High School Physics solve 9/11

Fizz, Timothy Mcveigh is the EXACT reason why people who serve in the military are heroes. Sounds Weird, Please stick with me here.
The fact that these people risk their lives and mental insanity for the sake of the rest of us, THAT'S A HERO. Timothy Mcveigh is a product of the risk that these people put on the line when they join. I do not have any friends or family in the military... but I give the upmost respect to them.
Jesse Venture was sane enough to become a Governor. He is well educated and did his job (Doesn't matter how good or bad he was.) with honesty and with no corruption. He lost his good paying jobs with NBC because he was not for the war, When it was not popular to be against the war. He said that this war was a mistake. Sure, he sounded insane then... How about now???
Jesse Ventura is not only a HERO, he is a role model.

Give me a break. McVeigh was a lunatic not a hero, and he was most likely disturbed long before he donned a uniform. The speculation is that McVeigh's failure to get selected for Special Forces is what pushed him over the edge. If something that trivial was the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back, the camel didn't have much of a back to begin with.
of course you dont believe in it cause your in denial.:cuckoo: sure they should but their not and thats what scares you.Im not pouting,im laughing at your stupidity you keep displaying.:lol:

No, you see, this is where you goofy conspiracy theorists run into logical brick walls.

You think there is some sort of automatic utility that comes with believing the conspiracy and anyone that doesn't believe it is some sort of sheep, secret agent, or idiot.

You never mention the fact that most of us have heard what you have to say and still don't believe your "theories".

Simply because you are unable to convince other people that you are right doesn't make you more right and everyone else more stupid.

To that point, I am not in denial about anything. I simply don't buy your side's claims and for every expert you have, there are a experts who dispute what they say.

So when you name call after we don't give you instant credibility, you are, in fact, pouting.
Why not reinvestigate and find out for once and for all WHY it happened like it did.

Remember they did lie us into war , what else were they willing to LIE about?
Fizz, Timothy Mcveigh is the EXACT reason why people who serve in the military are heroes. Sounds Weird, Please stick with me here.
The fact that these people risk their lives and mental insanity for the sake of the rest of us, THAT'S A HERO. Timothy Mcveigh is a product of the risk that these people put on the line when they join. I do not have any friends or family in the military... but I give the upmost respect to them.
So, you are saying that the military caused him to blow up the Murrah building?

Jesse Venture was sane enough to become a Governor. He is well educated and did his job (Doesn't matter how good or bad he was.) with honesty and with no corruption. He lost his good paying jobs with NBC because he was not for the war, When it was not popular to be against the war. He said that this war was a mistake. Sure, he sounded insane then... How about now???
Jesse Ventura is not only a HERO, he is a role model.

If you think that Ventura is a role model, are you saying that outright lying is a trait you want to see in our children?
Why not reinvestigate and find out for once and for all WHY it happened like it did.

Remember they did lie us into war , what else were they willing to LIE about?

There was an investigation:

12 public hearings.
Over 1,000 hours of interviews
Over 2.5 million documents examined.

What more do you want? You said the words "WHY it happened like it did". Since the tallest building to ever be imploded was several hundred feet shorter than either WTC tower, there is no playbook on such matters. You have physics which was well served by the appearance of the towers imploding just like they did.

Floors of buildings can support only so much weight. When the structural apparatus supporting the floors above gives out, it is up to the floor itself to sustain the weight of all of the floors above. So you had this pancaking effect that went on and was apparent to any and all who saw the events of 9/11.

If your "why" is what caused the collapse (terrorists with planes versus some super-secret government conspiracy) the only thing I can say to you is that no conspiracy theory ever put forward sounds remotely plausible.

For example, you are supposed to believe that 3 buildings whose height had never before been a victim of controlled demo were selected to be brought down by controlled demolition. Why would that take place? I mean if you're a conspirator and you have any target in the US you want to attack via controlled demolition, why would you select a physically impossible (or at least physically never-been-done-before) target?

Doesn't it seem much more plausible that the terrorists who are at the controls of airborne jets needed to hit two of the largest buildings in the world because they were easier targets to recognize from the air than, lets say, 30 Rock or 5 Park Avenue? The third building hit was the Pentagon which was, and still is, the largest office building in the world.

But back to your original question, investigations were done and they are, to date, bulletproof.
of course you dont believe in it cause your in denial.:cuckoo: sure they should but their not and thats what scares you.Im not pouting,im laughing at your stupidity you keep displaying.:lol:

No, you see, this is where you goofy conspiracy theorists run into logical brick walls.

You think there is some sort of automatic utility that comes with believing the conspiracy and anyone that doesn't believe it is some sort of sheep, secret agent, or idiot.

You never mention the fact that most of us have heard what you have to say and still don't believe your "theories".

Simply because you are unable to convince other people that you are right doesn't make you more right and everyone else more stupid.

To that point, I am not in denial about anything. I simply don't buy your side's claims and for every expert you have, there are a experts who dispute what they say.

So when you name call after we don't give you instant credibility, you are, in fact, pouting.

