Here's a thing


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Prior to the advent of Islam, if Islam was truth when it came about, but prior to it being given Christianity and/or Judaism were also truth (in that Islam borrowed much of each,) were all the people of the world who would eventually become Muslims expected to be Christians or Jews? And were they? If not, then aren't all the ancestors of modern day Muslims rotting in the pits of hell or something?

If around 700AD Islam finally came about, but prior to that only Christianity and Judaism were "truth," then logically all the people alive before Islam was founded shoulda been either Christian or Jewish. And if not, they'd be in hell. So all those that are Muslims today are in point of fact descended from either Christiand and Jews, or damned souls.
Prior to the advent of Islam, if Islam was truth when it came about, but prior to it being given Christianity and/or Judaism were also truth (in that Islam borrowed much of each,) were all the people of the world who would eventually become Muslims expected to be Christians or Jews? And were they? If not, then aren't all the ancestors of modern day Muslims rotting in the pits of hell or something?

If around 700AD Islam finally came about, but prior to that only Christianity and Judaism were "truth," then logically all the people alive before Islam was founded shoulda been either Christian or Jewish. And if not, they'd be in hell. So all those that are Muslims today are in point of fact descended from either Christiand and Jews, or damned souls.

Esau, the brother of the patriarch Jacob, became the ancestor of the people called Edom, or Idumea. The Antiquities of the Jews by Flavius Josephus, XIII ix 1; XV vii 9 instructs us: John Hyrcanus forcibly assimilated the Edomites as a national group and they became "Jews" in about 120BC. The Jewish historian Josephus, who lived just after the time of Christ, wrote, "They [Edom] were hereafter no other than Jews'. The Jewish scholar Cecil Roth in his Concise Jewish Encyclopedia (1980) says on page 154, "John Hyrcanus forcibly converted [Edom] to Judaism. From then on they were part of the Jewish people. In the Talmud the name of Edom was applied to Christian Rome, and was then used for Christianity in general".

The Hasmonean dynasty[2] (/ˌhæzməˈnən/(audio); Hebrew: חשמונאים‎, Roman. Ḥashmona'im) was the ruling dynasty of Judea and surrounding regions during Classical antiquity. Between c. 140 BC and c. 116 BC, the dynasty ruled semi-autonomously from the Seleucids in the region of Judea. From 110 BC, with the Seleucid empire disintegrating, the dynasty became fully independent, expanded into the neighbouring regions of Galilee, Iturea, Perea, Idumea and Samaria, and took the title "basileus". Some modern scholars refer to this period as an independent kingdom of Israel.[3] In 63 BC, the kingdom was conquered by the Roman Republic, broken up and set up as a Roman client state.

Hasmonean dynasty - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Prior to the advent of Islam, if Islam was truth when it came about, but prior to it being given Christianity and/or Judaism were also truth (in that Islam borrowed much of each,) were all the people of the world who would eventually become Muslims expected to be Christians or Jews? And were they? If not, then aren't all the ancestors of modern day Muslims rotting in the pits of hell or something?

If around 700AD Islam finally came about, but prior to that only Christianity and Judaism were "truth," then logically all the people alive before Islam was founded shoulda been either Christian or Jewish. And if not, they'd be in hell. So all those that are Muslims today are in point of fact descended from either Christiand and Jews, or damned souls.
God damn it dude, do you ever ponder things outside of a 5th grader's mental capacity?

Here is your answer: their "koran, quran, whatever the fuck" addresses your question, quite directly.

Did you even try?
Prior to the advent of Islam, if Islam was truth when it came about, but prior to it being given Christianity and/or Judaism were also truth (in that Islam borrowed much of each,) were all the people of the world who would eventually become Muslims expected to be Christians or Jews? And were they? If not, then aren't all the ancestors of modern day Muslims rotting in the pits of hell or something?

