Here are the 17 Republican senators who voted to advance the $1 trillion (pork-filled) infrastructure bill


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
All the usual suspects, or course. Primary them all. It's time to slit the throats of these traitors:

Roy Blunt of Missouri​
Richard Burr of North Carolina​
Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia​
Bill Cassidy of Louisiana​
Susan Collins of Maine​
Kevin Cramer of North Dakota​
Mike Crapo of Idaho​
Lindsey Graham of South Carolina​
Chuck Grassley of Iowa​
John Hoeven of North Dakota​
Mitch McConnell of Kentucky​
Lisa Murkowski of​
Alaska Rob Portman of Ohio​
Jim Risch of Idaho​
Mitt Romney of Utah​
Thom Tillis of North Carolina​
Todd Young of Indiana​
All the usual suspects, or course. Primary them all. It's time to slit the throats of these traitors:

Roy Blunt of Missouri​
Richard Burr of North Carolina​
Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia​
Bill Cassidy of Louisiana​
Susan Collins of Maine​
Kevin Cramer of North Dakota​
Mike Crapo of Idaho​
Lindsey Graham of South Carolina​
Chuck Grassley of Iowa​
John Hoeven of North Dakota​
Mitch McConnell of Kentucky​
Lisa Murkowski of​
Alaska Rob Portman of Ohio​
Jim Risch of Idaho​
Mitt Romney of Utah​
Thom Tillis of North Carolina​
Todd Young of Indiana​
No surprises on that list.....The kayfabe wing of the GOP flops supine on the mat, right on cue.
Meh, the $1T infrastructure Bill isn't the problem.
Its the $3.5T "social infrastructure" Bill that the progs want passed along with it that's the problem.
I think Sinema and Manchin already said "no" to the $3.5T Bill, we'll see.
..unless it is directly needed for running the country or an extreme emergency, no taxes for it
rightwinger they need to start CUTTING spending ---DUH....this is one of the main reasons the US will be destroyed
We haven‘t invested heavily in infrastructure in 40 years. It is long overdue as our roads, bridges, harbors, rail, power, communications, water are all obsolete

I congratulate our President

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