Hey Mainstream Media / Democrats, White Lives matter, too....don't refuse to report / acknowledge their murders....

Easy's previous post:
'That has to be the DUMBEST, most FALSE f*ing attempted analogy / justification for what these criminals and terrorists are doing I have heard yet. '

I can’t talk to idiots like you today.

Gee, I wonder why the sudden retreat....after that embarrassing post and the deserved ass-kicking it just received.

Easy's previous post:
'That has to be the DUMBEST, most FALSE f*ing attempted analogy / justification for what these criminals and terrorists are doing I have heard yet. '

I can’t talk to idiots like you today.

Gee, I wonder why the sudden retreat....after that embarrassing post and the deserved ass-kicking it just received.

Not a retreat just tired of wasting time explaining basic things to you. Which I might add I did explain in my last post and you ignored to take a fake victory lap.

Mainstream Media Ignores Story of White
Teenage Girl’s Murder, As They Always Seem
To Do When the Suspects Are Black

White kid? Murdered by persons of color? Nothing to see here.....

Leftists celebrate when this happens.

who celebrates a murder? There are problems of men, white, black, Asian, murdering women. Do something about it. Chris watts is white, and he annihilated his entire family. White men kill white women. Black men kill black women. Many women from the First Nations are missing. Do something about it.

The issue here is not who kills more women of whatever color, the issue is that the mainstream media, as a whole, does not report black-on-white murders. Especially cold-blooded murders of the type this one seems to be.

My thinking is that one of the reasons they generally don't is that it scares the living shit out of them that they might find out it was a hate crime.
thank you
whites 5 times the population and:
white on black murders 234
black on white murders 514

Mainstream Media Ignores Story of White
Teenage Girl’s Murder, As They Always Seem
To Do When the Suspects Are Black

White kid? Murdered by persons of color? Nothing to see here.....

Leftists celebrate when this happens.

who celebrates a murder? There are problems of men, white, black, Asian, murdering women. Do something about it. Chris watts is white, and he annihilated his entire family. White men kill white women. Black men kill black women. Many women from the First Nations are missing. Do something about it.

The issue here is not who kills more women of whatever color, the issue is that the mainstream media, as a whole, does not report black-on-white murders. Especially cold-blooded murders of the type this one seems to be.

My thinking is that one of the reasons they generally don't is that it scares the living shit out of them that they might find out it was a hate crime.
thank you
whites 5 times the population and:
white on black murders 234
black on white murders 514

Joggers gonna jog...

Mainstream Media Ignores Story of White
Teenage Girl’s Murder, As They Always Seem
To Do When the Suspects Are Black

White kid? Murdered by persons of color? Nothing to see here.....

Of course white lives, blue lives and all lives matter. Murder is always a tragedy. BLM is an activist group focusing on systemic problems involving race and policing. I’m sorry you don’t understand that by now. You must really keep yourself in a bubble.

BLM, as an organization, focuses on systemic problems involving race and policing. The problem is that their actions and words are sometimes inflammatory and violent and this stirs up resentment and hatred toward white people.

I can't say if this crime was motivated by race but I can say with absolute certainty that there are now many more racist blacks than there were. Or at least, many more are manifesting it now.
Agreed, many are very upset. Best way to move forward is improve the dialogue and help them be heard. Pointing blame and demeaning their cause is only going inflame things

Short of all out race war, how can it get any more inflamed? They're already looting, burning and destroying property and this was long before anyone started commenting on the media's silence.
I don’t think the media is silent. I see reports on it every day and I’ll bet you those cities have local coverage on it non stop

That's not what I asked. I asked how it could get any more inflamed than it already is.
It’s could always get worse. The fireworks could turn to bullets, the fires could be bombs, the numbers of rioters could increase, the target areas could grow. Any and all of that would be inflammation

Are you suggesting all this could happen simply by people saying "Blue Lives Matter" or "All Lives Matter"?

If you are then it doesn't speak well of BLM's temperament and lays the entire peaceful protest narrative in the dust. If you are not then I guess it won't matter anyway and it means you are contradicting yourself.
Blue Lives Matter and All Lives Matter are demeaning terms used to mock and belittle Black Lives Matter.

Tell that to the families of police officers who have been killed in the line of duty because they were police officers.

There is a growing antipathy and hatred of law enforcement and not even you can deny this. Why do you think so many are talking about defunding the police? The BLM message of justice and equality for blacks by law enforcement has transmogrified into a message for many that police are scum and can never be trusted. This narrative started, again, before anyone ever complained about media coverage of black-on-white murders. You know it. I know it.

It is antagonistic. We all know it.

In some cases, maybe. But not all cases. Many of the folks saying "All Lives Matter" see what is going on, as I do, and don't like what they see. Namely, what we're often seeing goes beyond a push for equality to the point of special considerations. What do you think the marching through neighborhoods telling white people to give up their homes was about?

The best way to calm tensions of people who are frustrated and upset is to allow them to be heard, make them feel like their message is understood, and heaven forbid maybe even show some empathy and compassion. That’s how you calm the waters.

