He's My President...

And if not we'll pretend anyway.
Like we have a choice...

There's always a choice. Perhaps you'd prefer somewhere more progressive...



Oh look, the old love-it-r-leave-it is being resurrected when american society can not stand up under scrutiny.

You love America?

He'll do great, and we'll be better for it.

And if not we'll pretend anyway.
Like we have a choice...

There's always a choice. Perhaps you'd prefer somewhere more progressive...



Oh look, the old love-it-r-leave-it is being resurrected when american society can not stand up under scrutiny.

You love America?

You want a real answer and a real conversation? I've never seen you engage in one with anyone. Or would you just like to trade snark and assign view points to others and screech as per usual?

Yeah, that's what I thought.
What scrutiny can American society not stand up too and exactly who is doing the scrutiny?

Any citizen can, and should.


Then in comparison to many other countries I'm fine with American society for the most part and hope to see many jobs created for the little man under our new President.


Like we have a choice...

There's always a choice. Perhaps you'd prefer somewhere more progressive...



Oh look, the old love-it-r-leave-it is being resurrected when american society can not stand up under scrutiny.

You love America?

Like we have a choice...

There's always a choice. Perhaps you'd prefer somewhere more progressive...



Oh look, the old love-it-r-leave-it is being resurrected when american society can not stand up under scrutiny.

You love America?

You want a real answer and a real conversation? I've never seen you engage in one with anyone. Or would you just like to trade snark and assign view points to others and screech as per usual?

Yeah, that's what I thought.

It is a yes or no answer if you love America or not.

Your dodging of the answer has been an answer.
What scrutiny can American society not stand up too and exactly who is doing the scrutiny?

Any citizen can, and should.


Then in comparison to many other countries I'm fine with American society for the most part and hope to see many jobs created for the little man under our new President.


Good for you son, others still can as they see fit.

There's always a choice. Perhaps you'd prefer somewhere more progressive...



Oh look, the old love-it-r-leave-it is being resurrected when american society can not stand up under scrutiny.

You love America?

There's always a choice. Perhaps you'd prefer somewhere more progressive...



Oh look, the old love-it-r-leave-it is being resurrected when american society can not stand up under scrutiny.

You love America?

You want a real answer and a real conversation? I've never seen you engage in one with anyone. Or would you just like to trade snark and assign view points to others and screech as per usual?

Yeah, that's what I thought.

It is a yes or no answer if you love America or not.

Your dodging of the answer has been an answer.

You're a chickenfuck who can't handle in in depth conversation, I don't see it as a yes or no question, I see it as a stupid question, and it sounds like you might be happier with a pet you could teach to do tricks for you.
Oh look, the old love-it-r-leave-it is being resurrected when american society can not stand up under scrutiny.
You love America?

Oh look, the old love-it-r-leave-it is being resurrected when american society can not stand up under scrutiny.
You love America?

You want a real answer and a real conversation? I've never seen you engage in one with anyone. Or would you just like to trade snark and assign view points to others and screech as per usual?

Yeah, that's what I thought.
It is a yes or no answer if you love America or not.

Your dodging of the answer has been an answer.

You're a chickenfuck who can't handle in in depth conversation, I don't see it as a yes or no question, I see it as a stupid question, and it sounds like you might be happier with a pet you could teach to do tricks for you.
Of course you do not see the love of America as a yes or no question. It is no different than a spouse in ones life. They have faults, but you can still love a spouse. You are just an American hating leftist.
You love America?

You love America?

You want a real answer and a real conversation? I've never seen you engage in one with anyone. Or would you just like to trade snark and assign view points to others and screech as per usual?

Yeah, that's what I thought.
It is a yes or no answer if you love America or not.

Your dodging of the answer has been an answer.

You're a chickenfuck who can't handle in in depth conversation, I don't see it as a yes or no question, I see it as a stupid question, and it sounds like you might be happier with a pet you could teach to do tricks for you.
Of course you do not see the love of America as a yes or no question. It is no different than a spouse in ones life. They have faults, but you can still love a spouse. You are just an American hating leftist.

Like I said above son, "Or would you just like to trade snark and assign view points to others and screech as per usual?"
You want a real answer and a real conversation? I've never seen you engage in one with anyone. Or would you just like to trade snark and assign view points to others and screech as per usual?

Yeah, that's what I thought.
It is a yes or no answer if you love America or not.

Your dodging of the answer has been an answer.

You're a chickenfuck who can't handle in in depth conversation, I don't see it as a yes or no question, I see it as a stupid question, and it sounds like you might be happier with a pet you could teach to do tricks for you.
Of course you do not see the love of America as a yes or no question. It is no different than a spouse in ones life. They have faults, but you can still love a spouse. You are just an American hating leftist.

Like I said above son, "Or would you just like to trade snark and assign view points to others and screech as per usual?"
Your unwillingness to state if you love America or not is an answer. Thank you.
Yeah, that's what I thought.
It is a yes or no answer if you love America or not.

Your dodging of the answer has been an answer.

You're a chickenfuck who can't handle in in depth conversation, I don't see it as a yes or no question, I see it as a stupid question, and it sounds like you might be happier with a pet you could teach to do tricks for you.
Of course you do not see the love of America as a yes or no question. It is no different than a spouse in ones life. They have faults, but you can still love a spouse. You are just an American hating leftist.

Like I said above son, "Or would you just like to trade snark and assign view points to others and screech as per usual?"
Your unwillingness to state if you love America or not is an answer. Thank you.

Have a lovely my simple minded friend.
He is my President TOO!

Let's define Succeed....just so we are all on the same page! :D

Here is what I remember him promising on the campaign trail, but he could have promised other things that I missed so please chime in!

-he promised to bring jobs back to the USA
-he promised our middle class pay would go up
-he promised ocare would be repealed and replaced so that it would be BETTER for everyone and no one would be without healthcare coverage
-he promised to build a Wall across our entire southern border, and to believe him, that Mexico was going to pay for it
-he promised initially to deport all illegals
-he promised to make America safe again and get rid of all inner city crime, get rid of all muslim terrorists..., and basically all mass murderers would never be able to commit a mass murder like Orlando, ever again.... :D
-he said he would deport Muslims
-he said he would ban Muslims from entering the USA
-he said he would not accept any refugees, without extreme vetting (define extreme vetting please)
-he said he would get out of, or reform all trade agreements in to the favor of the USA
-he would specifically get out of or reform NAFTA
-he promised he would increase the Defense budget out the wazoo...
- he said he'd increase our nukes
-he said he has no allegiance to NATO, in so many words...

-he promised to be Putin's puppet! :D

hmmmm, I know there was much more but just can't remember at the moment?

What, you expected all of that to happen in two days? Talk about high expectations.
He'll do great, and we'll be better for it.

And if not we'll pretend anyway.
Like we have a choice...

You had a choice. You chose the one that lost. That's the beauty of voting, is it not? No choice means Trump would have been president no matter who you voted for.
Prove to me and the others who I did vote for, if not, you are a liar.....
"I voted Trump"

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