Hey right wingers, where are the tapes?


That and I could not care less, I'm enjoying winning!!!!!! See that election in Georgia? LOL
Of course you don't care. Your guy could commit all the wrongdoing and crime in the world, but as long as he's your guy, you'll support him.

I know how you far rightwing hacks roll.

I could not care less what you think either, you're far too stupid to lose any sleep over.

You loons would be wise to clean up your own party, it's decimated, no leadership, a rudderless ship drifting around bothering people. You can't even buy an election let alone win one on merits and platform

We have won 2 of last 3 presidential elections. We have won 4 out of the last 5 presidentials by the poplar vote. Stop lying to yourself about the republican party .

You win some special elections in an off year in districts that were already republican and you want to talk crazy?

That and I could not care less, I'm enjoying winning!!!!!! See that election in Georgia? LOL
Of course you don't care. Your guy could commit all the wrongdoing and crime in the world, but as long as he's your guy, you'll support him.

I know how you far rightwing hacks roll.

I could not care less what you think either, you're far too stupid to lose any sleep over.

You loons would be wise to clean up your own party, it's decimated, no leadership, a rudderless ship drifting around bothering people. You can't even buy an election let alone win one on merits and platform

We have won 2 of last 3 presidential elections. We have won 4 out of the last 5 presidentials by the poplar vote. Stop lying to yourself about the republican party .

You win some special elections in an off year in districts that were already republican and you want to talk crazy?

LOL let's talk since 2010
Nice head fake by Trump

Comey is history, a sad footnote in FBI history
Where. Are. The. Tapes?

Another one of Trumps distractions and lies... You can not believe a thing the guy says..

I'm not seeing he said he had tapes, I see he said if there were tapes...that sly dog triggered you again

Trump was threatening Comey Sassy... This got Comey and the FBI staff very angry.

Donald J. Trump


James Comey better hope that there are no "tapes" of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!

5:26 AM - 12 May 2017
Nice head fake by Trump

Comey is history, a sad footnote in FBI history
Where. Are. The. Tapes?

Another one of Trumps distractions and lies... You can not believe a thing the guy says..

I'm not seeing he said he had tapes, I see he said if there were tapes...that sly dog triggered you again

Trump was threatening Comey Sassy... This got Comey and the FBI staff very angry.

Donald J. Trump


James Comey better hope that there are no "tapes" of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!

5:26 AM - 12 May 2017

Well he didn't say he had tapes...now did he?
Dembulbs have to make up their own "substance".
It's like watching a dog chase their tail

They think if they repeat the lie enough that people will believe it.
Not gonna happen, cap'n

Trump never said he had tapes

See ya November next year....I'l lbuy the wine
If you will recall Trump never said there were tapes he said Comey better hope there aren't any. In my opinion the whole thing was a bluff to get Comey to admit publicly that he did tell Trump on three separate occasions he was not under investigation. Which Comey in fact did do during his recent and much hyped testimony.
Trump juked the shit out of Comey that's for sure.
Nice head fake by Trump

Comey is history, a sad footnote in FBI history
Where. Are. The. Tapes?

Another one of Trumps distractions and lies... You can not believe a thing the guy says..

I'm not seeing he said he had tapes, I see he said if there were tapes...that sly dog triggered you again

Trump was threatening Comey Sassy... This got Comey and the FBI staff very angry.

Donald J. Trump


James Comey better hope that there are no "tapes" of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!

5:26 AM - 12 May 2017

From a bunch of wackos that always want to parse their words, apparently you like to remove words or insert words for others.
If you will recall Trump never said there were tapes he said Comey better hope there aren't any. In my opinion ...
I stopped reading after this.

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