Here's all the reasons I can think of why you should be Catholic


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
I won't give you any standard reasons, I will give you MY personal reasons.

1) Catholicism is the biggest religion, with one billion people all over the world. Wherever you go, there will be a church and community to welcome you.

2) Catholicism is the most normal religion. You don't have to wear a funny hat or special underwear. You don't have to take unusual days off. You don't have to go door to door and give people pamphlets. You don't have to believe the world is about to end.

3) Our holidays are the regular holidays you celebrate anyways, Christmas, Easter, St. Patrick's Day, St. Valentine's Day, even Halloween comes from us, because it's the night before All Saint's Day.

4) The only inconvenience is that you can't eat meat on Fridays during Lent. But all the restaurants have their fish specials during Lent to accommodate us.

5) If you raise your kids Catholic, they may stray from it, but it's unlikely they will join some crazy cult to fill that empty hole in their hearts. Catholicism fills that hole very nicely. And some day, your kids will probably go back to being Catholic, because they will want to raise their kids Catholic.

6) Catholics have the best schools. and many top universities are Catholic. Catholics don't pay as much to get in.

7) Going to Confession is the bomb. It really makes you feel good to get it all off your chest, and see that bored look on the priest's face when you realize he's not at all impressed by your sins.

8) Eucharist is also the bomb. If you really believed in it, really believed, you would want it every day.

9) We're not really all that strict on many things the Protestants are strict about. We're allowed to drink alcohol, smoke, dance, go to parties, play Dungeons & Dragons, listen to rock music, dress up for Halloween, etc.

10) Catholics don't have any strange rules that you're not allowed to get health care, go to the doctor, or get blood transfusions. In fact, there are thousands or maybe tens of thousands Catholic hospitals all over the world.

11) If you want to get involved, that's an option. But if you want to just show up on Sunday, throw a few bucks in the basket, and leave, you can do that too. There's no peer pressure to do more than you want to do.

12) If you're gay, no one really cares. Just don't show up with your same-sex marriage certificate and wave it in the priest's face, because then you're in the same league as the Catholic who got divorced and remarried.

13) If you've had an abortion, go to confession and begin your healing process. The Church has a wonderful program called Rachel's Vineyard.

14) All that stuff about the priests and altar boys is horrible, but I think it's been dealt with. I am not seeing more stories pop up, while before, it was popping up all the time. Safeguards are now in place.

That's all for now. We will probably see guno's contribution here, but he is a complete moron and should be ignored. If I was a Jew, I would be ashamed to have guno as a fellow Jew.
lol, Catholicism is one of the most BIZARRE cults on the planet, second only to Scientology.

Those are literally the dumbest reasons you could've possibly come up with. Is that supposed to convince someone?

lol, Catholicism is one of the most BIZARRE cults on the planet, second only to Scientology.

Those are literally the dumbest reasons you could've possibly come up with. Is that supposed to convince someone?

Is that all you have to say?

Not much of an input, if you ask me.
I was raised Catholic. They are excellent educators, but the religious stuff didn't stick.

I am a Christian, unattached to religion.
lol, Catholicism is one of the most BIZARRE cults on the planet, second only to Scientology.

Those are literally the dumbest reasons you could've possibly come up with. Is that supposed to convince someone?

Let his fellow Trumpsters handle this one. Most of them hate Catholicism almost as much as they hate Islam.
I wish I were Catholic. Catholicism is the religion of not giving a fuck. Sin all you want. Go to church, eat crackers and drink wine, and confess to some creepy stranger behind a screen, and all is forgiven. You can't beat that shit.
I won't give you any standard reasons, I will give you MY personal reasons.

1) Catholicism is the biggest religion, with one billion people all over the world. Wherever you go, there will be a church and community to welcome you.

2) Catholicism is the most normal religion. You don't have to wear a funny hat or special underwear. You don't have to take unusual days off. You don't have to go door to door and give people pamphlets. You don't have to believe the world is about to end.

3) Our holidays are the regular holidays you celebrate anyways, Christmas, Easter, St. Patrick's Day, St. Valentine's Day, even Halloween comes from us, because it's the night before All Saint's Day.

4) The only inconvenience is that you can't eat meat on Fridays during Lent. But all the restaurants have their fish specials during Lent to accommodate us.

5) If you raise your kids Catholic, they may stray from it, but it's unlikely they will join some crazy cult to fill that empty hole in their hearts. Catholicism fills that hole very nicely. And some day, your kids will probably go back to being Catholic, because they will want to raise their kids Catholic.

6) Catholics have the best schools. and many top universities are Catholic. Catholics don't pay as much to get in.

7) Going to Confession is the bomb. It really makes you feel good to get it all off your chest, and see that bored look on the priest's face when you realize he's not at all impressed by your sins.

8) Eucharist is also the bomb. If you really believed in it, really believed, you would want it every day.

9) We're not really all that strict on many things the Protestants are strict about. We're allowed to drink alcohol, smoke, dance, go to parties, play Dungeons & Dragons, listen to rock music, dress up for Halloween, etc.

10) Catholics don't have any strange rules that you're not allowed to get health care, go to the doctor, or get blood transfusions. In fact, there are thousands or maybe tens of thousands Catholic hospitals all over the world.

