Heraldo Rivera Admits Libya Attack May Have Been Caused By Anti-Muslim Video

Geraldo ????

Is Fox ????

You are such a dumbass.
Who is FOX, then? Hannity? Chris Wallace?

Geraldo has FOXNEWS seniority over almost everyone there.

Geraldo hasn't had any credibility since he announced on this talk show on NBC that he'd give $10,000 cash to anyone who could prove that someone went to jail for lying about sex. When more than 200 people came up with proof, he left his show and went to MSNBC, then FOX. He never paid out a dime. Hardly a man of his word.
No one has been able to demonstrate that the video did not play a role in precipitating the attack, but,

no one on the right seems capable of that teeny tiny bit of extra thought and that gram or two of objectivity that might be able to lead them to the most reasonable and logical conclusion,

that it might not, and probably does not, boil down to an overly simplistic, got to be black or white, either/or, situation where the video either caused the attack or it didn't.

No one has been able to prove it did either yet those on the left were more than willing to say it did rather than to dare to admit they might dropped the ball here.
Attack on Benghazi Consulate 'Unprecedented,' State Department Official Says - ABC News

I cannot figure out why it's such a big deal to you people to prove that the movie had nothing to do with it.

because it's ludicrous to think it did....you have to be an idiot to buy that
I still wanna know why IF FOX ADMITS IT we weren't linked directly to FOX?
Do you folks have any idea how pitiful and desperate you look when your idea of a "smoking gun" is Geraldo Rivera??? :eusa_eh:

Seriously, people. Have some dignity. Damn.
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Bob Beckel, Juan Williams, Marc Lamont Hill. Fox News gives voices to liberals as well.
Bob Beckel, Juan Williams, Marc Lamont Hill. Fox News gives voices to liberals as well.

Exactly. But all the libs know is what ThinkProgress tells them. :eusa_whistle:

And on a side note to some libs... I know you folks are desperate and all, but you sound even more so when you're spewing filth like I note above, particularly toward women. And while it's clear that most women posting on this board can take up for themselves, you look like a bunch of snot-nosed 2nd graders trying out your first dirty words. Again... dignity is free. Have some.
It's all about the cover-up. The Cover up is almost always worse than the actual event....

Obama and his brain trust LIED to the American people in a coordinated POLITICAL effort to distract from their failure to protect our Diplomat. They knew it could happen, he requested more security. They did nothing and he was murdered.
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