If around 700AD Islam finally came about, but prior to that only Christianity and Judaism were "truth," then logically all the people alive before Islam was founded shoulda been either Christian or Jewish. And if not, they'd be in hell. So all those that are Muslims today are in point of fact descended from either Christiand and Jews, or damned souls.

Esau, the brother of the patriarch Jacob, became the ancestor of the people called Edom, or Idumea. The Antiquities of the Jews by Flavius Josephus, XIII ix 1; XV vii 9 instructs us: John Hyrcanus forcibly assimilated the Edomites as a national group and they became "Jews" in about 120BC. The Jewish historian Josephus, who lived just after the time of Christ, wrote, "They [Edom] were hereafter no other than Jews'. The Jewish scholar Cecil Roth in his Concise Jewish Encyclopedia (1980) says on page 154, "John Hyrcanus forcibly converted [Edom] to Judaism. From then on they were part of the Jewish people. In the Talmud the name of Edom was applied to Christian Rome, and was then used for Christianity in general".

The Hasmonean dynasty[2] (/ˌhæzməˈniːən/(audio); Hebrew: חשמונאים‎, Roman. Ḥashmona'im) was the ruling dynasty of Judea and surrounding regions during Classical antiquity. Between c. 140 BC and c. 116 BC, the dynasty ruled semi-autonomously from the Seleucids in the region of Judea. From 110 BC, with the Seleucid empire disintegrating, the dynasty became fully independent, expanded into the neighbouring regions of Galilee, Iturea, Perea, Idumea and Samaria, and took the title "basileus". Some modern scholars refer to this period as an independent kingdom of Israel.[3] In 63 BC, the kingdom was conquered by the Roman Republic, broken up and set up as a Roman client state.

Hasmonean dynasty - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Prior to the advent of Islam, if Islam was truth when it came about, but prior to it being given Christianity and/or Judaism were also truth (in that Islam borrowed much of each,) were all the people of the world who would eventually become Muslims expected to be Christians or Jews? And were they? If not, then aren't all the ancestors of modern day Muslims rotting in the pits of hell or something?

If around 700AD Islam finally came about, but prior to that only Christianity and Judaism were "truth," then logically all the people alive before Islam was founded shoulda been either Christian or Jewish. And if not, they'd be in hell. So all those that are Muslims today are in point of fact descended from either Christiand and Jews, or damned souls.

Esau, the brother of the patriarch Jacob, became the ancestor of the people called Edom, or Idumea. The Antiquities of the Jews by Flavius Josephus, XIII ix 1; XV vii 9 instructs us: John Hyrcanus forcibly assimilated the Edomites as a national group and they became "Jews" in about 120BC. The Jewish historian Josephus, who lived just after the time of Christ, wrote, "They [Edom] were hereafter no other than Jews'. The Jewish scholar Cecil Roth in his Concise Jewish Encyclopedia (1980) says on page 154, "John Hyrcanus forcibly converted [Edom] to Judaism. From then on they were part of the Jewish people. In the Talmud the name of Edom was applied to Christian Rome, and was then used for Christianity in general".

The Hasmonean dynasty[2] (/ˌhæzməˈniːən/(audio); Hebrew: חשמונאים‎, Roman. Ḥashmona'im) was the ruling dynasty of Judea and surrounding regions during Classical antiquity. Between c. 140 BC and c. 116 BC, the dynasty ruled semi-autonomously from the Seleucids in the region of Judea. From 110 BC, with the Seleucid empire disintegrating, the dynasty became fully independent, expanded into the neighbouring regions of Galilee, Iturea, Perea, Idumea and Samaria, and took the title "basileus". Some modern scholars refer to this period as an independent kingdom of Israel.[3] In 63 BC, the kingdom was conquered by the Roman Republic, broken up and set up as a Roman client state.