The thing is we do see the same things as you do. We look at your evidence. We also look at the evidence from the other side.

Your experts are folks like likes of that swimming pool contractor mentioned above, or Jessie Ventura. On the other side we have the NIST. I don't put much faith experts. They can be paid to lie, and they have their own axes to grind. I put more faith in what the tell me, and how it relates to my experience. What I am being told by the Troofers is wildly inconsistent, requires complete suspension of disbelief (Like people won't notice folks wandering about the building, drilling holes in support columns and running det cord everywhere) requires us to ignore what is obvious in support of weird speculation, a conspiracy of thousands who all of them keep their mouths shut...

You are asking us to disbelieve the probable because you insist that 15 diametrically opposed impossible things did happen, just on your say so because you think some one else is less than honest.

So in the market place of ideas, your kool aid just wont' sell because the competition's Kool aid looks better and is easier to swallow.
Why not reinvestigate and find out for once and for all WHY it happened like it did.

go right ahead and investigate again if you like.

meanwhile, i think the investigations that have happened already, such as the 9/11 commission and the NIST, already show "why it happened like it did".

feel free to post evidence to the contrary if you have any. (because all anybody seems to have is wild, moronic theories without any evidence at all).
The thing is we do see the same things as you do. We look at your evidence. We also look at the evidence from the other side.

Your experts are folks like likes of that swimming pool contractor mentioned above, or Jessie Ventura. On the other side we have the NIST. I don't put much faith experts. They can be paid to lie, and they have their own axes to grind. I put more faith in what the tell me, and how it relates to my experience. What I am being told by the Troofers is wildly inconsistent, requires complete suspension of disbelief (Like people won't notice folks wandering about the building, drilling holes in support columns and running det cord everywhere) requires us to ignore what is obvious in support of weird speculation, a conspiracy of thousands who all of them keep their mouths shut...

You are asking us to disbelieve the probable because you insist that 15 diametrically opposed impossible things did happen, just on your say so because you think some one else is less than honest.

So in the market place of ideas, your kool aid just wont' sell because the competition's Kool aid looks better and is easier to swallow.

Uh, I am not a "truther". Other than that, I agree with you. All conspiracy theories require some article of faith where there is no quantitative evidence to support a hole. In this instance, the hole is either ignored or explained away as part of the "conspiracy".
Did u calculate the weight of the PEOPLE and all the STUFF and the aditional weight of the JETS that SLAMMED into the tower? No? I thought not.

Uh the designers DID calculate all that stuff.if you ever did any research instead of seeing only what you WANT to see,you would know that.:cuckoo: we have posted the frank demartini whop was the construction manager video countless numbers of times for you 9/11 official conspiracy theory apologists to watch too many times to remember,but since you all only see what you want to see,you never watch it.just like none of you have watched any of these videos here we have posted.:rolleyes:
You know what? I would believe that WTC7 flew a thousand feet into the air did a somersault and pancked into the ground before I would believe the most MASSIVE conspiracy of ALL TIME was PERFECTLY performed by one of the most INEPT gov'ts of all time (BUSH!)

see thats your mistake you 9/11 apologists always make is you assume Bush orchestrated it and planned it all.Bush is too incompetent and yes too inept to orchestrate something like this,but Cheney and other members of the Bush administration are not.:rolleyes:
Why not reinvestigate and find out for once and for all WHY it happened like it did.

Remember they did lie us into war , what else were they willing to LIE about?

Simply because they dont want a new investigation that would be an independent one cause the truth would have to be told is why.
Fizz, Timothy Mcveigh is the EXACT reason why people who serve in the military are heroes. Sounds Weird, Please stick with me here.
The fact that these people risk their lives and mental insanity for the sake of the rest of us, THAT'S A HERO. Timothy Mcveigh is a product of the risk that these people put on the line when they join. I do not have any friends or family in the military... but I give the upmost respect to them.
Jesse Venture was sane enough to become a Governor. He is well educated and did his job (Doesn't matter how good or bad he was.) with honesty and with no corruption. He lost his good paying jobs with NBC because he was not for the war, When it was not popular to be against the war. He said that this war was a mistake. Sure, he sounded insane then... How about now???
Jesse Ventura is not only a HERO, he is a role model.

well said.:clap2: yeah go ahead 9/11 official conspiracy theory apologists,continue to live in denial and keep your head buried in the sand like an ostrich,keep making yourselfs look like prize idiots ignoring what hundreds of architects and enginners say not to mention demolition experts,firemen,first responders,the worlds renown scientists,witnesses,continue being an idiot moron saying-"your list of experts doesnt impress me." and continue being impressed by the corporate controlled media and government agencys that have never been known to report the truth and to listen what these disinformation agents have told you.Continue to look like prized idiots.Thats your choice to embarrass yourselfs,I dont care.hahahahahahahahahahahaha,priceless,I love it.
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Why not reinvestigate and find out for once and for all WHY it happened like it did.

Remember they did lie us into war , what else were they willing to LIE about?

