Hilary Charging Democrats $2.4 Million For An E-Mail List


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Hillary Tells The DNC:


Hillary Clinton vowed after she lost the 2016 election to do whatever was in her power to lift the Democrats / Democratic party back into power... She did NOT say that she wouldn't charge the DNC for doing it. :p

"HEADING INTO THE 2018 midterms, with Democrats hoping to take back the House of Representatives and even make a run at the Senate, the party has spent more than $2 million worth of campaign resources on payments to Hillary Clinton’s new group, Onward Together, according to Federal Election Commission filings and interviews with people familiar with the payments.

The Democratic National Committee is paying $1.65 million for access to the email list, voter data, and software produced by Hillary for America during the 2016 presidential campaign, Xochitl Hinojosa, a spokesperson for the DNC, told The Intercept. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has paid more than $700,000 to rent the same email list."

Obama reportedly left the DNC $24 Million in debt. This allowed Hillary the opportunity to step in an 'BUY' the DNC. Once she had 'purchased' the DNC Hillary used it as her own personal Piggy Bank and her own Campaign Office. Evidence shows she took donations intended for other Party candidates and used it on her own campaign...and YES, this was / is illegal. HER DNC also rigged primaries, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud in several state primaries, and tilted the playing field for winning the DNC nomination towards her, $crewing Bernie and his supporters. You may not be able to put a price on all of that, but if you could it would be a significant amount that Hillary took from the DNC. There may not be an 'I' in 'TEAM', but she proved there sure is in 'HILLARY'. :p

NOW Hillary is charging the DNC a reported $2.4 million for her 2016 address list she put together / paid for (most probably using DNC money to do so) for use in the 2020 Presidential election.

As in every aspect of her life, as she has shown during her career, it is all about the 'Benjamins', even when the DNC, who gave her the un-earned / un-deserved 2016 Presidential Nomination, wants something.

Too good to check, but not to cash one: Hillary's charging Dems $2.4 mil for 2016 e-mail list
Hillary Tells The DNC:

View attachment 189993

Hillary Clinton vowed after she lost the 2016 election to do whatever was in her power to lift the Democrats / Democratic party back into power... She did NOT say that she wouldn't charge the DNC for doing it. :p

"HEADING INTO THE 2018 midterms, with Democrats hoping to take back the House of Representatives and even make a run at the Senate, the party has spent more than $2 million worth of campaign resources on payments to Hillary Clinton’s new group, Onward Together, according to Federal Election Commission filings and interviews with people familiar with the payments.

The Democratic National Committee is paying $1.65 million for access to the email list, voter data, and software produced by Hillary for America during the 2016 presidential campaign, Xochitl Hinojosa, a spokesperson for the DNC, told The Intercept. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has paid more than $700,000 to rent the same email list."

Obama reportedly left the DNC $24 Million in debt. This allowed Hillary the opportunity to step in an 'BUY' the DNC. Once she had 'purchased' the DNC Hillary used it as her own personal Piggy Bank and her own Campaign Office. Evidence shows she took donations intended for other Party candidates and used it on her own campaign...and YES, this was / is illegal. HER DNC also rigged primaries, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud in several state primaries, and tilted the playing field for winning the DNC nomination towards her, $crewing Bernie and his supporters. You may not be able to put a price on all of that, but if you could it would be a significant amount that Hillary took from the DNC. There may not be an 'I' in 'TEAM', but she proved there sure is in 'HILLARY'. :p

NOW Hillary is charging the DNC a reported $2.4 million for her 2016 address list she put together / paid for (most probably using DNC money to do so) for use in the 2020 Presidential election.

As in every aspect of her life, as she has shown during her career, it is all about the 'Benjamins', even when the DNC, who gave her the un-earned / un-deserved 2016 Presidential Nomination, wants something.

Too good to check, but not to cash one: Hillary's charging Dems $2.4 mil for 2016 e-mail list

Screw the "Benjamin's", my guess is Hillary is only accepting "Cleveland's".
If this were coming from a reliable source, I might have clicked the link to read more about it.
For all the posters here that don't understand how it all works:

Ever get an email from a political candidate that you've never heard of, from a district a thousand miles from where you live?

That's because you put your email on a petition you signed on the street, or when you donated to a local politician, or joined a non-profit - and they sold (or gave) their list.

Email lists are the bread and butter of campaigns. They're currency. They take effort and money to build - and they have value.
For all the posters here that don't understand how it all works:

Ever get an email from a political candidate that you've never heard of, from a district a thousand miles from where you live?

That's because you put your email on a petition you signed on the street, or when you donated to a local politician, or joined a non-profit - and they sold (or gave) their list.

Email lists are the bread and butter of campaigns. They're currency. They take effort and money to build - and they have value.
The gov. of Mizzouri is finding out the hard way that donors list to a charity can't be sold for political campaigns...
For all the posters here that don't understand how it all works:

Ever get an email from a political candidate that you've never heard of, from a district a thousand miles from where you live?

That's because you put your email on a petition you signed on the street, or when you donated to a local politician, or joined a non-profit - and they sold (or gave) their list.

Email lists are the bread and butter of campaigns. They're currency. They take effort and money to build - and they have value.
The gov. of Mizzouri is finding out the hard way that donors list to a charity can't be sold for political campaigns...

You can get around that. You just have to get the non-profit to endorse you - then they'll give you the list (or at least forward your emails to their list).

I just got an email from a guy in Florida running in the primary against Debbie Wasserman-Shultz.

I've never lived in her district, and haven't lived in her state since I was in my 20s (and entirely apolitical, at the time). This guy's campaign got my email because they got the Sierra Club's endorsement, and somehow my email is on that list. I'm not exactly sure how - I've never been a member of the Sierra Club - but I did work on a campaign 6 or so years ago for a Sierra Club guy.

'Vampire Hillary: How She’s Sucking The Cash-Strapped DNC Dry'

"Even in defeat, you have to pay the Clintons. The former first lady and two-time presidential loser is forcing the cash-strapped Democratic National Committee to dole out nearly $2 million for access to their email list through Onward Together, according to The Intercept. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has paid $700,000 to use the same data. It showcases that while Democratic voter enthusiasm is high, the party apparatus is in a terrible state of disrepair. The army of small-donors has collapsed, new donor attraction is lackluster, debts are in the millions of dollars, with the DNC taking out a loan totaling almost $2 million just to keep the lights on. And while the Obama campaign gifted their data, the publication added that Democrats aren’t viewing this as a favor at all since he turned his Organizing for Action group into a direct DNC competitor, further hamstringing the national committee"

So not only did Barry leave the DNC millions in debt, he started up his own organization that hurt the DNC even more.... His 'Legacy' to the DNC? DEBT and COLLAPSE... :p

Hillary then stepped in, bought the DNC, ran it as her own criminal organization, bilked it for million, laundered $84 millions, charged it another $2+ million for her Campaign losing address book....

Liberals / snowflakes thought Barry and Hillary were going to be their / the DNC's champions and 'saviors'....turns out they are ending up being their financial and political ruin.


Vampire Hillary: How She’s Sucking The Cash-Strapped DNC Dry

(I always knew Hillary sucked...so did Slick Willy....just not in the way he wanted. :p)

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