Here are the key statistics to know about the 1/6 insurrection. It’s probably worse than you remember


The number of people charged in connection with the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, according to the FBI


The age (in years) of the oldest person, an Army veteran from West Chester, Pa., arrested in connection with the attack


The age (in years) of the youngest person, a teenager from Milton, Ga., charged in connection with the attack


The number of states that the people who were arrested came from


The number of Capitol rioters who have entered guilty pleas in connection to the riot, according to NPR


The number of police officers who were injured during the riot, according to officials from the U.S. Capitol Police and Metropolitan Police departments


The number of Capitol Police officers who committed suicide following the attack


The approximate number of hours Congress was delayed in certifying Joe Biden's victory over Donald Trump in the Electoral College vote; the breach of the Capitol began shortly after 2 p.m. ET, and lawmakers returned to certify the results around 8 p.m. ET


The number of Republicans who voted against certifying the election after the attack


The number of tweets and retweets posted to Trump’s Twitter feed on Jan. 6, including this one at 6:01 p.m. ET: “These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long. Go home with love & in peace. Remember this day forever!”

1.5 million

The estimated cost (in dollars) of the damage to the Capitol Building on Jan. 6, according to the Architect of the Capitol


The number of people, businesses or entities who have received subpoenas from the select committee investigating the attack, according to CNN


The number of witnesses that the Jan. 6 committee has heard from so far in its investigation of the attack, according to Reuters


The number of pages of records obtained by the select committee so far, including texts, emails and phone records from people close to Trump


The number of Republicans — Reps. Liz Cheney of Wyoming and Adam Kinzinger of Illinois — on the nine-member committee; Cheney is a top target for Trump and his allies in this year’s Republican primary, while Kinzinger has announced he’s retiring from Congress at the end of his term


The number of months Robert Palmer was sentenced to prison — the longest sentence handed down so far; Palmer, a 54-year-old Florida resident, pleaded guilty to assaulting law enforcement officers with a dangerous weapon after hurling a fire extinguisher, plank and pole at them


The percentage of Trump voters now convinced the election was "rigged and stolen" from him, according to the most recent Yahoo News/YouGov poll


The percentage of Trump voters who view the attack on the Capitol as "unjustified,” according to the same Yahoo News/YouGov poll


The percentage of registered U.S. voters who think the next election will be "free and fair,” says the poll


The percentage of American adults who are worried about the future of democracy, according to the poll


According to the poll, the percentage of U.S. adults who believe an attack like the one on Jan. 6 could happen again

and you forgot to add


the number of people charged with insurrection
That's hilarious.
It SURE is.
Will it still be hilarious when a trump is indicted.
I can't wait. It's coming........yup, any month now.
The Democrats were looting and burning and killing all summer long.

Let's talk about that.
Sure, just deflect about the NON-Insurrection.
What a twat.

The number of people haphazardly picked out of the crowd and charged in connection with the Jan. 6 Capitol “riot”, according to the truth.


The age (in years) of the oldest person, an Army veteran from West Chester, Pa., that’s been treated like shit by the Dems, Libs, and Federal Fuktards of the government for his service TO this country! And his only wish is to stop the disease of Communism the Dems are spreading.


The age (in years) of the youngest person, a teenager from Milton, Ga., charged in connection with the attack, who only wants whats best for HIS kids in the future. And only wishing to stop the spread of hate, bigotry, and Communism that’s being spread like a deadly plague by the Communist Dems.


The number of states that the people who were arrested came from, only because Alaska and Hawaii were too expensive to travel from. Again, people wanting to make a force scene, because the DementiacRats don’t seem to notice anything else or understand anything else.


The number of Capitol “rioters” who have entered guilty pleas in connection to the riot, according to NPR, that have been coerced, threatened, and railroaded by the DementiacRats……because the DementiacRats can’t have the TRUTH getting out.


The number of police officers who were injured during the riot, and purposely placed there BY THE DC MAYOR in response to demands from Porklosi to cause as much violence and damage as possible.


