding slowly into a dark past that can lead us nowhere. The days of voting in these old old old people, has got to stop and that means Bernie and Biden and yes Hillary and that bitch Trump. Our congress, our courts, our senate, WE NEED NEW YOUNG PEOPLE TO LEAD THIS COUNTRY....THEY ARE THE ONLY WAY FOR US, THE ONLY WAY
This was an awards ceremony and she got an award for supporting womens rights? This same woman covered everything she could for her rapist husband? Wow! People are so stupid.
Let her babble...only her minions care
i'm just laughing at all the crap she's upset about now.

segregation in classified ads
hell i'd have loved to only have had to run 1/2 court.

it's like they sat around one night stoned / drunk and came up with an idea to see how stupid their bitching can get and people still listen/care. i think they hit the bottom here.

oh gee-----now I remember----junior high----half court basket ball

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