Hasmonean dynasty - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

what is "the thing"??? Edomites---at that time practiced, judaism and spoke Hebrew------some people resented the idea that they could simply be declared "jews"----which at that time simply meant full-fledged citizens of the KINGDOM OF ISRAEL-----the relationship between \jews in general and edomites was not always entirely perfect------they had----in the olden days---engaged in \some tribal type wars with each other. For people who read the bible----the issue is clear----Esau was the TWIN BROTHER (not identical---fraternal twin)
of Jacob (aka Israel) They were at odds with each
other since they were young (or so the scriptural
writings claim) King Herod was an Edomite----some
people resented the idea that edomites became instantaneously------jews---- by the decree of the king-----
just what point are you struggling to make. The mother
of Herod was reknown for her meticulous piety in jewish
religious matters-------I think her name was BERENICE but I am probably wrong-------the history is actually very
vague-----and the names used are confusing----although
Berenice is a Hebrew name-----sorta.----lots of those
people got Latin names attributed to them. As to being
FORCED---the force involved was more like ---forcing
mainstream jews to accept the idea-----lots of people
considered Herod to be utterly and completely not a
candidate for king----he was imposed by Rome which may be why some people quoted in the Talmud
equated edom with rome. Lots of people considered
big shots of edomite background to be shills of rome which is how Herod got to be king
Well Penelope? could you enlighten me as what "the thing" is about EDOM? I mean what intrigues you so
about EDOM? King David mentions Edom in at least
one of his psalms---------it's that old animosity-----------between Rebecca's twin boys-------little Esau and little
Jacob -------all about some lentil soup
They [Edom] were hereafter no other than Jews', all offspring of the same Isaac and Rebecca.
Well Penelope? could you enlighten me as what "the thing" is about EDOM? I mean what intrigues you so
about EDOM? King David mentions Edom in at least
one of his psalms---------it's that old animosity-----------between Rebecca's twin boys-------little Esau and little
Jacob -------all about some lentil soup

Little Esau and Jacob came from the same loins. No different. But being a Hebrew Rebecca and Laban her brother are both very deceptive. And they say Esau was bad, the favorite of Jacob.
They [Edom] were hereafter no other than Jews', all offspring of the same Isaac and Rebecca.
Well Penelope? could you enlighten me as what "the thing" is about EDOM? I mean what intrigues you so
about EDOM? King David mentions Edom in at least
one of his psalms---------it's that old animosity-----------between Rebecca's twin boys-------little Esau and little
Jacob -------all about some lentil soup

Little Esau and Jacob came from the same loins. No different. But being a Hebrew Rebecca and Laban her brother are both very deceptive. And they say Esau was bad, the favorite of Jacob.

ROFLMAO "the same loins...." you wax poetic whilst proving you never read the book and depend on islamo Nazi "explanations". Now try again In fact neither Rebecca nor Laban were Hebrews Rebecca was a convert when she married Jacob. both have as ancestor TERACH-----father of Abraham------Abraham was the first Hebrew----but TERACH was not a Hebrew---He was from ARAM----kinda like ---Syria --sorta--south----kinda north Iraq------- I think. Remember Terach? he did business in idols----Abraham ran away but his brother stayed with the idol seller . It is a very interesting book-------IMHO all of
genesis constitutes a REJECTION of Mesopotamian society------and the code of Hummarabi which was quite
barbaric------you would like it. Aramaens and Hebrews (aka jews) were at odds with each other for
millenia and counting. Nimrod was from that part of the world------Abraham rejected all that NIMROD represented----thus the book can be an allegorical work with some historical data thrown in --------gee---you should try to read the bible------it is so silly of you to talk about a book you never read and to depend on second hand crap
You Hebrews are a piece of work, ha ha,
In Jewish tradition, Eber, the great-grandson of Shem, refused to help with the building of the Tower of Babel, so his language was not confused when it was abandoned. He and his family alone retained the original human language, Hebrew, a language named after Eber (Heber), also called lingua humana in Latin. (There are different religious positions on this issue; see also Adamic language.)