The number of Capitol Police officers who committed suicide following the attack, with the assistance of Hitlery Cunton.


The approximate number of hours Congress was getting drunk and finishing their Communist agenda plans before “certifying” Joe Biden's “victory” over Donald Trump in the Electoral College vote; the party at the Capitol began shortly after 2 p.m. ET, and lawmakers returned to certify the results around 8 p.m. ET after the champagne and vodka ran out.


The number of Republicans who voted against certifying the election after the attack, at which the Dems doubled down on their Communist agenda, and put the Puppet of The United Sex-traffickers in the White House.


The number of tweets and retweets posted to Trump’s Twitter feed on Jan. 6, including this one at 6:01 p.m. ET: “These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long. Go home with love & in peace. Remember this day forever!”. At which the entire country then knew for a fact, how evil, vile, despicable, diseased, and deadly the DementiacRats actually are.

1.5 million

The estimated cost (in dollars) of the damage to the Capitol Building on Jan. 6, according to the Architect of the Capitol, at which the Dems grinned at each other, away from cameras, to acknowledge their plan worked.


The number of people, businesses or entities who have received subpoenas from the select committee investigating the attack, according to Cowards News Nitwits. Only another “reason” for the Dems to get rid of some people that could possibly get in their way and expose the TRUTH!


The number of witnesses that the Jan. 6 committee has heard from so far in its investigation of the attack, according to Reuters. “Witnesses”, paid by the DementiacRats to say what they tell them to say……..or Hiltery pays them a “visit”.


The number of pages of records obtained by the select committee so far, including texts, emails and phone records from people close to Trump. All written from coercion and threats from the DementiacRats, in order to make Trump look bad.


The number of Republicans — Reps. Liz Cheney of Wyoming and Adam Kinzinger of Illinois — on the nine-member committee; Cheney is a top target for Trump and his allies in this year’s Republican primary, while Kinzinger has announced he’s retiring from Congress at the end of his term. Whoop Dee Freeking Doo.


The number of months Robert Palmer was sentenced to prison — the longest sentence handed down so far; Palmer, a 54-year-old Florida resident, pleaded guilty to assaulting law enforcement officers with a dangerous weapon after hurling a fire extinguisher, plank and pole at them….AFTER the “police” were PURPOSELY put into place by the DC Mayor to cause and foster the “riot”, by closing off all exit routes with barricades, so the people would stampede and make it look like a “riot”.


The percentage of Trump voters now convinced the election was "rigged and stolen" from him, according to the most recent Yahoo News/YouGov poll. Yahoo….a globally corrupt organization owned by Apollo Management……founded by Leon Black, who had massive dealings with Epstein.

They own 90 percent of the companies in this country now. Of course they are going to promote their own agenda and propaganda. And even according to their own information, their “polls” are taken from LESS that 2000 people!!!! Most of their “polls” are taken from 1500 people or LESS! They don’t even tell you WHERE these people are, WHO they are, or WHAT they are. They just make up percentages of people for their own propaganda. They have it in their “fine print”.


The percentage of Trump voters who view the attack on the Capitol as "unjustified,” according to the same Yahoo News/YouGov poll…….again, propaganda from a corrupt organization that has ties with child traffickers, woman abusers, sex traffickers, etc….

They don’t post the truth, they post what the Executive Branch of the company TELLS them to post.


The percentage of registered U.S. voters who think the next election will be "free and fair,” says the poll………again………..”polls” are fictitious fantasies of the Executive Branch of the company they come from.


The percentage of American adults who are worried about the future of democracy, according to the poll……..84%, from a poll of 949 people!


According to the poll, the percentage of U.S. adults who believe an attack like the one on Jan. 6 could happen again. A REAL poll would state more like 85%.
There is a much deeper agenda to this dog and pony show.
here's yer tactical gear...





