Here's Your Mainstream Democrat

Gulags and reeducation for the non believers

Any who were educated about the last century recognize that most of the above found that eradication, the slaughter of millions, was the simplest and most efficient method for those for whom re-education was simply too laborious.

Our ersatz Communist/Democrat, Bernie Sanders has no problem attracting perspective correction officers.

“Sanders Campaign Organizer: Free Education, Gulags Needed To "Re-Educate" You To Not Be A "F*cking Nazi"

Bernie has the pick of the litter, as one of his supporters opened fire on a group of Republican politicians, and another ran his auto into another bunch.

Those of us who have followed politics for some time are hardly shocked.....the Bolshevik nature of the Democrat Party has been on display for a long, long time.
You can tell the really stupid ones because they laughably claim Sanders isn't a Communist.
Gulags and reeducation for the non believers

Any who were educated about the last century recognize that most of the above found that eradication, the slaughter of millions, was the simplest and most efficient method for those for whom re-education was simply too laborious.

Our ersatz Communist/Democrat, Bernie Sanders has no problem attracting perspective correction officers.

“Sanders Campaign Organizer: Free Education, Gulags Needed To "Re-Educate" You To Not Be A "F*cking Nazi"

Bernie has the pick of the litter, as one of his supporters opened fire on a group of Republican politicians, and another ran his auto into another bunch.

Those of us who have followed politics for some time are hardly shocked.....the Bolshevik nature of the Democrat Party has been on display for a long, long time.
This is exactly why I stopped thinking the helicopter rides made Pinochet a bad guy
This is your heroine, Bernie's spokesperson in Seattle, demanding an end to 'capitalist exploitation and oppression.'

Kshama Sawant Self-proclaimed Socialist city council woman from Seattle

Can you see why the Democrat establishment is sweatin' bullets, ......the audience sounds like Munich, 1933.

Honeymooning in the old Soviet Union can do that to you.
Oh, look. One of the really stupid ones.
Being a true progressive around here, any school yard insults
that I get from the left or the right is a compliment.
Thank you get a free oil change or a night with my sister ....up to you.
Interested in neither.

But being a "true progressive", you sure are generous with other people's stuff.
This is your heroine, Bernie's spokesperson in Seattle, demanding an end to 'capitalist exploitation and oppression.'

Kshama Sawant Self-proclaimed Socialist city council woman from Seattle

Can you see why the Democrat establishment is sweatin' bullets, ......the audience sounds like Munich, 1933.

"Bernie Sanders Drops Out As Campaign Goals Of Locking Everyone Up, Destroying Economy Already Achieved

BURLINGTON, VT—Bernie Sanders has dropped out of the presidential race since his campaign goals have already been achieved. These goals consisted mostly of locking everyone up in gulags and destroying the economy.

As the coronavirus panic has already accomplished the aims of his socialistic policies, Sanders realized the country didn't need his public service anymore. Unemployment has skyrocketed, grocery stores have empty shelves, and everyone is confined to their homes on penalty of arrest. This "idyllic paradise" is exactly what Sanders wanted in the first place, so he says he can leave the race satisfied that his vision has been achieved.

"This once-in-a-lifetime deadly pandemic has already accomplished what socialism aims to do," Sanders said in his concession speech. "Since my services are no longer required, I will be suspending my campaign and heading to my house. Well, one of my houses. I haven't decided which yet. The summer camp is nice and secluded, but I might want to wait until the weather warms up a bit."

"Ah, being a rich socialist is pretty great, isn't it?"

Sanders also pointed out that his other main goals of hyperinflation and total dependence on the government are already on their way."

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