Here Are The Top 10 Donald Trump Stories Of 2015… This Is Exactly Why America Loves Trump!


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
The man is a fucking genius!

Conservative Tribune ^ | 12/31/2015
Donald Trump likes to put his name on everything he owns -- and make no mistake, the billionaire businessman and GOP front-runner owned 2015. Ever since he announced his candidacy early in the summer, he's been near the top of the polls and almost always on the front page. As 2015 ends, it seems only fitting that we take a look back at our Top 10 Donald Trump stories of the year.
It's about time we once again elect a President based upon his message and not the color of his skin.
I don't know about anyone else, I'm sick of having a racist president.
And worse yet his political correctness knows no bounds

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