Hi from citizenal


Living in Paradise
Mar 31, 2012
Ormond Beach, Florida
I am new to these boards but come here as a battle scarred soldier from many political debates on many different boards and websites through the years. I became sensitized to government tyranny while working as a public servant for a major American city and wrote a book about my experiences entitled “While We Sleep; A story about government without law”. Upon passage of GATT in 1994, I realized there was something very wrong with our government and acting as Attorney Pro Se, sued our President and Congress in Federal District Court concerning this treaty’s constitutionality. I also hosted a website for several years called The Constitution Forum which I shut down last year.

Presently, I am a profound pessimist who believes nothing can be done to wake most Americans up to our present dire situation. Despite this, I keep trying because I want to part of the solution and not part of the problem. I also believe life is a journey and not a destination. It is how one lives their life that matters not if they succeed and this being so, my conscience will not let me succumb to tyranny.
I am new to these boards but come here as a battle scarred soldier from many political debates on many different boards and websites through the years. I became sensitized to government tyranny while working as a public servant for a major American city and wrote a book about my experiences entitled “While We Sleep; A story about government without law”. Upon passage of GATT in 1994, I realized there was something very wrong with our government and acting as Attorney Pro Se, sued our President and Congress in Federal District Court concerning this treaty’s constitutionality. I also hosted a website for several years called The Constitution Forum which I shut down last year.

Presently, I am a profound pessimist who believes nothing can be done to wake most Americans up to our present dire situation. Despite this, I keep trying because I want to part of the solution and not part of the problem. I also believe life is a journey and not a destination. It is how one lives their life that matters not if they succeed and this being so, my conscience will not let me succumb to tyranny.

Profound pessimism steeped in optimistic hope? :D

OK. Welcome.
I am new to these boards but come here as a battle scarred soldier from many political debates on many different boards and websites through the years. I became sensitized to government tyranny while working as a public servant for a major American city and wrote a book about my experiences entitled “While We Sleep; A story about government without law”. Upon passage of GATT in 1994, I realized there was something very wrong with our government and acting as Attorney Pro Se, sued our President and Congress in Federal District Court concerning this treaty’s constitutionality. I also hosted a website for several years called The Constitution Forum which I shut down last year.

Presently, I am a profound pessimist who believes nothing can be done to wake most Americans up to our present dire situation. Despite this, I keep trying because I want to part of the solution and not part of the problem. I also believe life is a journey and not a destination. It is how one lives their life that matters not if they succeed and this being so, my conscience will not let me succumb to tyranny.

Welcome to our little war room
Thanks for the warm welcome.

Freedombecki: I do enjoy crossing swords with intelligent people and am I sure I wil meet many here. I also realize there will also be many spoilers who do everything possible to get sincere posts off track. Its kind of like the virus creation folks, they revel in creating chaos and havoc to the detriment of us all.

Ropey: You are right! As dismal as my brain thinks things are, a kernal of hope remains and this kernal is probably the real reason for my persistance.

Jroc: Being an Ex-Navy Fighter Pilot I am very comfortable in war zones.

Big Black Dog: I am an animal person with dogs being my favorite. Being single at the ripe old age of 68, I have no time for pets right now. If I ever couple up again, this will probably change.

Thanks again for the welcome and this being April 1st, have a very foolish day.
I am trembling with anticipation. I noticed that this board has over 30,000 participants. Hopefully, that is not 30,000 to 1. Of course, when I first started this game in 1994, the odds were far worse than that.


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I am new to these boards but come here as a battle scarred soldier from many political debates on many different boards and websites through the years. I became sensitized to government tyranny while working as a public servant for a major American city and wrote a book about my experiences entitled “While We Sleep; A story about government without law”. Upon passage of GATT in 1994, I realized there was something very wrong with our government and acting as Attorney Pro Se, sued our President and Congress in Federal District Court concerning this treaty’s constitutionality. I also hosted a website for several years called The Constitution Forum which I shut down last year.

Presently, I am a profound pessimist who believes nothing can be done to wake most Americans up to our present dire situation. Despite this, I keep trying because I want to part of the solution and not part of the problem. I also believe life is a journey and not a destination. It is how one lives their life that matters not if they succeed and this being so, my conscience will not let me succumb to tyranny.

We probably share one trait in common.

I too am pessimistic about this nation's future.

But then I am of the opinion that all nations are basically becoming irrelevant and their power is ultimately going to private organizations that are not subject for influence by the populatr vote.