View attachment 583664

ACLU Statement Opposing H.R. 4192, Confronting the Threat of Domestic Terrorism Act​

Capitol Hill Assault Revives Calls for Domestic Terrorism Law, but Civil Liberties Groups Are Wary​

Five Reasons to Be Wary of a New Domestic Terrorism Law​

". .. . Perhaps the strangest twist of all for the Democrats is the number of former
intelligence agents who ran for Congress in 2018 as Democrats. It seems that the
Democratic Party is verily trying to live up to its label by veteran journalist and former
Black Panther Party member, Glen Ford, who now runs the Black Agenda Report (BAR)
news magazine, as the “more effective of two evils.” Apparently, the Democratic Party
has undergone a fundamental transformation and the tell-tale sign of that is its fielding
former intelligence operatives as Democratic Party candidates for Congress. James
Hohmann first drew attention to the phenomenon with his October 2017 article in the
Washington Post—itself owned in part by the C.I.A. Patrick Martin took the bait and52
delved deeper into this unprecedented “whatever-it-is.” His two-part investigation

An extraordinary number of former intelligence and military operatives from the
CIA, Pentagon, National Security Council and State Department are seeking
nomination as Democratic candidates for Congress in the 2018 midterm
elections. The potential influx of military-intelligence personnel into the
legislature has no precedent in US political history.
“If the Democrats capture a majority in the House of Representatives on
November 6, as widely predicted, candidates drawn from the military-
intelligence apparatus will comprise as many as half of the new Democratic
members of Congress. They will hold the balance of power in the lower
chamber of Congress.” 53

In the end, in a follow-up investigation, Martin found that eleven Military/Intelligence
candidates won their elections for Congress under the Democratic Party banner. 54
Bruce Dixon, BAR co-founder, writes that the Democratic Party is about to “pimp”
progressive voters once again and correctly asks: “So what will we get when and if a
2018 blue wave sweeps a Democratic majority into Congress?”

The Democrats were looting and burning and killing all summer long. Let's talk about that.
OK. Let's talk.
Why do you claim "Democrats"?
Were they wearing Biden gear?
Democratic gear?
Name tags?
Was there a sign-up table for Democrats? For Republicans?

Rather, should we consider that all of those police brutality/social injustice protests were actually conducted by Proud Boys?
Oathkeepers? (even gay ones?).
If you cannot prove they were "Democrats" (your words, not mine).....well then, they weren't "Democrats".

You just made it up out of thin air in order to present an image of being informed and knowledgeable. With unfortunate results. IMHO

Insurrection? What insurrection? Who was charged with insurrection? If nobody's been charged, how can there be an insurrection? But other than that one thing, yeah, your post is really an entertaining bit of writing.
How many charged with "INSURRECTION"?
Still whippin on that poor chicken, eh?
Look, as I've read on this very venue.....and it seems applicable to your hand-wringing over the word "insurrection"......well, what I read was:
The U.S. government did not charge Sirhan Sirhan with assassination of RFK, (they charged him with murder)
So good posters Please Quit and I've seen asked on this site previously........IF.... in your MAGAHat-world out beyond the warning track in RightField....well, is Bobby still alive?

Or alternatively, does he live in your Cloud Cuckoo Land fantasies?