The key word is tradition. The bible says you took the language of the Canaanites. If your going to write a story , make sure it agrees with itself.
So now Rebecca was a convert, oh boy, just goes to show, the bloodline was lost from the very beginning, but fear not , Abraham had 7 other boys.
You Hebrews are a piece of work, ha ha,
In Jewish tradition, Eber, the great-grandson of Shem, refused to help with the building of the Tower of Babel, so his language was not confused when it was abandoned. He and his family alone retained the original human language, Hebrew, a language named after Eber (Heber), also called lingua humana in Latin. (There are different religious positions on this issue; see also Adamic language.)

The key word is tradition. The bible says you took the language of the Canaanites. If your going to write a story , make sure it agrees with itself.

the bible does not say that the jews "took the language of the CANAANITES". If you are going to discuss a book-------read it first. whoever told you that the
Hebrew language is named for a person named
"eber" kinda lied to you--------the people called
HEBREWS are people who ------MOVED IN LOCATION--------it is derived from the semitic root
which means approximately _---"cross over" ----the Hebrew language is the language of Abraham et al-----
his community-----it is of the family of semitic languages
similar to Aramaic/Amharic The name "eber" comes
from the same very basic semitic root LOTS of words
come from that word ------including "arab" I cannot teach an idiot like you the basis of semitic languages-----
even the word for EVENING is derived from that very same semitic root (Hebrew is a very interesting language)
So now Rebecca was a convert, oh boy, just goes to show, the bloodline was lost from the very beginning, but fear not , Abraham had 7 other boys.

why are you so obsessed with "BLOOD-LINE"? are you from BOSTON? ------blood line has never been an issue for jews----sorry to bust your bubble. Of course Rebecca was a convert--------her parents were not jewish-----she MARRIED ISAAC whose father was ABRAHAM----the first HEBREW aka jew. She was
a distant relative-----as was her father. ---being a relative of Abraham did not make people "jews" Terach was the father of Abraham -----he was not a jew
either-----he sold idols. I think I understand------you are
confusing the bible with the Koran. In koranic literature -----there is a desperate attempt to link muhummad to ABRAHAM -----The bible does describe
lineages-------but it ALSO rejects that idea that LINEAGE makes the "man" which is a rejection of Mesopotamian shit-----the stuff Abraham rejected along with HUMMARABI and his barbaric laws and NIMROD and his tower
now that you mention blood lines-----there is also a desperate attempt in the NT to create a lineage for
Jesus ----to DAVID -----the king guy. David is
of the tribe of JUDAH------the person that Jacob named
as his HEIR to power ------ie KING------I am not of the tribe of JUDAH----but I am a jew being of the "house of Israel" whose first king is JUDAH ------got it now?----
all of the persons descended from 'the house of Israel" including JOIN-UPS are now called "JEWS"
Nope your not from Judea, or from the tribe of Judah, so your not a jew.

Isaiah 19:18New American Bible (Revised Edition) (NABRE)

18 On that day there shall be five citiesa]'>[a] in the land of Egypt that speak the language of Canaan and swear by the Lord of hosts; one shall be called “City of the Sun.”

  1. 19:18 Five cities: colonies of Jews living together and speaking their native language; cf. Jer 43. City of the Sun: the meaning is uncertain, but the reference seems to be to the city known later as Heliopolis.
Nope your not from Judea, or from the tribe of Judah, so your not a jew.

Isaiah 19:18New American Bible (Revised Edition) (NABRE)

18 On that day there shall be five citiesa]'>[a] in the land of Egypt that speak the language of Canaan and swear by the Lord of hosts; one shall be called “City of the Sun.”

  1. 19:18 Five cities: colonies of Jews living together and speaking their native language; cf. Jer 43. City of the Sun: the meaning is uncertain, but the reference seems to be to the city known later as Heliopolis.

right I am not from the TRIBE OF JUDAH I am from the tribe of LEVI like moses. You are such a joke ------quoting the stink of islamo Nazi propaganda I know you well-----islamo Nazi cock sucking whore

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