Hi Everyone:

Please let me apologize for and explain my absense for the past few days. I'm a snow bird wintering in Florida and summering in North Carolina. Left Florida ont the 1st with my 96 year old father and trailor in tow and arrived in NC the next day. Its been a real warm winter up here (global warming?) and the grass was 8 inches high in places. I own twenty acres on the top of solar mountain; five of which is grass. For the past few days I have playing catch-up and now I am plaing chatch-up with the rest of my stuff; US Messerger included.
We probably share one trait in common.

I too am pessimistic about this nation's future.

But then I am of the opinion that all nations are basically becoming irrelevant and their power is ultimately going to private organizations that are not subject for influence by the populatr vote.



I guess our commonality does stop with our joint pessimism.

I strongly believe that there is only one private organization not subject to the popular vote that runs things and that is the New World Order (NWO), aka the old world order, aka the Federal Reserve Bank. I also believe that it is the NWO which, by design, is making nations irrelavant, including ours. How else do explain what has happend to us under the past four president, two of which publically endorced the NWO and urged Americans to accept its authority (Clinton & Bush Sr.).

The NWO which is comprised of the worlds central banks, by virtue of franctional reserve banking the creation and loaning of a nation's money, is the richest most powerful organization in the world and yes, they are bigger than US Steel.

Thanks for the welcome.
Hello i am citizen of the India which is one of the country of the Asia continent.

You got me there, I thought India was in South America!

Only country in Asia that I've been in was the front door of Asia; Istanbul, Turkey. We were the 1st American ship (USS Forrestal) to visit there in many years and it was thrill to sip gin & tonics in the lounge of the Istanbul Hilton and watch the local police lob tear gass grenades into the rioting citizenry. The phrase "Ugly American" had real meaning back then. Now, no one uses that pharse because they are afraid will invade their nation if they appear hostile to us.
Hi Everyone:

Please let me apologize for and explain my absense for the past few days. I'm a snow bird wintering in Florida and summering in North Carolina. Left Florida ont the 1st with my 96 year old father and trailor in tow and arrived in NC the next day. Its been a real warm winter up here (global warming?) and the grass was 8 inches high in places. I own twenty acres on the top of solar mountain; five of which is grass. For the past few days I have playing catch-up and now I am plaing chatch-up with the rest of my stuff; US Messerger included.
The sky is falling, the sky is falling, jeez, is this the new American mantra, whatever happened to 'the land of the free, home of the brave?' We need to change that to 'the land of the whiners.' When Obama talked about 'change' I guess he didn't realize his presidency would bring out the largest cry of pessimism America has ever experienced.

But welcome abroad.

"The unity of Government, which constitutes you one people, is also now dear to you. It is justly so; for it is a main pillar in the edifice of your real independence, the support of your tranquillity at home, your peace abroad; of your safety; of your prosperity; of that very Liberty, which you so highly prize. But as it is easy to foresee, that, from different causes and from different quarters, much pains will be taken, many artifices employed, to weaken in your minds the conviction of this truth; as this is the point in your political fortress against which the batteries of internal and external enemies will be most constantly and actively (though often covertly and insidiously) directed, it is of infinite moment, that you should properly estimate the immense value of your national Union to your collective and individual happiness; that you should cherish a cordial, habitual, and immovable attachment to it; accustoming yourselves to think and speak of it as of the Palladium of your political safety and prosperity; watching for its preservation with jealous anxiety; discountenancing whatever may suggest even a suspicion, that it can in any event be abandoned; and indignantly frowning upon the first dawning of every attempt to alienate any portion of our country from the rest, or to enfeeble the sacred ties which now link together the various parts." Quote DB :: Speeches :: George Washington :: George Washington's Farewell Address Speech
The sky is falling, the sky is falling, jeez, is this the new American mantra, whatever happened to 'the land of the free, home of the brave?' We need to change that to 'the land of the whiners.' When Obama talked about 'change' I guess he didn't realize his presidency would bring out the largest cry of pessimism America has ever experienced.

But welcome abroad.

The sky is falling? Whiner? I do not consider myself to be either of these. However, I am very pessimistic about what I believe has happened to this once great nation, which I intend to address in future posts. I also do not consider myself a conspiracy nut, but I do subscribe to the 'mother of all conspircies' which is that our government was overthrown from within in 1913 and since that time Americans, instead of being citizens are victims of fraud and deception the end result of which will be our destruction.

How's that for pessimism? :cuckoo:

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