Kinda hard to feel empathy and compassion for a roving mob looting and burning. Or for a mob taking over an entire section of a city; or for people who don't know me to tell me I have white privilege; or for implying that there is a fundamental flaw in my character makeup because of my "whiteness"; for someone roundhouse kicking someone in the head for daring to step in and defend a mugging victim.

Speaking for myself, BLM is not getting any support from me until they stop the rioting and destroying property of those who have nothing to do with officers shooting black men; and until they stop the anti-cop narrative; and until they stop calling looting a form of reparations.

Until this happens I will continue to point out their hypocrisy and criminal behavior.

What do you think arguing, dismissing, ignoring, and accusing does?

You do understand that a lot of people, including non-racists, do not buy the narrative of white privilege and systemic racism, right? This may be difficult for you to understand or accept but a lot of these people actually believe that all lives matter. And contrary to what many liberals would have you believe, they don't say these things to antagonize.
I appreciate your thoughtful reply

I believe that All lives matter. I believe that cops lives matter. I have so much damn respect for the hard work that good cops do. I grew up and still do help out in emergency situations. But I’m also not nieve and I know problems exists. I don’t dismiss those problem to point out the things I just wrote. That’s not how you resolve issues.

Neither is rioting.

You need to listen and understand and allow frustrated and oppressed people be heard. If you don’t think White privilege and systemic racism exists then you aren’t trying to learn and understand. Get past the labels and learn the message and history.

Opinion. Their opinion is that it does not exist. And, it doesn't mean that they are not trying to "learn and understand" just because you say so. That is also an opinion and is only expressed to convey how open minded and "woke' you are compared to them.

But that's fine, I have my own opinion on the matter. My opinion is that racism does still exist and discrimination does take place. However, I am of the opinion that it is not nearly as bad or pervasive as they make it out to be.

If somebody comes to you and says I’m sick and starving, you dont respond by saying “well a lot of people are sick and starving” no shit, a lot of people are but when faced with somebody who is sick and starving you get them food and medicine and you address the issues at hand.

What about when someone comes to you and says "I'm sick and starving and it's your fault."?

Or, "I'm sick and starving so I'm going to loot and burn property and businesses of the healthy and well-fed who are not responsible for my sickness and starvation."?

yes Some BLM people have crossed the line, chanted and given speeches that are disgusting and anti the things I believe. I would argue with anybody who backs up “fry like bacon” or somebody that justifies looting. But if all you’re doing is pointing to that stuff and diminishing BLM by saying ALM... well then you are propagating the issues not helping resolve them

If that was all there was to it then I'd understand. But alas, that is not the case. We have celebrities, politicians and famous people, both black and white, telling us to be ashamed of our skin color and our history.

Until these people can tone down the anti-cop, anti-white rhetoric, they're getting absolutely nothing from me.

Mainstream Media Ignores Story of White
Teenage Girl’s Murder, As They Always Seem
To Do When the Suspects Are Black

White kid? Murdered by persons of color? Nothing to see here.....

Of course white lives, blue lives and all lives matter. Murder is always a tragedy. BLM is an activist group focusing on systemic problems involving race and policing. I’m sorry you don’t understand that by now. You must really keep yourself in a bubble.

BLM, as an organization, focuses on systemic problems involving race and policing. The problem is that their actions and words are sometimes inflammatory and violent and this stirs up resentment and hatred toward white people.

I can't say if this crime was motivated by race but I can say with absolute certainty that there are now many more racist blacks than there were. Or at least, many more are manifesting it now.
Agreed, many are very upset. Best way to move forward is improve the dialogue and help them be heard. Pointing blame and demeaning their cause is only going inflame things

Short of all out race war, how can it get any more inflamed? They're already looting, burning and destroying property and this was long before anyone started commenting on the media's silence.
I don’t think the media is silent. I see reports on it every day and I’ll bet you those cities have local coverage on it non stop

That's not what I asked. I asked how it could get any more inflamed than it already is.
It’s could always get worse. The fireworks could turn to bullets, the fires could be bombs, the numbers of rioters could increase, the target areas could grow. Any and all of that would be inflammation

Are you suggesting all this could happen simply by people saying "Blue Lives Matter" or "All Lives Matter"?

If you are then it doesn't speak well of BLM's temperament and lays the entire peaceful protest narrative in the dust. If you are not then I guess it won't matter anyway and it means you are contradicting yourself.
Blue Lives Matter and All Lives Matter are demeaning terms used to mock and belittle Black Lives Matter.

Tell that to the families of police officers who have been killed in the line of duty because they were police officers.

There is a growing antipathy and hatred of law enforcement and not even you can deny this. Why do you think so many are talking about defunding the police? The BLM message of justice and equality for blacks by law enforcement has transmogrified into a message for many that police are scum and can never be trusted. This narrative started, again, before anyone ever complained about media coverage of black-on-white murders. You know it. I know it.

It is antagonistic. We all know it.

In some cases, maybe. But not all cases. Many of the folks saying "All Lives Matter" see what is going on, as I do, and don't like what they see. Namely, what we're often seeing goes beyond a push for equality to the point of special considerations. What do you think the marching through neighborhoods telling white people to give up their homes was about?

