Heroes.....and 'Heroes"


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. Today is the birthday of one of America's greatest naval heroes, Stephen Decatur
"Stephen Decatur, Jr. (January 5, 1779 – March 22, 1820) was a United States naval officer and commodore notable for his naval victories in the early 19th century."
Stephen Decatur - Wikipedia

He participated in two Barbary Wars, America's first response to Islamic terrorism.

Decatur was a hero in both actions. There are eighteen towns, cities, and counties named for him across America.
(Anyone know which President has more towns named after him than any other?)

After returning and stationed in Washington, D.C.Decatur responded to his hosts at a Norfolk dinner with this often quoted toast:
Our Country! In her intercourse with foreign nations, may she always be in the right; but right or wrong, our country!

2. This date, January 5, brings to mind another Revolutionary war figure.

A while ago, I visited West Point, and spent some time in the Cadets Chapel.

"Around the walls of the Chapel are black marble tablets, each tablet bearing in gold the name, rank, and dates of birth and death of an outstanding general officer of the Revolutionary War. In an inconspicuous place in the rear of the Chapel is a plaque which carries only the rank and date of birth of" an individual.
The Cadet Chapel [at West Point] • Chapter 6

On this day, January 5, 1781, this British Commander destroyed the city of Richmond, Virginia.


His name has been obliterated.

Know why?
(Anyone know which President has more towns named after him than any other?)


So.....whose name was scratched out?


Benedict Arnold


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