Jus' askin'.
over a dozen people died and over 2000 law enforcement were injured and billions in property damage .
You all keep wanting to make this about liberals, but you’re talking about the reaction to police brutality. That’s it. That’s all that is about. Most of the people who have died have been African Americans. It’s not about left wing politics in general. When Trump won in 2016, we didn’t storm the capitol because were butthurt snowflake morons who couldn’t handle losing an election.
Over 2,000 police were injured during the “ mostly peaceful“ riots.
one young girl died by fire when rioters refused to let fire trucks in to fight a fire.
Over 1 billion in damage caused by the riots.
Over 65% of the small businesses that suffered damage will not reopen.
You all keep wanting to make this about liberals, but you’re talking about the reaction to police brutality. That’s it. That’s all that is about. Most of the people who have died have been African Americans. It’s not about left wing politics in general. When Trump won in 2016, we didn’t storm the capitol because were butthurt snowflake morons who couldn’t handle losing an election.
You all keep wanting to make this about liberals, but you’re talking about the reaction to police brutality. That’s it. That’s all that is about. Most of the people who have died have been African Americans. It’s not about left wing politics in general. When Trump won in 2016, we didn’t storm the capitol because were butthurt snowflake morons who couldn’t handle losing an election.
No you said no one was hurt, no one died. I know you want to believe everything about liberals are squeaky clean and conservatives are just the opposite. The only problem with that is your simplistic view is far from correct.
No you said no one was hurt, no one died. I know you want to believe everything about liberals are squeaky clean and conservatives are just the opposite. The only problem with that is your simplistic view is far from correct.
When did I say no one was hurt or no one died? I didn’t assume no one hurt lol. That’s just stupid. More people died than I thought but I didn’t say no one died. And it’s like, what, 19? Again most of them were black which is what is typical of black on black crime. Again, all of this shit is related to police brutality and NOTHING else. It therefore does not involve liberals in general. You’re just desperately trying to make it about liberals and democrats in general.
You all keep wanting to make this about liberals, but you’re talking about the reaction to police brutality. That’s it. That’s all that is about. Most of the people who have died have been African Americans. It’s not about left wing politics in general. When Trump won in 2016, we didn’t storm the capitol because were butthurt snowflake morons who couldn’t handle losing an election.

Stormed the Capitol? Most were waved in.

Blacks commit ~50% of murders and at least 33% of violent crimes at 12% of the population. Their propensity for violence causes a lot of problems in interactions with police.

The number of people charged in connection with the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, according to the FBI


The age (in years) of the oldest person, an Army veteran from West Chester, Pa., arrested in connection with the attack


The age (in years) of the youngest person, a teenager from Milton, Ga., charged in connection with the attack


The number of states that the people who were arrested came from


The number of Capitol rioters who have entered guilty pleas in connection to the riot, according to NPR


The number of police officers who were injured during the riot, according to officials from the U.S. Capitol Police and Metropolitan Police departments


The number of Capitol Police officers who committed suicide following the attack


The approximate number of hours Congress was delayed in certifying Joe Biden's victory over Donald Trump in the Electoral College vote; the breach of the Capitol began shortly after 2 p.m. ET, and lawmakers returned to certify the results around 8 p.m. ET


The number of Republicans who voted against certifying the election after the attack


The number of tweets and retweets posted to Trump’s Twitter feed on Jan. 6, including this one at 6:01 p.m. ET: “These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long. Go home with love & in peace. Remember this day forever!”

1.5 million

The estimated cost (in dollars) of the damage to the Capitol Building on Jan. 6, according to the Architect of the Capitol


The number of people, businesses or entities who have received subpoenas from the select committee investigating the attack, according to CNN


The number of witnesses that the Jan. 6 committee has heard from so far in its investigation of the attack, according to Reuters


The number of pages of records obtained by the select committee so far, including texts, emails and phone records from people close to Trump


The number of Republicans — Reps. Liz Cheney of Wyoming and Adam Kinzinger of Illinois — on the nine-member committee; Cheney is a top target for Trump and his allies in this year’s Republican primary, while Kinzinger has announced he’s retiring from Congress at the end of his term


The number of months Robert Palmer was sentenced to prison — the longest sentence handed down so far; Palmer, a 54-year-old Florida resident, pleaded guilty to assaulting law enforcement officers with a dangerous weapon after hurling a fire extinguisher, plank and pole at them


The percentage of Trump voters now convinced the election was "rigged and stolen" from him, according to the most recent Yahoo News/YouGov poll


The percentage of Trump voters who view the attack on the Capitol as "unjustified,” according to the same Yahoo News/YouGov poll


The percentage of registered U.S. voters who think the next election will be "free and fair,” says the poll


The percentage of American adults who are worried about the future of democracy, according to the poll


According to the poll, the percentage of U.S. adults who believe an attack like the one on Jan. 6 could happen again


The number of political parties keeping January 6, 2021 alive and relevant because they have nothing to celebrate.

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