Simply because they dont want a new investigation that would be an independent one cause the truth would have to be told is why.

If we somehow did have a new investigation you would still say the same shit because even a new investigation would prove that all your nutcase theories are exactly that. None of you truthers have provided a scrap of physical evidence to prove any major point of the 9-11 commission report wrong. And until you can produce tangible physical evidence proving those major pints wrong you will never get a new investigation.
Candy, that is EXACTLY what I am saying about Timothy Mcveigh. He said himself that what made him go insane was the fact that he was ordered to decapitate an Iraqi Soldier he deemed innocent on his first day of war.
What his motivation to bomb the buildings was his dislike of Waco. Now, what I am saying is any person that is sane would of not acted out in that fashion over Waco. He was obviously insane before that. Geauxtohell, I never said Mcveigh was a hero... If you read the entire conversation you would see I am talking about Ventura. I used Mcveigh as an requested example to show you why the people who serve our country are heros.

As for Ventura, I am going to be honest with you, I don't really know what the "Liar" thing is about. I have heard people say that about him before. I guess that's going to be a job for Google. I have always seen him as honest and true to his beliefs. I know he also got in trouble because he said that the country will be better off when George W. Bush is out of office. Again, just like his war comment, it was when it was not a popular opinion.
If you must know Candy, No. It is not the trait of being a liar. It is the trait of administering the flawless sleeperhold. Now that's a lost art! (I am kidding)
While we are on the subject, Who do you think is a good role model?
Why not reinvestigate and find out for once and for all WHY it happened like it did.

Remember they did lie us into war , what else were they willing to LIE about?

Simply because they dont want a new investigation that would be an independent one cause the truth would have to be told is why.
it would be a waste of time and money because you fucking morons wouldnt accept it just like you dont accept the truth NOW
Btw Baruch,you cant even get your lies and disinformation straight about the cause of the towers collapse with your other disinformation agent buddies on here in the fact that your the first one that has EVER come on here and said that the keroscene from the jet fuel melted the towers.Lol.

All the other disinformation agents that have come on here in the past and present have ALL said it didnt melt the steel it just weakend it which caused the collapse which btw,has been proven false as well. YOU cant even get your stories straight with your other disinformation agent trolls on here. lol.

Dont know how to break this to you agent,but you know nothing about steel temperatures or the heat of jet fuel.Like I said,even the other 9/11 official conspiracy theory apologists have all aknowledged on here always that Jet fuel only reaches temps of 1800 degrees F and that steel doesnt begin to melt till temps of 2800 degrees F.Nice try though.lol.You really should consult with THEM first before deciding what lies to spread in the future.lol.
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Why not reinvestigate and find out for once and for all WHY it happened like it did.

Remember they did lie us into war , what else were they willing to LIE about?

Simply because they dont want a new investigation that would be an independent one cause the truth would have to be told is why.

investigate all you want.

its been investigated many times by many organizations. the conclusions are always the same.

then you cry about the outcome and say "we need a new investigation".

you plan to keep investigating until you get the outcome you want. the problem is that all the evidence points to the same conclusions that have been reached already.
Wonder why no one rants about Flight 93. Now THAT is a conspiracy theory I could get into. There was NO plane in that hole. What happened to it? Where was all the junk, luggage, bodies, etc? Nothing there but a hole. Where was the plane?
Troofers deny that airplanes flew into the buildings. There are movies of airplanes hitting all three buildings involved. Pay no attention to what you see... It was really remote controlled missiles disguised as aircraft.

Troofers deny that flight 93 was forced down because of a revolt in the cabin. Troofers deny that flight 93 was responsible for that scar in the hillside.

Troofers insist that the buildings were all brought down by controlled demolition. Which would have required many months of advance preparation, and that no one at the time would ask any questions about maintenance guys all over the place stringing det cord and drilling holes in the supports.

Troofers deny that the existence of Mohammed Atta and his cohort had any relation to the impact of these aircraft into the buildings.

Troofers somehow think that the collapse of the buildings is more important than the impact of the aircraft into the buildings. They seem to believe that if the buildings had remained standing, Bush could not have conned the public into the war. The 3000 casualties and the brutal way it was engineered were not a goad enough to for the public and Bush to move.

Troofers believe that Bush meant to mount a coup like Hitler did in the wake of the Reichstag fire.. forgetting that in the 7 years and three months after 9/11, he never did any such thing, and that he has been replaced already just doesn't matter. Bush=Hitler. QED. Or something like that.

Troofers believe that the government scooped up all the passengers and killed and disposed of the bodies in some secret location. Why... too keep a secret of course. Forgetting that killing and disposing of the bodies would require more secret keeping.

Troofers believe that the Solicitor General put his wife on the plane knowing she would be killed. Such a bum husband, that guy. Almost as bad as Senator Edwards.

Troofers conduct weird experiments and do weirder analogies that don't so much prove their point, as prove troofers need to get a life.

Troofers shouldn't be let near Occam's razor, as they might hurt themselves.

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