Here’s where each presidential candidate stands on money issues


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

This is an interesting article although it only deals in generalities based on the information provided by the candidates. The differences between Trump and his two opponents are stark, especially when it comes to education. And both democrats want higher taxes on the “wealthy” and corporations, both certain job-killing strategies.

The story is @ Here’s where each presidential candidate stands on money issues
Although the U.S. corporate tax rate of 35 percent is the highest in the world, the Government Accountability Office found that highly profitable companies actually paid only 13 percent income taxes in 2010, which is well below most developed countries.

HEY GREAT! Under Trump we can lower it to 25% and then they will only pay 3% taxes! Great idea! This is the one area Trump is wrong and Sanders is 100% correct.

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