Here is how COVID Fear Porn Works

Mr. Friscus

Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2020
COVID Death 7 day averages
Mid Feb: 3,146 (100%)
March 1st: 2,043
April 1st: 893
May 1: 694
June 1: 601
July 1: 256
July 7: 149 (4.7%)

July 16: 273 (8.6%)... Media/Leftists: OMG A 100% RISE OUTBREAK OUTBREAK LOCK DOWN YOU'RE MURDERING PEOPLE!!!!

Here is where outright manipulation occurs. Both of these statements are accurate:
A. In the past week, COVID deaths have gone up by almost 100%
B. In the past week, COVID deaths have slightly risen 4% compared to our worst numbers

Guess which one the left and media will embrace, and guess which one they will completely ignore..

Ratios matter. Numbers have gone up slightly, but overall they are still VERY low. You'll get no such context and honesty from the left and media. They're sounding the alarms as if we're all going to die, and blaming anyone who isn't vaccinated as the cause.. with absolutely zero evidence and entirely based on assumption.

Joe Biden himself said, without evidence, that this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated.. he said this seriously, with a straight face, as people who have already been vaccinated are getting the Virus all the time (including a few of the Texas Democrats who sprinted from their duties and state... and are actively thwarting the democratic process while being praised and supported by the Biden admin for doing so [the same Biden admin that claims to be for the democratic process]). He's spewing absolute falsity, and the media doesn't question but simply awaits more of Biden's DNA to drain from his member so they might consume it. Absolute dangerous propaganda.
COVID Death 7 day averages
Mid Feb: 3,146 (100%)
March 1st: 2,043
April 1st: 893
May 1: 694
June 1: 601
July 1: 256
July 7: 149 (4.7%)

July 16: 273 (8.6%)... Media/Leftists: OMG A 100% RISE OUTBREAK OUTBREAK LOCK DOWN YOU'RE MURDERING PEOPLE!!!!

Here is where outright manipulation occurs. Both of these statements are accurate:
A. In the past week, COVID deaths have gone up by almost 100%
B. In the past week, COVID deaths have slightly risen 4% compared to our worst numbers

Guess which one the left and media will embrace, and guess which one they will completely ignore..

Ratios matter. Numbers have gone up slightly, but overall they are still VERY low. You'll get no such context and honesty from the left and media. They're sounding the alarms as if we're all going to die, and blaming anyone who isn't vaccinated as the cause.. with absolutely zero evidence and entirely based on assumption.

Joe Biden himself said, without evidence, that this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated.. he said this seriously, with a straight face, as people who have already been vaccinated are getting the Virus all the time (including a few of the Texas Democrats who sprinted from their duties and state... and are actively thwarting the democratic process while being praised and supported by the Biden admin for doing so [the same Biden admin that claims to be for the democratic process]). He's spewing absolute falsity, and the media doesn't question but simply awaits more of Biden's DNA to drain from his member so they might consume it. Absolute dangerous propaganda.
I'm more into the homemade videos by people who were "in lock down."
I'm personally against Covid porn

The exploitation of a Chinese made virus is disgusting to me.

For the record.
They are trying so desperately to make DeSantis look bad. They are terrified of a competent Republican bucking the MSM narrative.
Well he does look bad because he's hiding the information. LOL

But from what I can tell, Fla never had the drop off a state like mine had. But they are not over ICU capacity either. We'll never get a statistically comparable death tally. But unless you live in Fla that won't matter.

If you voted for Trump, Desantis is the Bees Knees, and Biden totally ceded Fla in 20 and 24 with his progressive lite Home - Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center to Cuba
I think it's a spike due to 4th of July celebrations and will start to decline in a few weeks. I hope.

OMG.... The China's Wuhan Flu is the world's Andromeda Strain and we all know where that went....

I continue to follow the State Health Dept. announcements for my state and especially the County where I live.... Infections of Covid are precipitously down, Deaths are down to single digits and overall the Chinese Wuhan Virus is under control.
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My state's rise seems to be holding steady and ICU beds are still available. And the good news is older people who have preexisting don't seem to be the most affected, if they are vaccinated.
I think Doc's a trumpian tool and idiot, but I'm really curious how he'd have any idea what my state's data shows. LOL Not that having no idea would affect his views.
I think it's a spike due to 4th of July celebrations and will start to decline in a few weeks. I hope.
It's a pretty safe bet. It's also kind of beside the point. The point is the fact that one political party in America is using a media propaganda arm to spook non-compliant citizens into going against their better judgment to try an experimental concoction that hasn't been sufficiently tested.
The biggest reason for vaccine "hesitancy" IMO, is the fact that by far, most Americans see nothing in their day-to-day existence that bolsters these claims of doom and gloom. If we were seeing 1918 Spanish flu-type scenarios, EVERYONE would be beating down the doors and demanding a jab.

Maybe if the media and DC hadn't straight-up shit their nest while trying to get rid of the "outsider" (Trump), more Americans would trust them and get the jab. As it is... I wouldn't trust them if they told me the sun will rise tomorrow.
They are trying so desperately to make DeSantis look bad. They are terrified of a competent Republican bucking the MSM narrative.
My guess is that they truly FEAR DeSantis. He has all of the same Trump fire but none of the baggage. It's beginning to seem like the birth of a perfect storm to them. They're losing their edge for keeping the ability to cheat, while also having to run on a devastated economy. IF there are free and fair elections in 2022, Biden will be sitting alone in a pair of shitty Depends, watching America go about its business while ignoring him.
EVERY one's happy with the lowering numbers except that 4% who died & those who loved them.
I trust you are out demanding that we stop using cars as well.

You know, because 80-100 people die a day in car accidents.. and if you support using cars you don't give a crap about the dead and those who loved them.


Stop the grave-standing guilt trips. They're pathetic and illogical. Bring statistical significance. It's how adults run countries.

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