Hey right wingers, where are the tapes?

Can the left read?
Probably not.
Anybody who thinks it wasn't a strong implication needs more Ed. But then Don the con did say his sheep were uneducated

Why is it the uneducated sheep can clearly read what he actually said and the so called intelligent people can't understand it?

This is a simple understanding of what happened for you right wingers.

Trump had a conversation with a employee. the employee documented the conversation The employee was fired by Trump after Trump asked him to ease off on a particular individual who was under investigation and he did not. The employee then went to the supervisors pleading his case, Trump decided before he got to the supervisors that he would threaten him with you better hope there are no tapes meaning that f there are tapes, then I Trump can prove his side of the story. This means he must show proof of having tapes. If he cannot then we must question the motives for him threatening the man with that claim. Now whether or not he said he had tapes is irrelevant to this matter.

If what happened to Comey happened to any of us on a job, number one we could go to our supervisors and claim retaliation. Then the boss must provide documentation for why you were fired. If the boss said I think I have tapes, then he must produce the tapes or say he does not have any. I think I have tapes isn't saying you have tapes either but since you suggested the possibility of their existence you must provide the tapes.. Now if the boss says they have no tapes then they are not going to beheld responsible for showing tapes. Trump did not do that and no matter how hard you guys try spinning this ,he could not show tapes because he never had any. Therefore he should not have ever opened his mouth to mention the possibility that the comments had been taped. If he had done that, then you guys could be making all the same old dumb comments you always make about liberals in another thread.
The president can order investigations stopped or started. That didn't happen. Comey was fired for being more of a politician that a FBI director. One who made up the intent angle to get Hillary off. Where was the outcry then? What you think Trump should have done isn't relevant. No law was broken. Sorry.
Are you a complete moron ?? Comey was fired because he was investigating the AH you support
Bless your heart
Trump knows he can lie and his base of fools will believe anything he says..

Trump Doesn’t Have Recordings of Conversations With Comey, Source Says

President Donald Trump doesn’t have recordings of his conversations with then-FBI Director James Comey, according to a person familiar with the matter, capping weeks of speculation about whether such tapes exist.

Trump Doesn’t Have Recordings of Conversations With Comey, Source Says

Trump tweeted this also.
I'm shocked. LOL
He never said he had tapes.

God you people are as stupid as a bag of rocks.
I KNOW what he said, KG. The people who were stupid were the ones who kept wondering if he really did have tapes. I knew it was bullshit.
You knew what was bullshit?
Healthcare Bill First Draft has been posted online.
Unemployment is at a 10 year low.
Stock Market has hit Record Highs.

Jobless Rate at 10-Year Low as Hiring Grows and Wages Rise
Healthcare Bill First Draft has been posted online.

Unemployment is at a 10 year low.

Stock Market has hit Record Highs.


Sorry if you missed it, but there was an election.

And Trump won. He's in. Obama is out.

Trump gets credit for all those good things.

Suck on it.

Wrong. Trump gets no credit for doing nothing.

If things stunk, you'd be blaming Obama.

Sorry....you morons want to play this game....you get it.

Obama presided over one of the slowest recoveries in history.

He get's credit for that.

Things are rolling because of Trump.

Suck on it.

Get it right idiot. Obama saved us from a depression and presided over an economy which was slowed because of consistent republican obstruction. Things are rolling as they have for the past 7 years because of Obamas plan and Trump hasn't done shit to make a difference.

Up your's clown.

What you described ain't right.

How's it feel on the sidelines.
The thread is about tapes. What did he lie about? You've cornered yourself

When the orange idiot stated that Comey "better hope there were no tapes," he IMPLIED that there may be some recordings......Once again, the charlatan threw out a moronic lie and when he says that we should wait that any day now he'll clear this whole fake bullshit up.......compounds his fucking stupid lie.
Implied =/= lie. You know that. Had he stated that tapes existed when he knew they did not, that would be lying. As politicians go, this hardly even qualifies as deceptive, given the whoppers we've been hearing for the last 8 years.
Trump knows he can lie and his base of fools will believe anything he says..

Trump Doesn’t Have Recordings of Conversations With Comey, Source Says

President Donald Trump doesn’t have recordings of his conversations with then-FBI Director James Comey, according to a person familiar with the matter, capping weeks of speculation about whether such tapes exist.

