Higher levels of urinary fluoride associated with ADHD in children


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Higher levels of urinary fluoride associated with ADHD in children

Higher levels of urinary fluoride during pregnancy are associated with more ADHD-like symptoms in school-age children, according to University of Toronto and York University researchers.

the article came from here stupid fks
it takes real brains to put something scientific in a CONSPIRACY SECTION......
Which would explan the same stupid fkrs who vote Hillary, Obama.....

Story Source:

Materials provided by University of Toronto. Note: Content may be edited for style and length.

Journal Reference:

  1. Morteza Bashash et al. Prenatal Fluoride Exposure and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Symptoms in Children at 6-12 Years of Age in Mexico City. Environment International, 2018

Some people are just way to stupid, it's from all the holes in their brain making them pretty fkn retarded.

Why even toothe paste has a warning on it now what ever gave you that idea. We always put ' WARNING IT WILL FKG KILL YOU" when it's just oh so safe.


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That's only because the victims forgot their tetanus update. You need one every time you get a paper cut ! Its apedimentikkal !
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That's only because the victims forgot their tetanus update. You need one every time you get a paper cut ! Its apedimentikkal !

Well check it out can't get any more solid info than from here. I mean shit... Do these dumbasses want Obama to come out and say okay children you are destroying your brain cells

The findings, published today in Environment International, stem from the researchers’ analysis of data from 213 mother-child pairs in Mexico City that were part of the Early Life Exposures in Mexico to Environmental Toxicants project. The project recruited pregnant women from 1994 to 2005 and has continued to follow the women and their children ever since.
Sad story but not uncommon. Our huge omnipresent and very expensive central government does nothing about our purposely contaminated drinking water. In fact, that government protects the big corps who contaminate our water.

This is but one example of the corporatist nature of our central government. Instead of protecting the people, they protect the wealth of the big corps.
Fluoride is dangerous. Eliminate it.

Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, Oct 15, 2018

Five MORE Fluoride-Condemning Studies Published
(OMNS Oct 15 2018) Five new published studies support previous research linking fluoride to thyroid disease; ADHD; overdosing formula-fed infants and bias in government reports. Another reveals pregnant Canadians have higher urine fluoride levels in fluoridated vs. non-fluoridated areas which previous studies linked to offspring's lower IQ.

  • Fluoride exposure coupled with iodine deficiency is linked to thyroid disease, report researchers in Environment International (December 2018). They said this is the first human population-based examination of chronic low-level fluoride exposure on thyroid function that considers residents' iodine status.

"I have grave concerns about the health effects of fluoride exposure," said lead author Ashley Malin, "And not just from my study but the other studies that have come out in recent years," (Environmental Health News).

  • "Higher levels of fluoride exposure during pregnancy were associated with global measures of ADHD and more symptoms of inattention [in offspring]," researchers report in Environment International (December 2018). This is consistent with a growing body of evidence linking neurotoxicity to early-life fluoride exposure, they said.

"Our findings are consistent with a growing body of evidence suggesting that the growing fetal nervous system may be negatively affected by higher levels of fluoride exposure," said Morteza Bashash, the study's lead author and a researcher at University of Toronto's School of Public Health. (NeuroscienceNews.com)

  • "Significantly more infants, particularly those under six months old, will exceed the UL [Upper Limit] when consuming formula reconstituted with 0.7 ppm [fluoride] water, increasing their risk of developing dental fluorosis." (Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry, 2018).

"The primary adverse effects associated with chronic, excess fluoride intake are enamel and skeletal fluorosis." (National Academy of Sciences, 1997).

The US Centers for Disease Control encourages the addition of fluoride chemicals into public water supplies to reach 0.7 ppm without adequately informing parents about the consequences of fluoride overexposure.

  • Organizational bias compromised the integrity of fluoride research from the beginning and persists today (Medical Hypotheses, Spencer and Limeback, December 2018) The authors identify ten major flaws in a recent US National Toxicology Program's (NTP) fluoride experiment as an example of how institutional bias can skew science.

  • Canadian pregnant women have double urine fluoride levels in fluoridated vs. non-fluoridated areas (Environmental Health Perspectives, October 10, 2018). Previous Mexican research links urine fluoride levels in pregnancy to offspring's lower IQ. The Canadian and Mexican women's fluoride levels are similar, which causes concern.

"We found that fluoride in drinking water was the major source of exposure for pregnant women living in Canada," said Christine Till, an associate professor of Psychology in York's Faculty of Health and lead author on the study. (News Release from York University in Toronto)

[The Orthomolecular Medicine News Service thanks Paul Beeber, JD, [email protected] and the New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation, Inc. for this release. For more information:
http://FluorideAction.Net ,
NYSCOF on Twitter ;
NYSCOF on Facebook
Sad story but not uncommon. Our huge omnipresent and very expensive central government does nothing about our purposely contaminated drinking water. In fact, that government protects the big corps who contaminate our water.

This is but one example of the corporatist nature of our central government. Instead of protecting the people, they protect the wealth of the big corps.

Sure, but the coal companies love it.

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