11) If you want to get involved, that's an option. But if you want to just show up on Sunday, throw a few bucks in the basket, and leave, you can do that too. There's no peer pressure to do more than you want to do.

12) If you're gay, no one really cares. Just don't show up with your same-sex marriage certificate and wave it in the priest's face, because then you're in the same league as the Catholic who got divorced and remarried.

13) If you've had an abortion, go to confession and begin your healing process. The Church has a wonderful program called Rachel's Vineyard.

14) All that stuff about the priests and altar boys is horrible, but I think it's been dealt with. I am not seeing more stories pop up, while before, it was popping up all the time. Safeguards are now in place.

That's all for now. We will probably see guno's contribution here, but he is a complete moron and should be ignored. If I was a Jew, I would be ashamed to have guno as a fellow Jew.
And the have fancy red carpets and lots of gold statues. And many of their priests are not what you would expect from the clergy.
I won't give you any standard reasons, I will give you MY personal reasons.

1) Catholicism is the biggest religion, with one billion people all over the world. Wherever you go, there will be a church and community to welcome you.

2) Catholicism is the most normal religion. You don't have to wear a funny hat or special underwear. You don't have to take unusual days off. You don't have to go door to door and give people pamphlets. You don't have to believe the world is about to end.

3) Our holidays are the regular holidays you celebrate anyways, Christmas, Easter, St. Patrick's Day, St. Valentine's Day, even Halloween comes from us, because it's the night before All Saint's Day.

4) The only inconvenience is that you can't eat meat on Fridays during Lent. But all the restaurants have their fish specials during Lent to accommodate us.

5) If you raise your kids Catholic, they may stray from it, but it's unlikely they will join some crazy cult to fill that empty hole in their hearts. Catholicism fills that hole very nicely. And some day, your kids will probably go back to being Catholic, because they will want to raise their kids Catholic.

6) Catholics have the best schools. and many top universities are Catholic. Catholics don't pay as much to get in.

7) Going to Confession is the bomb. It really makes you feel good to get it all off your chest, and see that bored look on the priest's face when you realize he's not at all impressed by your sins.

8) Eucharist is also the bomb. If you really believed in it, really believed, you would want it every day.

9) We're not really all that strict on many things the Protestants are strict about. We're allowed to drink alcohol, smoke, dance, go to parties, play Dungeons & Dragons, listen to rock music, dress up for Halloween, etc.

10) Catholics don't have any strange rules that you're not allowed to get health care, go to the doctor, or get blood transfusions. In fact, there are thousands or maybe tens of thousands Catholic hospitals all over the world.

11) If you want to get involved, that's an option. But if you want to just show up on Sunday, throw a few bucks in the basket, and leave, you can do that too. There's no peer pressure to do more than you want to do.

12) If you're gay, no one really cares. Just don't show up with your same-sex marriage certificate and wave it in the priest's face, because then you're in the same league as the Catholic who got divorced and remarried.

13) If you've had an abortion, go to confession and begin your healing process. The Church has a wonderful program called Rachel's Vineyard.

14) All that stuff about the priests and altar boys is horrible, but I think it's been dealt with. I am not seeing more stories pop up, while before, it was popping up all the time. Safeguards are now in place.

That's all for now. We will probably see guno's contribution here, but he is a complete moron and should be ignored. If I was a Jew, I would be ashamed to have guno as a fellow Jew.
And the have fancy red carpets and lots of gold statues. And many of their priests are not what you would expect from the clergy.
What do expect in clergy?
"Remember how we diddled children for centuries? Yeah, we gave that up months ago. Nothing to see here."
I wish I were Catholic. Catholicism is the religion of not giving a fuck. Sin all you want. Go to church, eat crackers and drink wine, and confess to some creepy stranger behind a screen, and all is forgiven. You can't beat that shit.

You're clueless...on about everything
I wish I were Catholic. Catholicism is the religion of not giving a fuck. Sin all you want. Go to church, eat crackers and drink wine, and confess to some creepy stranger behind a screen, and all is forgiven. You can't beat that shit.

Those who attend church have faith that God will forgive their sins and accept them into eternity. Church is for sinners and we are all sinners.
"Remember how we diddled children for centuries? Yeah, we gave that up months ago. Nothing to see here."

I don't believe there is a Catholic in the world who has done anything for centuries. I see the hatred is strong with you.
I wish I were Catholic. Catholicism is the religion of not giving a fuck. Sin all you want. Go to church, eat crackers and drink wine, and confess to some creepy stranger behind a screen, and all is forgiven. You can't beat that shit.
There's an element of truth in what you say. Forgiveness is a big part of what it means to be Christian. We are commanded to forgive all who trespass against us, as a condition of being forgiven our own trespasses.

Could you forgive everyone who ever hurt you?

I once did that, and I named in my mind all the bullies who made my life miserable when I was a kid, especially Darren, Larry, and Brandon. They were the worst, and hardest to forgive.
I knew this thread would bring out the bigots to take pot shots at the Catholic Church. There's a lot of anti-Catholic bigotry in this country, which is majority Protestant, and also we're the least favorite religion among the atheists and secularists.

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