Hilarious - Republicans will run on "Economic Know-how"



The top bosses at the nation's largest companies are getting paid more than they were in 2007. Cash bonuses are also increasing.

Executive compensation is tied to a number of factors, such as financial performance. Part of the reason we're seeing CEO pay jump is that profits did as well. In the AP analysis of the companies, profit rose 41% last year.

CEOs see pay rise 24% on average- MSN Money

Trickle down? Remember that?

Companies are sitting on two trillion PLUS in capital. Remember, they were going to "make jobs"? Just cut their taxes. Lower standards for clean air and clean water. Bust the unions. Stop pensions.

So what are they doing with that two trillion? Making jobs of course.

Just kidding.

They are taking over other companies and making acquisitions and then sending THOSE jobs overseas.

They got their tax breaks. They got their CEO pay. They got deregulation. They have greater profits NOW than before the Bush/Cheney/Republican recession. So where is the "trickle down"?

Let's all sit back and get yet another "lesson in economics" from the USMB Right Wingers. Explain to us how this "trickle down" is "really working" - and we're just not seeing it.

Now that Obama has taken away the "no experience" card and the "Is the Country Safe?" card, all Republicans have left is the "race card" and the "economy card", both empty "debit" cards? We shall see.
Is this anything like Obama running on his economic know how?

Obama did keep us out of a deep depression.

However, this isn't about Obama. It's about Republican economic policies. Unless there aren't any?
You got a problem with Trickle Down?

It has been enriching the middle class for a generation while the wealthy keep on trickl'n
Is this anything like Obama running on his economic know how?

Obama did keep us out of a deep depression.

However, this isn't about Obama. It's about Republican economic policies. Unless there aren't any?

Can you prove that? The economists I read say we would have been better off it we had not passed either TARP or the stimulus plan.

Don't tell Obama it is not about him, he will revoke your Obamazombie membership.
Yup. Trickle down. "Piss on the Peon".

A President is handed a budget that is balanced, a deficit that is decreasing, and, in eight years, we are in the hole trillions. And facing a Second Great Republican Depression. And then you asses run on fiscal responsibility!:cuckoo:
Is this anything like Obama running on his economic know how?

Obama did keep us out of a deep depression.

However, this isn't about Obama. It's about Republican economic policies. Unless there aren't any?

Can you prove that? The economists I read say we would have been better off it we had not passed either TARP or the stimulus plan.

Don't tell Obama it is not about him, he will revoke your Obamazombie membership.

Really? The one that won the Nobel Prize in economics states exactly the opposite. So let's see your links to respected economists who are making the statements you claim they are.

ThinkProgress » Krugman: GOP has ‘no coherent theory’ behind obstructing economic stimulus package.
They blamed the state of this countries economy on Obama on Jan 2, 2008. They said since he was president for two days, why were we in such horrible shape?

This man made it so we were not in a damn depression. It amazes me how people forget this.
This isn't my quote, but it's a great answer to this laughable thread:

Companies just won’t hire beyond what they truly need when they have feckless incompetents passing and trying to pass burdensome legislation.
You got a problem with Trickle Down?

It has been enriching the middle class for a generation while the wealthy keep on trickl'n
Yeah, I got a problem. Nothing is trickling my way. It must be running down the other side of hill.
The wealthy always screw the poor...and the wealthy are all Democrats.

Anyone want a peek at Nancy Pelosis' portfolio?
Obama did keep us out of a deep depression.

However, this isn't about Obama. It's about Republican economic policies. Unless there aren't any?

Can you prove that? The economists I read say we would have been better off it we had not passed either TARP or the stimulus plan.

Don't tell Obama it is not about him, he will revoke your Obamazombie membership.

Really? The one that won the Nobel Prize in economics states exactly the opposite. So let's see your links to respected economists who are making the statements you claim they are.

ThinkProgress » Krugman: GOP has ‘no coherent theory’ behind obstructing economic stimulus package.

Dan Mitchell on Why Keynesian Fiscal Stimulus is Bad Public Policy - Coordination Problem

40. “A Thought Experiment Comparing Austrian and Keynesian Stimulus Packages” at Libertarian Papers

So You Think You Can Invest?: Keynes on Government Stimulus, Digging Holes

Not all economists support the stimulus - Wall Street Survivor Forums
Is this anything like Obama running on his economic know how?

Obama did keep us out of a deep depression.

However, this isn't about Obama. It's about Republican economic policies. Unless there aren't any?

Can you prove that? The economists I read say we would have been better off it we had not passed either TARP or the stimulus plan.

Don't tell Obama it is not about him, he will revoke your Obamazombie membership.

No one believes anything the Heritage Foundation says except delusional right wingers and Paul Ryan. Notice how they are starting to scatter?
The wealthy always screw the poor...and the wealthy are all Democrats.

Anyone want a peek at Nancy Pelosis' portfolio?

And yet, it's the wealthy that are supporting the Republicans. Odd that.
Can you prove that? The economists I read say we would have been better off it we had not passed either TARP or the stimulus plan.

Don't tell Obama it is not about him, he will revoke your Obamazombie membership.

Really? The one that won the Nobel Prize in economics states exactly the opposite. So let's see your links to respected economists who are making the statements you claim they are.

ThinkProgress » Krugman: GOP has ‘no coherent theory’ behind obstructing economic stimulus package.

Dan Mitchell on Why Keynesian Fiscal Stimulus is Bad Public Policy - Coordination Problem

40. “A Thought Experiment Comparing Austrian and Keynesian Stimulus Packages” at Libertarian Papers

So You Think You Can Invest?: Keynes on Government Stimulus, Digging Holes

Not all economists support the stimulus - Wall Street Survivor Forums

That's your "proof"? Linking to other blogs?

If I go to another forum, can I use USMB crazy-ass right wingers and their psychotic positions as "evidence"?
This isn't my quote, but it's a great answer to this laughable thread:

Companies just won’t hire beyond what they truly need when they have feckless incompetents passing and trying to pass burdensome legislation.

CEO's pay is up 24% in the top 50 companies. They are making more than before the recession. According to government figures, they are sitting on 2 trillion dollars. Many are using that money in acquisitions. Then they send those jobs to China.
The average salary for CEOs in the top 500 companies is 9 million dollars, up 27%. Companies and Wall Street have never seen this amount of profit, and dumb ass ignorant right wingers say we should give them even more. Why? To send more jobs to China.

Does this sound anything like a "burden"? Can you be making record profits and at the same time, be "burdened"? I don't think so.

Why don't you guys "stop with the stupid". It's getting tiresome.

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