Trump Doesn’t Have Recordings of Conversations With Comey, Source Says

Trump tweeted this also.
Its in the same place where you guys hide your Trump/Russia evidence. :laugh:
Trump knows he can lie and his base of fools will believe anything he says..

Trump Doesn’t Have Recordings of Conversations With Comey, Source Says

President Donald Trump doesn’t have recordings of his conversations with then-FBI Director James Comey, according to a person familiar with the matter, capping weeks of speculation about whether such tapes exist.

Trump Doesn’t Have Recordings of Conversations With Comey, Source Says

Trump tweeted this also.
Its in the same place where you guys hide your Trump/Russia evidence. :laugh:

Let me ask you a question. Have the investigations ended?
The thread is about tapes. What did he lie about? You've cornered yourself

When the orange idiot stated that Comey "better hope there were no tapes," he IMPLIED that there may be some recordings......Once again, the charlatan threw out a moronic lie and when he says that we should wait that any day now he'll clear this whole fake bullshit up.......compounds his fucking stupid lie.
Implied =/= lie. You know that. Had he stated that tapes existed when he knew they did not, that would be lying. As politicians go, this hardly even qualifies as deceptive, given the whoppers we've been hearing for the last 8 years.

And exactly what whoppers have we heard that you were not told were whoppers by the likes of Sean Hannity?
The thread is about tapes. What did he lie about? You've cornered yourself

When the orange idiot stated that Comey "better hope there were no tapes," he IMPLIED that there may be some recordings......Once again, the charlatan threw out a moronic lie and when he says that we should wait that any day now he'll clear this whole fake bullshit up.......compounds his fucking stupid lie.
Implied =/= lie. You know that. Had he stated that tapes existed when he knew they did not, that would be lying. As politicians go, this hardly even qualifies as deceptive, given the whoppers we've been hearing for the last 8 years.

And exactly what whoppers have we heard that you were not told were whoppers by the likes of Sean Hannity?
Oh, surely you remember how we were going to be able to keep our doctors, our insurance plans, and families were going to save $2,500/year? Those were pretty big ones.
The thread is about tapes. What did he lie about? You've cornered yourself

When the orange idiot stated that Comey "better hope there were no tapes," he IMPLIED that there may be some recordings......Once again, the charlatan threw out a moronic lie and when he says that we should wait that any day now he'll clear this whole fake bullshit up.......compounds his fucking stupid lie.
Implied =/= lie. You know that. Had he stated that tapes existed when he knew they did not, that would be lying. As politicians go, this hardly even qualifies as deceptive, given the whoppers we've been hearing for the last 8 years.

And exactly what whoppers have we heard that you were not told were whoppers by the likes of Sean Hannity?
Oh, surely you remember how we were going to be able to keep our doctors, our insurance plans, and families were going to save $2,500/year? Those were pretty big ones.

False equivalence.
The thread is about tapes. What did he lie about? You've cornered yourself

When the orange idiot stated that Comey "better hope there were no tapes," he IMPLIED that there may be some recordings......Once again, the charlatan threw out a moronic lie and when he says that we should wait that any day now he'll clear this whole fake bullshit up.......compounds his fucking stupid lie.
Implied =/= lie. You know that. Had he stated that tapes existed when he knew they did not, that would be lying. As politicians go, this hardly even qualifies as deceptive, given the whoppers we've been hearing for the last 8 years.

And exactly what whoppers have we heard that you were not told were whoppers by the likes of Sean Hannity?
Oh, surely you remember how we were going to be able to keep our doctors, our insurance plans, and families were going to save $2,500/year? Those were pretty big ones.

False equivalence.
No, I checked. They were pretty bad whoppers.
Trump knows he can lie and his base of fools will believe anything he says..

Trump Doesn’t Have Recordings of Conversations With Comey, Source Says

President Donald Trump doesn’t have recordings of his conversations with then-FBI Director James Comey, according to a person familiar with the matter, capping weeks of speculation about whether such tapes exist.

Trump Doesn’t Have Recordings of Conversations With Comey, Source Says

Trump tweeted this also.
Trump never said he had tapes!

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