The best way to calm tensions of people who are frustrated and upset is to allow them to be heard, make them feel like their message is understood, and heaven forbid maybe even show some empathy and compassion. That’s how you calm the waters.

Kinda hard to feel empathy and compassion for a roving mob looting and burning. Or for a mob taking over an entire section of a city; or for people who don't know me to tell me I have white privilege; or for implying that there is a fundamental flaw in my character makeup because of my "whiteness"; for someone roundhouse kicking someone in the head for daring to step in and defend a mugging victim.

Speaking for myself, BLM is not getting any support from me until they stop the rioting and destroying property of those who have nothing to do with officers shooting black men; and until they stop the anti-cop narrative; and until they stop calling looting a form of reparations.

Until this happens I will continue to point out their hypocrisy and criminal behavior.

What do you think arguing, dismissing, ignoring, and accusing does?

You do understand that a lot of people, including non-racists, do not buy the narrative of white privilege and systemic racism, right? This may be difficult for you to understand or accept but a lot of these people actually believe that all lives matter. And contrary to what many liberals would have you believe, they don't say these things to antagonize.
I appreciate your thoughtful reply

I believe that All lives matter. I believe that cops lives matter. I have so much damn respect for the hard work that good cops do. I grew up and still do help out in emergency situations. But I’m also not nieve and I know problems exists. I don’t dismiss those problem to point out the things I just wrote. That’s not how you resolve issues. You need to listen and understand and allow frustrated and oppressed people be heard. If you don’t think White privilege and systemic racism exists then you aren’t trying to learn and understand. Get past the labels and learn the message and history.

If somebody comes to you and says I’m sick and starving, you dont respond by saying “well a lot of people are sick and starving” no shit, a lot of people are but when faced with somebody who is sick and starving you get them food and medicine and you address the issues at hand.

yes Some BLM people have crossed the line, chanted and given speeches that are disgusting and anti the things I believe. I would argue with anybody who backs up “fry like bacon” or somebody that justifies looting. But if all you’re doing is pointing to that stuff and diminishing BLM by saying ALM... well then you are propagating the issues not helping resolve them
what problems????!!! what problems exist????
Will you report when a white girl is murdered by a white guy? When a Black girl is murdered by a black guy? Cut it out. We women are being murdered.
..jackass black criminals RESISTING/attacking cops die by cops [ NOT murder ] and BLM/MSM/blacks/etc go apeshit.....
..INNOCENT whites are MURDERED/attacked/etc and nothing
= BLM/MSM/etc are IDIOTS/wrong/bullshit/etc
..and BLM/MSM/blacks don't care about black kids being murdered

Mainstream Media Ignores Story of White
Teenage Girl’s Murder, As They Always Seem
To Do When the Suspects Are Black

White kid? Murdered by persons of color? Nothing to see here.....

Of course white lives, blue lives and all lives matter. Murder is always a tragedy. BLM is an activist group focusing on systemic problems involving race and policing. I’m sorry you don’t understand that by now. You must really keep yourself in a bubble.
there are NOT problems with police or racism
links/stats/explanations here:

Mainstream Media Ignores Story of White
Teenage Girl’s Murder, As They Always Seem
To Do When the Suspects Are Black

White kid? Murdered by persons of color? Nothing to see here.....

Leftists celebrate when this happens.

who celebrates a murder? There are problems of men, white, black, Asian, murdering women. Do something about it. Chris watts is white, and he annihilated his entire family. White men kill white women. Black men kill black women. Many women from the First Nations are missing. Do something about it.

The issue here is not who kills more women of whatever color, the issue is that the mainstream media, as a whole, does not report black-on-white murders. Especially cold-blooded murders of the type this one seems to be.

My thinking is that one of the reasons they generally don't is that it scares the living shit out of them that they might find out it was a hate crime.

The mainstream media actually does report on black-on-white crime. Murders usually are reported on a local basis. I notice that, on USMB, white supremacists only report on black-on-white crime, which they make a big thing over. Other murders? No threads. My local news outlets report on murders all the time. Yes, the "mainstream media" does report on murders. This is not an "issue." Face the fact that there are scum out there who want a "race war" between Americans. No way. Murder is an awful thing, but it should not be used to gin up a war where there is no war. It seems the perps have been caught, or we wouldn't have their names and pictures.
no and no--not even close to reporting black on white murders AND not the same degree AND they hardly ever mention RACE--
..these cop incidents and Starbucks have NOTHING to do with race--but the MSM headlines RACE
..but when a black MURDERS whites BECAUSE of race, they don't make race the big issue at all--like this:
or Tessa Majors
or Justin Damond----so you even know who she is?????!!!!
I’m sorry. I don’t think you guys understand what black lives matter means.

Black lives don’t seem to matter because when they’re killed, needlessly, the perpetrators aren’t charged. Their lives aren’t valuable enough to hold people accountable for their deaths.

That’s not what this is about. This woman’s life mattered. Her killers have been arrested and will be charged.

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